"Professor Eisen, is Lockhart injured?" Hermione, who was standing next to Eisen, grabbed his arm, showing concern in her tone. It seemed that Hermione was still kind-hearted.

"This is really bad luck!" Ron's voice sounded. Afterwards, the noise at the scene became even louder.

"Ah—my face—" Lockhart screamed on the ground, causing the terrified little wizards around to look at each other.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall soon arrived on the scene.

"Quiet—" Dumbledore's voice overwhelmed the whispers of the young wizards, and then came to Lockhart, put his wand on his face, and the white light emerged, making Lockhart's screams stop.

"Further treatment is needed, Gilderoy, I think you need to go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries!" After careful observation, Dumbledore told Lockhart of his judgment.

"Oh, this is such an unfortunate incident!" Professor McGonagall looked solemn, and then looked at the little wizards around him, "All little wizards, get out of here! After dinner, go prepare for the afternoon class!"

The little wizards suddenly exclaimed like birds and beasts scattered.

"This is so exciting, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen!"

"It's like a dream, but Lockhart's unlucky!"

The voices sounded, making Eisen feel a little speechless. This Lockhart has just been exposed and has become a liar who calls people to beat him. Unexpectedly, he was directly injured when he was trying to clean himself up.

The little wizards returned to the auditorium to continue eating, but everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the foyer from time to time. Obviously, what happened today is particularly eye-catching.

"Professor Eisen, now Lockhart can't be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!" Harry asked impatiently as soon as he sat down.

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"Don't worry, I think Dumbledore will definitely arrange it!" Eisen said calmly after seeing several young wizards looking at him.


On this day, Hogwarts school was completely lively. Whether students are at recess or in class, they can't help but talk about the hapless Lockhart.

By the afternoon, everyone knew that Lockhart, a crook, was injured and sent to St. Mungo's. When some young wizards passed through the hall, they found that the body of the basilisk had disappeared. Obviously, in order to prevent further accidents, the corpse of the basilisk was also disposed of by the school.

The library was originally a very quiet place, but Eisen heard many senior students whispering while reading today. The subject of the discussion was none other than the hapless Lockhart.

Apparently, such an explosive event has also attracted the attention of senior students. Still, Eisen is a bit skeptical about Lockhart's bad luck.

In fact, Eisen knew about the curse in Defense Against the Dark Arts. It is said that this is the curse cast by Voldemort after he was rejected as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, which made the professor of this course unable to teach for more than one year, and various accidents would occur.

Like what happened to Lockhart today. It happened right in front of Eisen's eyes, so he was pretty much sure it was an accident. However, Lockhart was taught in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Eisen understood that things might not be that simple. Perhaps, the accident that Lockhart encountered was actually the result of the curse!

However, even if Eisen knew what was going on, it still felt a little outrageous. After all, cursing is still very intuitive to say, whether it is to curse an item or someone, it is a very obvious method.

But casting a curse on a course is, in Eisen's view, a bit of a stretch. Because this seems to be closer to a conceptual approach.

However, if it was only for this reason, Eisen still didn't understand. Don't understand why Dumbledore didn't do something about it.

Eisen felt that even if changing the name of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was useless, it should be possible to apply a strong protective spell to this class. You must know that Dumbledore is absolutely capable of defeating Voldemort in terms of strength. Since Voldemort could cast a curse on Defense Against the Dark Arts, it didn't make sense that Dumbledore wouldn't be able to cast a protective spell on the class.

Or is it because Voldemort's attainments in the dark arts far surpassed Dumbledore's, making Dumbledore somewhat helpless? No matter what, Eisen couldn't believe that this was the truth.

Of course, regardless of whether the truth of the matter is what Eisen speculated, at least Hogwarts School has consumed too much Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

During the first year, Professor Quirrell had an accident. The same is true for Professor Lockhart in his second year. As for the future time, if Voldemort's problem is not solved, I'm afraid we will have to change professors every year.

Thinking of this, Eisen felt that the students of Hogwarts these years were a bit pitiful. After all, Defense Against the Dark Arts is an extremely important class for any young wizard.

If the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was taught by a master like Snape for seven consecutive years, then after the little wizards graduated, it was basically expected that their actual combat ability would definitely be multiplied several times.

But it is a pity that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts changes every year. Not to mention the teaching level, even the frequent change of professors in a course will have a great impact on the little wizard.

Just like Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, what's the use of teaching students how to endorse? Perhaps for a schoolmaster like Hermione, he could find out some methods and techniques to deal with vampires or werewolves from those books. But Eisen felt that most young wizards probably read those books as stories.

The professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class who changed frequently had uneven levels, which to some extent slowed down the progress of the young wizards' growth.

Of course, maybe Voldemort did it on purpose. After all, the reduction of Hogwarts students' defense against the dark arts means that it is less difficult for the dark arts to rise. That would make it easier for Voldemort to face them when he came back from the resurrection.

In fact, according to the development of the original plot, Eisen felt that Voldemort's purpose had indeed been achieved. Judging from the battle between Voldemort's resurrection and Dumbledore's forces, one will find an obvious situation.

That is the main force of the Second Wizarding War, in fact, those who participated in the first Wizarding War. Students like Harry, Hermione, Neville, etc., if they didn't participate in more battles in the next few years, which made them grow up rapidly, they would have no way to decide the direction of the war.

But even so, each of their victories has been so close that it looks like they might have lost if it weren't for coincidence. It's a pity that Voldemort didn't have the aura of the protagonist, and after arranging so many tricks, he actually "killed" himself in the end.

Shaking his head, Eisen restrained his divergent thinking and focused on the research of alchemy.

When Eisen left the library, he planned to visit Hagrid and get some hair from other magical creatures, but he ran into Professor McGonagall directly.

"Professor McGonagall, what's the matter?" Looking at the serious Professor McGonagall, Eisen couldn't help asking.

"Gilderoy had an accident and can no longer teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, so—"

"Do you want me to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Eisen interrupted Professor McGonagall with a look of surprise.

"No, what I mean is that Harry and Ron's confinement place has been changed to your office, and I've already informed them." Professor McGonagall said calmly.

"Okay, I see!" Eisen resisted the urge to roll his eyes and nodded at Professor McGonagall.

Eisen sighed slightly as Professor McGonagall turned away.

It's just that Professor Lockhart's way of confinement is to let Harry and Ron copy the letters from readers, so how will he punish them? Eisen hesitated for a moment.

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