Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 12 Incarnate As Light (Please Subscribe!)

Time soon came to October, and for the little wizards in the school, this time was not very happy.

Of course, due to the arrival of the Quidditch season, many little wizards are in a better mood. As for Eisen, in addition to practicing magic spells recently, it is a further practice of transfiguration.

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Since breaking through the shackles of the human body and successfully changing between elements, Eisen's progress has become rapid again. Aside from teaching the threesome in the Room of Requirement on Saturday nights, Eisen spends most of his time there experimenting with body shapeshifting.

It is not difficult for Eisen to transform the human body into other objects directly. Mainly, if it is directly changed into elements, it will be very stressful for Eisen.

So, Eisen has been practicing constantly during this time.

However, in the process of practice, Eisen found that there is still a big difference between the transformation of the human body into elements and the transformation between elements.

Among other things, just say that now, Eisen has naturally been able to turn objects into water, water into flames, and flames into lightning. However, when he initially transformed his arm into light, he found that he couldn't continue to transform it into flames.

It was as if there was a restriction preventing Eisen from working his magic. In this regard, Eisen had a faint feeling that it should be caused by the lack of magic power in his body.

Therefore, Eisen can only focus on how to continue to master the skill of transforming into light. Fortunately, after a period of practice, Eisen found that there is no big bottleneck in transforming his limbs and torso into light.

With the deepening of the research on Transfiguration, Eisen found that it seemed easier to change.

On Tuesday morning, Eisen was in the Room of Requirement for his most crucial transformation.

Standing in a dark and airtight closed room, Eisen's body quickly changed into light with a thought, only his head remained unchanged.

Eisen originally thought that deforming the head would be dangerous. While the thoughts were turning, Eisen strengthened his will, and the light quickly covered his head, covering Eisen's head.

Unexpectedly, no danger befell Eisen. As if it was a matter of course, Eisen's head also directly turned into a ball of light.

After being completely transformed into light, Eisen's figure was difficult to maintain, and he turned into a beam of white light to swim and surge in the dark room. For Eisen himself, this is a very strange feeling.

He could feel that he was out of the shackles of his body, as if he had gained great freedom and joy, and a surge of joy from the heart emerged, which fascinated Eisen for a while.

Moreover, Eisen also discovered that after being transformed into light, although the God's perspective is not turned on, the line of sight seems to be opened, and all directions can be observed.

Of course, the difference is that God's perspective can observe a wider range, but after being transformed into light, Eisen's vision is limited to only tens of meters around his body.

Then, with a thought, Eisen landed on the ground and regained his figure.

After taking a deep breath, Eisen kept smiling.

Being able to turn into light, in Eisen's view, is definitely a remarkable thing. Moreover, after mastering such skills, Eisen suddenly had a deeper understanding.

I can't explain it clearly, but it makes Eisen's heart happy. After thinking about it, Eisen found that he seemed to be closer to the world.

In this regard, Eisen is quite emotional. I thought that transforming the human body into an element was a further sign of Transfiguration, but looking at it now, it seems more like a qualitative change.

However, there are some perceptions that need to be confirmed.

Thinking this way, a card appeared in Eisen's hand, and he threw it away so that the card flew up. At the same time, Eisen's thoughts turned, and his whole body instantly turned into a beam of light, wandering around the room.

At this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, Eisen is a real beam of light. He moves around the room at the speed of light, and the flickering light is shocking. At this time, Eisen himself had another realization.

There was no reference just now, and Eisen didn't pay attention. After the card was thrown at this moment, the moment Eisen turned into light, he found that his thinking speed was immediately pulled to the limit.

Simply put, Eisen's own reaction speed is consistent with light. Turned into light, he wandered around the entire room, but in his line of sight, the card he threw seemed to be still, frozen in mid-air without moving.

"Is this the world in the eyes of The Flash?" After experiencing such a wonderful feeling, Eisen couldn't help but sigh.


The light flickered, and Eisen had landed and regained his figure. The card moved again in Eisen's eyes, fluttering, and then he took it back.

After stopping, Eisen felt it, and found that his thinking speed was suddenly tightly bound. Vaguely, Eisen could feel that his thinking reaction speed seemed to have improved a bit, but compared with when he was transformed into light, it was simply a world of difference.

Therefore, after returning to the human body, this sense of gap in thinking is very obvious.

"No wonder there is a saying called 'flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars'. The human body is too restrictive." After moving his body back and forth a few times, Eisen recovered.


As if thinking of something, Eisen thought again.

To be honest, since Eisen can turn into light, of course he must continue to delve into its mysteries. To give a simple example, is the light he transforms no different from other lights?

"Luminescence—" Thinking this way, Eisen used the Illuminating Charm to summon a ball of light and let it float in front of Eisen's eyes.

Then, Eisen turned into a beam of light again and rushed into the summoned beam of light. This is a wonderful experience. After being transformed into light, Eisen observes those lights from a different perspective.

In the silent world, Eisen's thinking speed turned very fast. Light is a particle? Another wave? In contrast, Eisen begins to perceive from himself.

Immediately, Eisen felt the difference. Even if he is transformed into light, it still contains a huge amount of magic information, life information, and thinking information.

This information is hidden in each particle, divided into thousands, and disappeared without a trace. Perhaps, this is the reason why his thinking speed can keep up with the light.

In addition, Eisen also felt the traction of hidden fluctuations in the light that he transformed, so that these particles would not scatter.

In an instant, the light transformed by Eisen sprang out and landed on the ground to restore his figure, but he became pensive. After some experience, Eisen found that the light he transformed was indeed somewhat different from natural light.

The picture light summoned by him is a simple mass of light, and the light he incarnates, although it is also light itself, still hides his personal information in it.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Eisen paused and pondered. Do you want to try Be the Light outside? Thinking this way, the corners of Eisen's mouth curled up, and then he looked around, and instantly turned into a ray of light and walked around the castle.

Within a ten-thousandth of a second, Eisen started walking from the eighth floor, visiting all the corridors, aisles, classrooms and so on throughout Hogwarts.

From Eisen's perspective, when he was walking around Hogwarts Castle, all people and objects were still. Therefore, no one will find a ray of light in action.

Then, Eisen didn't stop. Instead, he left Hogwarts Castle, wandered in the Forbidden Forest, saw the stationary centaur, the stationary troll, the stationary eight-eyed spider, and the stationary unicorn...

Eisen continued to swim, passed through Hogsmeade, crossed in front of everyone, flew to London to enter the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic, wandered through various departments, and then soared into the sky, shuttled around the world, such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall, and the Amazon forest , Grand Canyon, and more.

After experiencing the scenery of various places, Eisen returned to Hogwarts.

By the time we returned to Hogwarts, only one second had passed. After regaining his figure, feeling the lively popularity of Hogwarts, Eisen suddenly felt that the world was wonderful.

Speaking of which, after turning into light, Eisen felt a very contradictory feeling. A feeling, a sense of freedom from the physical body, that brings joy from within. But at the same time, after entering the world of light, the whole world became completely quiet.

Although this kind of silence is not dead silence, but for some reason, it can gradually offset the joy from the heart. Moreover, the longer the incarnation of light, the more obvious that feeling will be.

This also means that after Eisen fades away, he will not lose himself. Obviously, this is great news for Eisen.

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