Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Fourteen The First Lesson (Part 2)

"Of course, this kind of talent to predict the future through divination is a very rare talent, and there are not many people in the entire wizarding world who have such a talent." Eisen continued, but in his observation, he did not find Xiao The wizards had looks of great disappointment.

After thinking about it for a while, I understood what the little wizard was thinking. Obviously, for little wizards, divination is also a course with mixed credits, so basically all little wizards don't care about the method of predicting the future through divination.

"Back to the topic, astronomy can be said to be the oldest discipline of human beings. Millions of years ago, when human ancestors began to look up at the stars, the germination of astronomy was actually born."

"Millions of years ago?" The little wizards were in an uproar, feeling unbelievable.

"That's right, you all know that the current time is 1991. Then, how did this time calendar come about? I can tell you clearly that it was determined by the ancients based on their trajectories after observing the sun, moon and stars. of.

I know that some wizards think that Muggles are stupid and look down on Muggles, even the general thinking in the wizarding world is that Muggles who don't understand magic are a group of disadvantaged groups.

So, can anyone tell me, in the wizarding world, who has been on the moon so far? Many young wizards nodded when it came to their views on Muggles, but Eisen then asked a question.

For a moment, the little wizards looked at each other, wondering what Eisen meant by asking this question.

"Ron, has anyone in the wizarding world landed on the moon? Can Professor Dumbledore do it?" Harry asked Ron next to him in a low voice.

"Never heard of it? Why did Professor Eisen ask that? Could it be that Muggles have landed on the moon?" Ron shook his head, then seemed to remember something, showing a shocked expression.

Afterwards, Hermione and Harry at the side both showed a dazed look.

"Look, wizards have great power and know how to cast magic, but Muggles have already landed on the moon, and just 20 years ago. I believe some little wizards know." Nodding, Eisen's There was a meaningful smile on his face.

"Yes, Ron, the first Muggle to walk on the moon was an American." Harry explained to Ron in a low voice, but Ron still looked shocked like he couldn't believe it.

"Muggles used their technology to invent rockets, and then used rockets to land on the moon. So, how do wizards plan to land on the moon? Maybe some little wizards will say that we can use apparation!" etc. After the little wizards recovered, Eisen continued talking.

"So, I suddenly have a question, Professor Dumbledore's Apparation, can he fly directly from England to America? Can he fly directly to Africa?" None of the little wizards could answer this question.

"I regret to tell you that the shortest distance between the earth and the moon is more than 360,000 kilometers, while the distance between the UK and Africa is less than 10,000 kilometers. In other words, the distance between the earth and the moon is far away. Far beyond your imagination." Sometimes, without comparison, it is difficult to clearly show a concept. Eisen, on the other hand, directly presented the data.

"Oh, by the way, maybe some little wizard has figured out another way, we can go to the moon on a broomstick. Come on, even if you ride the fastest Nimbus 2000, you will have to fly for almost two months It takes time to reach the moon." When Eisen said this in a teasing tone, some little wizards wanted to laugh, but they looked extremely embarrassed when they didn't.

"Okay, if we know the distance between the earth and the moon, then we can better understand how big this world is!" Having said that, Eisen took out his wand and waved it, and then a ray of light fell on his open left hand .

Afterwards, Eisen transformed this ray of light through a powerful deformation technique, and projected it in midair to make a model of the solar system. What appeared in front of the little wizards, like a holographic projection, suddenly made their eyes widen.

That's right, after discussing with Professor McGonagall, Eisen has been able to transform elements. Of course, it is just a simple change of a single element, not a transformation from matter to element.

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For example, he can transform the light summoned by the Illumination Charm, but he cannot directly turn tables, chairs, books and other items into light.

"The distance between the earth and the moon is more than 360,000 kilometers, and the shortest distance to the sun is more than 147 million kilometers. If the scale is stretched a bit, then the diameter of the solar system is as long as 11.8 billion kilometers." As Eisen narrated, the solar system model in his hand shrank rapidly, and the observation angle of the little wizard also increased rapidly.

"But this is only calculated with Pluto as the boundary. If the orbit of the comet is also included, then its diameter will expand by more than 150 times." The solar system model in Eisen's hand continued to shrink, and then a comet continued to shuttle around the edge .

"Looking farther away, we will find countless star systems, which, like the solar system, are on a cantilever. And each cantilever is composed of countless stars and nebulae. Orion cantilever, Sagittarius cantilever, Perseus cantilever Wait, it constitutes the Milky Way. The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 times the diameter of the solar system." The light flickered, and Eisen controlled the boundary to continuously flash light points representing stars, and then quickly shrunk, and then Orion cantilevered, the entire Milky Way appearance in front of the public.

"Of course, the Local Group of Galaxies and the Virgo Cluster are even bigger, but you only need to understand this concept a little bit." Then, Eisen dispersed the astrological model in his hand.

It's just that, at this time, everyone's faces were shocked, even Hermione and others who were born in Muggles had the same expression.

"Wow, that's cool!"

"Is Professor Eisen telling the truth?"


After a while, the little wizards who came back to their senses began to whisper. Some young wizards looked at Eisen with admiration, and they didn't know whether to worship his profound knowledge (laughs) or his free-wheeling magic methods.

"Okay, the reason I'm telling you this today is for no other purpose, just to let you know how big the world is. Know how small we are compared to the whole world and the universe." Stunned many little wizards After that, Eisen showed a satisfied smile.

"There is a man named Kant in the Muggle world. Apart from being a philosopher in the Muggle world, he is also an astronomer. I like a sentence he said very much, 'In this world, there are two things that we should look up to all our lives: One is the bright starry sky above our heads, and the other is the noble moral law in people's hearts.' I hope you can remember this sentence and understand its meaning."

At the end of the astronomy class, Eisen also ended with a famous quote from a famous person. Regarding the performance of this class, Eisen felt that he was okay, at least on the surface, he let the little wizards know that their goal of high heaven and earth had been achieved.

As for whether it can really make the little wizard feel awe, Eisen actually has no idea. To be honest, Eisen feels unlikely. Although this kind of method can shock the little wizard, he felt that it was nothing more than watching a movie with the little wizard. After a while, they might completely forget about it.

Of course, if Eisen has the ability to directly take the little wizards for a walk in the universe, then the effect will definitely be great. But unfortunately, Eisen's strength is still far behind.

Fortunately, Eisen didn't expect to be able to change the inherent concepts of the little wizards. In the future courses, he planned to bring some private goods with the little wizards when they observed the stars. This subtle change may have a little effect.

In the end, when get out of class was over, Eisen left an after-class homework for the little wizards for some purpose. The content of the homework is nothing but the topic in class, let them open their minds, how can they go to the moon.

Returning to the faculty dormitory after class, Eisen completely relaxed. Thinking of the development trajectory of the world, although Eisen is not very worried, it is not without a little sense of urgency. With a thought, Eisen's character panel appeared in front of him.

Character: Eisen Turner

Extraordinary Talent: Magic (Activated)

Magic value: 4240 (add 10 points of magic every day)

Extraordinary characteristics: excellent level spellcasting characteristics (fit degree 115) (already fused)

Miracle feature: 1 copy (automatically get 1 copy every year)

The magic power has reached more than four thousand points, which shows that Eisen's magic power has reached the level of an adult wizard. Why do you say that? In fact, after comparing with some professors at Hogwarts these days, they all think that Eisen's magic power is slightly stronger than that of ordinary adult wizards.

Therefore, in Eisen's view, his magic power level should have reached the passing line relatively speaking. But in terms of actual combat, Eisen is obviously still very immature.

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