Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 7 Abnormal Huh?

Time came to Wednesday in a blink of an eye. In the astronomy class in the evening, Eisen introduced himself to some newly enrolled young wizards.

"Most of you already know me—"

Eisen's gaze flicked over some familiar faces, and he paused slightly - Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, etc. from Gryffindor and Daphne, Braque, etc. from Slytherin.

"For the learning and cognition of astronomy, I think many people already know what it does. As a course that does not require the use of magic, I think everyone needs to arrange their study time reasonably—"

A Gryffindor girl raised her hand and looked at Eisen with an innocent look: "Professor, if you don't need to use magic, it means it's useless, right!"

Eisen smiled slightly, without the slightest turmoil in his heart: "Miss, what is your name?"

"Romeda—" said the girl, "Romeda Vane."

Eisen nodded calmly, "Miss Vannie, I need to remind you that astronomy class can't teach you magic, but it is still useful. Otherwise, why would Hogwarts offer this astronomy class? "

"Of course, where is the value of astronomy knowledge? I think you need to weigh it yourself."

After two years of astronomy classes, Eisen has lost much interest. After all, Eisen didn't really love astronomy, so he came to Hogwarts to teach astronomy.

So, after a few words, Eisen started the class. The content of the class has basically remained the same as before. In addition to basic knowledge such as the names of the planets and their orbits, Eisen is already very familiar with how to teach students.


The next evening, Eisen, who had been busy for almost a day, accidentally heard another piece of gossip while eating in the auditorium, which also involved Professor Snape.

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In the afternoon Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the new Professor Lupine did not teach the knowledge in the classroom, but came to a practical class.

Practical lessons teach students how to fend off boggarts - magical creatures that can turn into a wizard's worst fear.

Boggarts love dark, enclosed spaces and usually hide in closets, the void under the bed, and cupboards under the sink. Of course, it is not powerful in itself, and cannot cause substantial damage to wizards.

However, it has a very powerful ability. As long as some wizards are weak or afraid of something, then when facing Boggarts, it may be very miserable.

Of course, Boggarts also have some drawbacks. For example, if multiple people face it together, it will become muddy, and they don't know what it should look like to scare people. Also, the Boggart-specific spell "Funny Funny" works well.

Beyond that, Eisen thinks Occlumency should work wonders for the Bogut. While this is speculation, Eisen feels that hiding his thoughts should prevent the Boggart from seeing his own inner self.

In class, Neville, a student of Gryffindor, was terrified of Professor Snape. Fortunately, with the encouragement of Professor Lupin by his side, Neville successfully used the Boggart expulsion spell "Funny Funny".

As a result, the whole thing became comical. Not only did Professor Snape change into a woman's attire, but he even carried a red handbag in his hand.

At that time, Eisen was sitting at the long table in Gryffindor, and the trio were discussing with great interest the homework about Boggarts that Professor Lupine had left for them.

Two aisles away from Eisen, a little witch in Hufflepuff with two golden braids vividly reproduced the scene at that time.

"Longbottom stood in front, and Professor Snape came up aggressively. Although his target was Longbottom, everyone was worried. I was thinking, Professor Snape was going to reprimand Longbottom again. As a result, unexpectedly—"

Hannah Abbott blushed: "Professor Lupine comforted Longbottom, and then he successfully recited the spell. As a result, Professor Snape, who was aggressive before, suddenly put on Grandma Neville's embroidered clothes, and not only wore a A tall hat, and a red handbag on her hand."

As Hannah said that, the little wizards around her gave out admiration from time to time.

"That boy is cool, isn't he?" said a little wizard.

Eisen turned his gaze back to Neville, and found that he was burying his head in self-concern, as if a little embarrassed. Tut tut! Eisen can guarantee that this gossip will spread throughout the school soon. I don't know how Snape will react when he finds out!

However, since this incident was uploaded from Professor Lupin's class, then Snape, who was already at odds with Lupin, would probably hate him even more.

Speaking of which, if Eisen remembers correctly, Peter, the pettigrew in the third part of the original book, has actually been captured. At the critical moment, Lupine failed to drink the wolfsbane potion from Snape, which resulted in his transformation on the night of the full moon and was directly escaped by Peter Pettigrew.

In fact, Eisen felt that Snape was a little too impulsive.

He also didn't want to think about Dumbledore being able to have Lupine as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at the beginning of the school year when Sirius Black was making a fuss.

This showed that, to some extent, Dumbledore had a lot of trust in Lupine. But alas, the feud between Snape and Lupine was already too deep.

Moreover, Snape thought it was too dangerous for Dumbledore to let Lupine, a werewolf, teach Harry and others. Therefore, conflicts between them are inevitable.

After dinner, Eisen went to Hagrid's cabin. Even though he knew Hagrid wasn't going to be fired, Eisen felt the need to visit him after something like this happened.

"Hagrid, are you okay!" After entering Hagrid's hut, Eisen found that Hagrid looked decadent.

"I'm afraid this is a new record!" Hagrid said with frustration in his tone, "I don't think Hogwarts has ever had a teacher who had an accident on the first day of class. Professor Eisen, you are right, I should be optimistic about those people student's--"

Erha, who has grown up, jumped into Hagrid's arms and kept biting his cuff. It seems that it is extraordinarily escaped.

"Um, I heard about it, and it's not your fault, is it?" Eisen comforted.

"No, I was too aggressive!" said Hagrid, his eyes turning red. "I messed up everything, do you think I'm going to get fired?"

"It's not a big deal, is it? The injured student—Dellaco Malfoy is already healed." Eisen raised his eyebrows, "And, you should know, Keitel, the teacher of the Protection of Magical Creatures class before you Byrne, he was on at least sixty-two detentions while he was on the faculty. And he still did it until he retired!"

"Thanks, Professor Eisen, I feel better!" Hagrid seemed to regain his composure.

"Wow woof—"

A voice interrupted what Eisen was about to say, and the Erha in Hagrid's arms yelled a few times before rushing out the door.

"This is it?" Eisen looked at Hagrid in a daze, and at the same time opened the God's perspective, and found that Erha had left the hut and ran towards the east.

"I don't know what's going on. These days, Luke is always very irritable-but he will come back by himself after a while." Hagrid's expression didn't change at all, and he seemed to have gotten used to it.

"Luke?" Eisen was slightly taken aback.

"That's right, it's so cute, isn't that a nice name!" A smile appeared on Hagrid's face.

"Uh, yes, the name is really nice." Hearing that Hagrid said it was cute, Eisen couldn't help but smirk.

Following Luke's gaze, Eisen saw it stop not far in front of the Whomping Willow. Judging by its posture, it seems to be provoking the Whomping Willow.

After a few minutes, Luke stopped all movements and turned around and ran, returning to Hagrid's hut in a short while, and burrowing into Hagrid's arms again.

"Look, it'll be fine after it comes back!" Hagrid stretched out his big hand and stroked Luke's head a few times. Suddenly, Luke's tongue lolled out, showing a lifeless expression, which almost made Eisen laugh.

"Has it been so abnormal all this time?" Eisen didn't know much about the behavior of an ordinary Erha.

Could it be that after Hagrid's feeding, this ordinary Erha has inspired a special talent? But seeing the stupid and cute look of it sticking out its tongue and panting continuously, Eisen gave up this idea.

"Maybe, it's influenced by those damned dementors. I hope Sirius Black is caught soon!" Hagrid's face showed an indignant expression.

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