Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 16 Successfully Obtained

When he opened the locket, he could see that it was a bit smaller than the locket he saw from Dumbledore.

At the same time, it doesn't have the exquisite pattern logo like the real Slytherin's locket. Most critically, there is no fancy "s" mark that Slater Lin Te has on it.

Opening the locket, a folded piece of parchment was placed where the portrait was placed.

After taking out the parchment, the contents inside were revealed to Eisen:

To the Dark Lord

I'll be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that I discovered your secret.

I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as possible.

I am willing to die in the hope that you will be killed when you meet your opponent.

the rab

Obviously, rab is Regulus Arcturus Black.

However, just when Eisen was going to use the transfiguration technique to make it look like a real locket, and was about to go to the Black family mansion to replace the real locket, he suddenly thought of something.

If he really did that, wouldn't nobody know Regulus' "true face".

Although Eisen could care less that Regulus was an evil Death Eater, he was still a great hero. But since he thought of this, he couldn't just ignore it.

After a while, Eisen finally thought of a proper way.

After putting away the parchment and locket, Eisen went straight to forging a locket that looked exactly like the real Slytherin's locket.

Subsequently, Eisen came to the King's Cross battle through the invisible dodge of phantom.

If Eisen's memory serves me right, 12 Grimmauld Place is only a 20-minute walk from King's Cross.

After arriving at King's Cross Station, Eisen didn't stop, but turned into light and started to swim around.

After entering the world of light, the whole world seemed to stand still in Eisen's eyes.

Obviously, for Eisen, if he is looking for a place, the way of becoming light is very convenient.

In the still world, passing through the streets, Eisen looked for the location of the Black family mansion. In less than a second, Eisen regained his human form and stopped in front of a scratched, black-painted door.

There is a silver doorknob on the gate. The doorknob looks like a coiled snake, giving people a mysterious feeling. From the outside, the house looks messy and dirty.

Obviously, the house in front of him was Eisen's destination.

First cast an illusion spell on himself, and then opened the perspective of God, and directly brought the whole house into his mind.

Sweeping the sight from the first floor, there is a long corridor behind the porch. There are worn-out carpets on the floor, worn-out wallpaper on the walls, and some portraits that have been blackened by the passage of time hang beside them.

After scanning the room and finding no target, Eisen's sight quickly went to the second floor. On the wall next to the stairs on the second floor, there was something hanging that made Eisen's scalp tingle. He saw that it was covered with the heads of house elves.

Is this a Black family tradition? Eisen thought so, and turned his gaze to the living room.

After scanning the window, desk, and sofa, Eisen focused on the glass cabinets on both sides of the fireplace.

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The glass cabinet door was filthy, but inside it was full of items of dark magic: a rusty short sword, animal claws, a crystal vial, a silver rhinitis box, and - Slytherin's locket!

With a thought, Eisen instantly appeared in front of the glass cabinet in the living room on the second floor, and reached out to take out Slytherin's locket.

A strange feeling came to him, but Eisen didn't feel the curse in it.

After getting the locket, Eisen could feel that an indestructible magic had been cast on it. Obviously, this real Slytherin locket had already been made into a Horcrux by Voldemort.

Afterwards, Eisen took out his forged locket and put it back in the glass case. And the real Slytherin's locket was successfully obtained by him.

After a slight smile, Eisen flashed back to his own office at Hogwarts.

However, there is still one thing Eisen has not done right now, which is to go to Professor McGonagall to check the list of wizards who have been admitted to Hogwarts.

You know, in the original book, Harry found [Do the express permissiulus Black] on Regulus' door. arcturus black), only to realize that r ab belongs to Regulus Black.

Then why does Eisen think that rab is Regulus? In order to prevent Dumbledore from further questioning, Eisen planned to look for it on the list of wizards who had been admitted to Hogwarts.

Regulus Black is a student of Slytherin College, so his name must be included in the list of young wizards who have been enrolled in the past. In this way, Eisen's excuse can be rounded up.

Afterwards, Eisen got up and walked to the Transfiguration classroom.

However, when Eisen came outside the Transfiguration classroom, he found a group of young wizards gathered together, and could vaguely hear the crying of girls.

What happened again? Eisen, who was standing behind the crowd, had a headache.

"What's the matter, Lavender?" Hermione asked aloud as the trio pushed their way into the crowd.

"She received a letter from home this morning that her rabbit Binky was killed by a fox!" A little witch beside her replied quietly.

"Oh, what a pity, Lavender!" Hermione looked at the weeping Lavender.

"I knew it was supposed to be like this!" said Lavender sadly. "Do you know what day it is?"

"Uh—" Hermione opened her mouth, not understanding what Lavender meant.

"October 16th, remember? Professor Trelawney said in the first divination class: 'That thing you're afraid of, it's going to happen on October 16th!' Right? She was right! said Lavender, sobbing again.

"Are you afraid Binky will be eaten by a fox?" Hermione hesitated.

Parvati on the side stretched out his hand to wrap Lavender's shoulder.

"Well, it's not necessarily a fox." Lavender looked at Hermione tearfully, "but I'm obviously worried that it's going to die, aren't I?"

Hermione seemed to be looking for an excuse to comfort her, but the students around all showed a horrified look, and then seemed to remember something, and turned their eyes to Harry.

Harry shuddered when he saw this, and once again felt an ominous shadow covering his heart.


After Transfiguration, Eisen came to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Eisen, what can I do?" Professor McGonagall put a stack of papers in the drawer behind his desk, and looked up at Eisen who knocked on the door.

"Yes, I would like to see the list of wizards who have been admitted to Hogwarts. I don't know—" Eisen spread his hands.

"Why do you want to see the previous Hogwarts admission list?" Professor McGonagall looked at Eisen with a suspicious expression.

"Hmm - Headmaster Dumbledore commissioned me to do something, so I need to look up some information!" After pondering for a while, Eisen still moved Dumbledore out.

Professor McGonagall took a deep look at Eisen and didn't speak. Instead, he stood up from behind his desk, went to a nearby cabinet, and took out a stack of thick parchment from a drawer inside.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall!" Eisen smiled and took the stack of parchments from her.

After getting the list, Eisen looked through it directly in Professor McGonagall's office.

Due to Eisen's strong purpose, despite the thick stack of lists in his hand, he still achieved his goal within ten minutes.

After returning the stack of parchments to Professor McGonagall, Eisen returned to his office under her strange gaze.

At nine o'clock that night, Eisen came to Dumbledore's office.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you waiting for me?" The moment he entered the office, Eisen noticed that Dumbledore was relieved, as if he was waiting for him.

"I think you should gain something today." Dumbledore picked up a piece of candy from the plate on the desk and stuffed it into his mouth, then smiled and gestured to Eisen.

"Well, you guessed it right!" Eisen shrugged, went to the chair in front of the table and sat down.

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