Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 20 Panic Contagion And The Quidditch Match

"How did Sirius Black get in? Do you have any idea about that, Headmaster!" Snape asked after a while.

"Professor Eisen, what do you think?" Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Eisen. Dumbledore's action made Snape focus on him as well.

"There are dementors guarding the entrance, so it is unlikely that he can come in. However, if there is a way to hide from the dementors, then it may not be impossible to sneak into Hogwarts—" Eisen was silent for a while , and then said his "guess".

"You mean, via Polyjuice Potion?" Snape said suddenly.

"Oh! That's right, that's what I meant." Eisen narrowed his eyes slightly. Originally, Eisen was alluding to Annie Magus, but the Polyjuice Potion that Snape mentioned seemed to be able to fool the dementors.

Just like Barty Crouch Jr., his mother used Polyjuice Potion to replace her body, and also managed to get Barty Crouch Jr. out of Azkaban's dementor guards Azkaban.

"If that's the case, then, Severus, I'll trouble you next—" Dumbledore's eyes lit up thoughtfully, and he nodded at Snape.

"Yes, Headmaster, I will prepare some antidote, but I have to remind you that if Black has the help of insiders, it is very easy to enter Hogwarts Castle—" Snape nodded, but The tone changed, and another thing was mentioned: "Remember our conversation? Just before the semester started-you appointed-"

"Severus, I don't believe anyone in this castle would be willing to help Black in!" Dumbledore cut off what Snape was about to say.

Apparently, the person Snape suspected was none other than Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Lupine. However, from Eisen's point of view, it was normal for Snape to have such thoughts. After all, he knew that Lupine and Blake were involved.

"Okay, I have to go to the dementors, and we'll have to notify them when we're done searching." Dumbledore said, turning and leaving the hall.

After a moment of silence, Snape didn't say anything, his deep eyes made it hard to see what he was thinking. Then, Snape also turned and left.

For the next few days, the entire Hogwarts class was talking about Sirius Black.

As for how Blake got into Hogwarts, the rumors are getting more and more unreliable.

A student of Raven Crow believes that Black entered the castle by stealth, manifesting from the air. The question was acknowledged by many, but Hermione scoffed at it.

Because Hermione had read in "Hogwarts, A School History" that Hogwarts castle was protected not only by walls, but also by various magic protections, it was impossible to sneak in.

One of Hufflepuff's students suggested that Black likely got in through makeup. Gryffindor's Dean Thomas believes that Black is likely to fly in.

But obviously, Hermione had valid reasons to refute. Because whether it came in with makeup or flew in directly, it was impossible for the dementors not to notice.

A more outrageous claim comes from Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff, who believed that Black could infiltrate Hogwarts Castle by transforming into a flowering bush. She even spent a long time telling everyone who would listen to her about it.

The portrait at the entrance to the Gryffindor common room had been removed and replaced with Sir Cadogan and a fat pony. Afterwards, the students of the various colleges can return to their dormitories to rest.

It wasn't a good time for Harry, though. Because he was closely watched, some professors would meet him in the hallway and find some excuse to walk with him.

Even Eisen himself "had to" escort Harry at some point.

On Saturday night, in a dueling group combat class, the trio experienced a wonderful duel. Harry found Eisen privately.

"Professor Eisen, what do you think?" Harry looked at Eisen with wide eyes, expectant in his eyes.

"You mean to let me supervise your Quidditch training?" Eisen narrowed his eyes involuntarily, recalling what Harry said.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall doesn't think it's a good idea for me to practice Quidditch in the evening. But the first match is a week away, so I have to go and train with Wood and the others." Harry said vigorously Nodding, "Professor McGonagall thinks a teacher will be present and intends to ask Mrs. Hooch to supervise us.

I told Professor McGonagall that it would be more appropriate to let Professor Eisen supervise us. Professor McGonagall agrees! "

There was nothing wrong with Eisen, so he agreed.

Perhaps because of Eisen's supervision, the Gryffindor team's training has become extraordinarily hard.

However, the oppressive atmosphere at Hogwarts continued to spread, and the weather was getting worse. This casts a shadow over all Gryffindor players.

In the last training session before the game, Gryffindor team captain Oliver Wood brought even worse news: they will not be able to play against the Slytherin team.

The reason is that Malfoy, the Seeker of the Slytherin team, has turned down the upcoming game under the pretext that his injured arm is not yet healed.

This time, Gryffindor's team was replaced by Hufflepuff's team.

This is extremely bad news for the Gryffindors. Because they've been training for Slytherin's style.

Not just the other players, Harry also felt that this was extremely bad news. Because he knew that Malfoy's arm had healed a long time ago, and there was nothing wrong with it. Unfortunately, they have no way of proving this.

On the eve of the game, something even worse happened to Harry when he ran into Snape, the old bat, in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. As a result, Harry was deducted ten points from Gryffindor by Snape's excuse.

Eisen didn't want to comment on the feud between Snape and Lupine. But there was no doubt that Snape had dealt a nuclear bomb to the young wizards who loved Professor Lupine.

Early on Saturday morning, after Eisen got up and had dinner, he followed the flow of people to the Quidditch pitch.

The strong wind howled on the field, and the torrential rain fell continuously. Many little wizards' umbrellas were blown away by the wind. Gryffindor's men and Hufflepuff's men were staggering and about to fall when they reached the center of the field.

Amidst the roar of thunder, the players on the field could barely hear even the loud cheers from the stands.

"Professor Eisen, do you think Gryffindor will win today?" Hermione, who was sitting next to Eisen, glanced at the situation on the court with a telescope, and then asked.

"It's hard to say. Harry and the others have been training tactically against Slytherin's style during training. If the opponent suddenly switches to Hufflepuff, it may have a certain impact." The invisible shield expanded to envelop Hermione as well.

With the sound of Mrs. Hooch blowing her whistle, the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff officially began.

This match was a test for Harry. Due to the impact of the violent storm, in Harry's eyes, the figures of his teammates were blurred, let alone his target, the Snitch.

As a result, in just five minutes, all the players, including Harry, were drenched from head to toe.

Gryffindor led temporarily by fifty points, but Wood, the captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team, called a timeout.

"Professor, I'll go down!" Hermione seemed to have thought of something, and hurried down from the auditorium wearing a cloak.

The sight changed quickly and the distance was shortened. Eisen saw Hermione approaching Harry, took out her wand and cast a spell on Harry's glasses, then turned around and ran towards the auditorium.

"Cast a spell on Harry's glasses?" Eisen asked, looking at Hermione who was sitting beside her.

"Yes, it suddenly occurred to me that Harry was too disadvantaged to compete in the rain with glasses, so I put a waterproof spell on his glasses." Hermione looked at Eisen, as if waiting for Eisen's compliment.

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"Yes, you are very thoughtful, this is indeed a very practical spell." Eisen smiled slightly and nodded to Hermione.

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