Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 74 The End Of The School Year And The Second Horcrux (Please Subscribe!)

In the third week of June, little wizards will take the Hogwarts Express to go home.

In front of the station, the little wizards happily boarded the train, while Eisen stood at the top of the Astronomy Tower, quietly watching all this from the perspective of God.

Percy, Penello, Justin, Luna, Fred, George, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weiss, etc. boarded the train one by one.

In his previous life, Eisen read a lot of Hogwarts fan fictions, in which the main character stays at Hogwarts for a year, can meet a lot of people, and get along like a fish in water in the wizarding world.

Look at Eisen himself, he has been in Hogwarts for two years, besides the professors and the savior trio, who else has Eisen met?

Because he is a professor of astronomy, so the little wizards basically know him. Although Eisen has done some things in Hogwarts, because it has not been spread, Eisen still has little sense of presence in the eyes of little wizards.

The only time he got the limelight was when Eisen "tie" Lockhart at a Dueling Club meeting. But obviously, after so much time, the students have long since forgotten it.

The young wizards lined up to board the Hogwarts Express one by one, and Eisen noticed that Dellaco Malfoy was falling behind. Unlike usual, Dellako looked depressed.

His two followers, Crabbe and Gore, also followed silently, seeming to have become a lot more low-key. No way, since Lucius attacked Dumbledore and the plan fell through, Dumbledore mobilized his own power and joined other school managers to drive him out of the school board.

Because of this, as Lucius' son, Dellaco Malfoy was naturally affected.

After everyone boarded the train, the train started and slowly disappeared into the distance.

When the shadow of the train disappeared from Eisen's God View, he turned off the God View and left from the top of the Astronomy Tower.

After the little wizards all went home, the whole of Hogwarts became quiet. Walking through the corridors of the castle, without the little wizards coming and going and chattering, Eisen felt that the ghosts in the castle that had a low sense of existence became more conspicuous.

During the next week, Eisen saw silver-white transparent shadows flashing past from time to time on the way to the library.

Since the little wizards left the school, Peeves began to bully other ghosts, but he was always stopped by the bloody Baron who rushed over.

Of course, for Eisen, these ghosts have no effect on him. In addition to the ghosts active in Hogwarts Castle, some professors also stayed behind.

For example, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape. And, of course, there's Sybill Trelawney, the divination professor.

As a professor of divination, Trelawney's reputation at Hogwarts can be described as polarizing. A considerable number of students, including Professor McGonagall, think Trelawney is a crazy liar.

It can't be helped, because Trelawney's performance is really crazy. But at the same time, some people think that Trelawney is a real seer, able to make some real and effective predictions.

That, Dumbledore should believe. After all, when Dumbledore interviewed Trelawney in the Hog's Head, she made a real prophecy about a man to be born with the power to defeat Voldemort.

Dumbledore also listened to this language before deciding to keep Trelawney at Hogwarts.

Of course, in addition to this prophecy, Trelawney also predicted Voldemort's comeback, Dumbledore's departure and so on. It's just that Eisen has already intervened in this world, and I'm afraid some of the prophecies in it will disappear.

In the empty castle, the idle professors had more opportunities to communicate. Perhaps it was because Eisen had a temporary team research experience with Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Dumbledore before, so Eisen was a little more comfortable talking with the two professors.

At a small gathering, when Eisen was talking to Professor McGonagall about the Vanishing Curse, Trelawney looked at Eisen with blurred eyes and made a prophecy to him——

"Ominous, I see ominous!"

Eisen looked at her in bewilderment. Trelawney was wearing big glasses. From Eisen's point of view, she seemed to be glaring at him. After finishing speaking, he grabbed the wine bottle next to him and took a sip.

"Sybill, you're drunk!" Professor McGonagall turned dark.

"No, I didn't! I saw a big black dog with a black army covering the sky, and the darkness enveloped you!" Trelawney put his arm on Professor McGonagall's shoulder, put down the bottle and pointed at Eisen with the other hand, "Strangely though, I saw a light—"

Then Trelawney slumped sideways with a belch. With a flick of his wand, Professor McGonagall dropped Trelawney on the sofa next to him and covered her with a blanket.

Big black dog? Eisen murmured. If nothing else, the big black dog should be Sirius Black's Annie Magus. This means that he will escape from Azkaban soon.

As for bringing an army that covers the sky and the sun, that's bullshit. Sirius was on Harry Potter's side, and it was impossible to bring any large army.

As for being shrouded in darkness, could Voldemort be resurrected? Although Eisen didn't quite understand this, he wasn't too worried. As for the ray of light that Trelawney saw, Eisen didn't understand it at all.

After the party ended, Eisen took time to hide his figure and went home.

After staying at home for two days, having a brief exchange with his parents, and handing over the movie script written by Hermione to the company, Eisen returned to Hogwarts again.

Standing in front of the gate of Hogwarts Castle, Eisen was quite emotional. Hogwarts has been established for a thousand years, and it is not known whether this tranquility can be maintained forever.

"Eisen——" After entering the courtyard, Professor McGonagall came to greet Eisen.

"What's the matter?" Eisen paused and looked at him with a smile.

"Yes, Dumbledore came back last night and may have something for you." Professor McGonagall nodded, but his expression was not very good.

"Okay, I'll go find him right away!" Seeing Professor McGonagall's expression, Eisen was a little puzzled, but he couldn't ask directly.

A few minutes later, Eisen came down the spiral staircase to Dumbledore's office.

"Professor Dumbledore, I heard from Professor McGonagall, do you need something for me?" Eisen asked directly after opening the door and seeing Dumbledore sitting directly behind the desk.

"Yes, please sit down!" Seeing Eisen come in, Dumbledore smiled and gestured as he spoke.

"Thank you, what is it?" Eisen sat on the chair next to him and looked up at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore didn't speak, and smiled, rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his right hand, showing it in front of Eisen.

Eisen looked over and saw that the healing bracelet on Dumbledore's wrist was flickering and seemed to be working continuously. Then look at its right hand, with a scorched black spot on it. As time passed, bits of black air emerged and dissipated from above.

It could be seen that Dumbledore's right hand had been damaged by a very powerful spell.

"Are you hurt? It's okay!" Eisen seemed to have figured out what was going on, but he still pretended to be concerned and frowned.

"It feels pretty good. Last night Snape gave me a potion that locked the damage on my right hand." Dumbledore said, turning the bracelet on his right hand a bit, "But I have to say, it was you who gave me the cure The bracelet saved my life."

"It doesn't work that well—" Eisen narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Dumbledore's right hand, his tone a bit puzzled. Yes, the healing bracelet that was given to Dumbledore before, although effective, should not be too powerful.

"Perhaps I'm lucky enough that it works just right!" Dumbledore had a look of relief on his face, and then took out a ring, "I was strongly tempted—when I put the ring on, the spell on it was triggered.

Fortunately, the bracelet blocked some of the damage, allowing Snape time to expel some of his strength, and the rest of the damage was locked in his hand, but don't worry, I think it will be fully recovered before school starts! "

Eisen frowned, and stepped forward to Dumbledore's side, carefully observing the scorched marks on his right hand.

"The powerful black magic curse power comes from this ring?" Eisen tapped Dumbledore's right hand with his wand, and the white light surged back and forth before stopping. Then, Eisen looked aside at the ring that Dumbledore had placed on the desk.

The ring looks ordinary, but what is particularly eye-catching is the black gemstone engraved with Peverell's crest engraved on it. If there is no mistake, this should be the ring of Marvolo Gunter.

However, Eisen was surprised that Dumbledore was able to find the second Horcrux so quickly. After all, in the original book, Dumbledore didn't find it until years later.

But now, just a few months later, Dumbledore had found the Horcrux. Eisen had to sigh in his heart.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

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