Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 18 \"My\" Reverie And Experiments On Harry

After realizing that the new spell he developed was different from what he expected, Eisen fell into thinking.

Then, Eisen discovered something that he hadn't figured out all along. That is, how can a person represent himself.

Is a person's soul? Or a person's memory?

Such a question may have different answers for many people. Even, in different worlds, the answers are different.

Just like the world Eisen is in at the moment, for any wizard, it is clear that the most fundamental thing about a person is the soul.

The most intuitive example is Voldemort, who can split his soul and make it into a Horcrux to ensure that he will not be killed. In this way, to conquer death.

However, if all the memories of "I" are tampered with, then "I" is still not "I"? This is definitely a question worth pondering.

After all, Eisen himself came to this world through time travel. And his own cognition of himself also comes from the memory of his previous life.

Without those memories, Eisen felt that he would definitely be a different person. Therefore, memory for self-knowledge is definitely very important in Eisen's view.

Thinking in this way, Eisen suddenly discovered that the Oneiroi Charm he developed is definitely a perfect way to hit the right one.

At present, it seems that Eisen's cognition may be very simple, thinking that as long as the memory lasts forever, he can "immortality".

Even if Eisen is given a different body and reincarnated into an animal or a plant, then Eisen, who has all the memories, still does not feel that "I" will no longer be "I".

However, this world has methods such as the Forgetting Curse and Legilimency to tamper with memories. Clearly, this is a challenge to Eisen's self-awareness.

Coincidentally, when Eisen's research on Horcruxes was fruitless, he developed the Oneiroi Charm from memory.

Even at the beginning, Eisen's purpose was to further study Horcruxes by touching souls in this way. Unexpectedly, a dream created by Eisen himself was created.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

And the dream is built with Eisen's cognition and all memories as the core, so it can last forever in the world and is extremely stable. This means that Eisen is now completely immune to the Forgetting Curse and Legilimency.

Needless to say, this was a pleasant surprise.

Of course, this also shows that Eisen's memory can exist not only in the physical body, but also in dreams.

Taking a closer look, Eisen will feel that this is a minimalist Horcrux. It is even said that if the dream he created could exist without relying on the physical body, it would directly belong to a different kind of Horcrux!

Thinking like this, Eisen couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart for a while. However, it's no wonder that he originally wanted to study a Horcrux without side effects, but unexpectedly, an unexpected move solved most of the problem.

Of course, Eisen also faintly felt that the reason why he was able to develop such a spell and create a dream might have a lot to do with the Gold Finger on his body.

Therefore, although Eisen has now created an alternative Horcrux prototype-the dream, he still needs to continue to explore the secrets of the soul. Maybe one day in the future, Eisen will be able to discover the Gold Finger hidden deep in his soul.

However, this issue is still a bit far away for the current Eisen, so I will not think about it for the time being.

On the morning of Halloween, when Eisen was eating in the auditorium, he found many little wizards happily discussing something.

From their words, words such as "Honey Dukes" and "Zocco's Joke Shop" can be heard, indicating that they are discussing Hogsmeade where they will go next.

Of course, unlike the elation of others, Harry's mood was exceptionally low.

Even though Hermione said that she would go to Honeydukes and bring Harry lots of sweets, it still didn't cheer Harry up. Still, Harry was looking forward to the Halloween dinner.

This year's Halloween dinner should be great, but Harry felt that it would be even better if he could also go to Hogsmeade for a full day and then come back to join everyone in the Halloween dinner.

After eating, the little wizards lined up in front of the foyer and checked the list of applications to Hogsmeade with the administrator Filch. Filch had to watch out for people who weren't supposed to sneak past.

This level of strictness made Eisen quite tongue-tied. Although Eisen didn't understand why Hogwarts had such a rule, he didn't need to violate it.

Therefore, Eisen had no intention of taking Harry to Hogsmeade. However, now that the Oneiroi Charm has been developed, Eisen plans to experiment on Harry.

After the Oneiroi Charm was developed, Eisen was able to enter and exit the dreams he created at will. And every time the Oneiroi spell is cast, it can strengthen self-cognition and memory, thus making the dream more stable.

After entering the dream, just like Eisen tried before, he can realize whatever he wants in the dream.

This is an attempt on one's own role, and for others' attempts, Eisen believes that it should be able to detect other people's memories, even souls.

Of course, the ability to detect the soul Eisen is not sure. After all, he himself still hasn't touched his own soul. However, Eisen might as well try it out on Harry.

Maybe, they could detect the Voldemort's soul fragment on Harry's body!

However, when Eisen changed his perspective to look for Harry, he found that he was in Professor Lupine's office, and the two of them didn't know what they were talking about.

In the evening, Eisen came to the Gryffindor common room and saw Harry who was in a daze.

"Professor Eisen, what's the matter?" Harry was a little surprised to see Professor Eisen coming in from the portrait hole.

"Yes, I know you can't go to Hogsmeade, so I'll come and cast a spell on you." Eisen pulled a chair and sat beside Harry, and said slowly.

"What spell? Does it work?" Harry's low mood subsided, and he became interested in an instant.

"Well, I invented a new spell that allows you to go to Hogsmeade!" Eisen's lips curled up slightly, and he looked at Harry with great interest.

"Really? That's great! Professor, when do we start!" Harry jumped up straight away.

"Yes, it's fine now, okay, sit on the couch and relax." Eisen took out his wand, and a light fell on Harry, calming his mind.

Then, Eisen cast the Oneiroi spell, directly pulling Harry's consciousness closer to the dream.

Before casting the spell, Eisen had expanded the dream, loading the entire scene of Hogsmeade into it. So, when Harry's consciousness was pulled into the dream, he was already on Hodmeade Street.

To remember the objects in the scene, Eisen is synchronized with reality. Among them, the behavior of the characters is reproduced according to Eisen's memory.

So when Harry was hanging out in the Hogsmeade scene in the dream, it was pretty much the same as hanging out in the real Hogsmeade. Devis-Bans Store, Honeydukes Candy Shop, The Three Broomsticks, Zocco's Joke Shop and more.

Harry shuttled through the Hogsmeade scene, talked with virtual characters and so on.

When Harry traveled through Hogsmeade in the dream, Harry's memory was also revealed in the dream. Eisen wasn't interested in Harry's memory.

Flipping through Harry's memory, he went straight back to the moment when Voldemort was killed:

Voldemort hit Harry's forehead with an Avada Kedavra, only to have the spell bounce off Voldemort himself. Voldemort's body was shattered, and fragments of his soul splashed on Harry.

Concentrating on feeling, extending from Harry's consciousness to the physical body, he could vaguely feel a little dissonance from his forehead. But he couldn't find Voldemort's soul fragment there.

After several attempts, Eisen gave up for now. Obviously, the current Eisen really has no way to touch the soul, whether it is his own soul or the soul of others.

It can be said that the experiment tried on Harry this time failed. Fortunately, this result was within Eisen's expectation.

After all, it was not an easy matter to directly solve Harry's problems.

With a thought, the flow of time in the dream became faster. Then, Eisen put away the dream and cut off Harry's consciousness.

Harry's eyelids moved, and then slowly opened his eyes.

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