Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 27: Dementors Evacuate

After contemplating for a while, Eisen was still a little undecided.

Looking at Harry and Ron, and seeing them staring at him eagerly, Eisen said, "Regarding Snape's casting of the Cruciatus Curse, please keep quiet for now! Don't report it!"

"Ah—" Harry and Ron were suddenly a little downcast.

"I'll talk to Dumbledore about it. As for how to deal with it, I can't say yet." Eisen narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly.

To be honest, there are many places in this world that confuse Eisen.

Just like the Cruciatus Curse, as one of the three unforgivable curses, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, once it is determined to be used on humans, it will be imprisoned in Azkaban and imprisoned for life.

Sadly, many Death Eaters, despite having used the spell, still get away with it. In other words, the regulations of the Ministry of Magic seem to be only for those who "obey the rules".

Despite Dumbledore's guarantee long ago, Snape was saved from Azkaban, Potions Professor at Hogwarts and Head of Slytherin House.

But if Snape's Cruciatus Curse was brought to the Ministry of Magic this time, would Dumbledore still find a reason to defend Snape?

Eisen isn't sure about this.

And there was another point that Eisen had to consider, that was whether Dumbledore had other plans for Snape's arrangement, he didn't know much about it.

Like the original book, after Voldemort was resurrected, he was sent to continue to be a Death Eater and provide information to Dumbledore? Dumbledore might have thought so.

After all, Eisen felt that Dumbledore had made Snape a Potions professor at Hogwarts, and there might be a signal like the outside world expressing "I trust Snape very much".

In this way, when Snape is re-arranged by Dumbledore to be a spy, his own value can be reflected.

Right now, although Dumbledore has found several Horcruxes, if the Voldemort's soul fragment on Harry's body is not resolved, Eisen believes that Dumbledore will definitely keep a hand, and will send Snape there after Voldemort's resurrection as in the original book.

Therefore, if the trio find a way to report Snape, Eisen is not sure whether they can do what they want, but Eisen thinks it is very possible to interrupt Dumbledore's plan.

However, this is where Eisen feels speechless.

Because in his opinion, it would be much easier for Dumbledore to get the secret of Voldemort's Horcrux out of his mouth by simply firing Snape and bringing Professor Slughorn back in as Potions Professor.

But Dumbledore probably wouldn't consider this approach. However, if Slughorn is recruited, it seems that the possibility of the other party agreeing is not very high.

After eating, Eisen returned to his office. He had a premonition that what happened next with Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter would cause big waves.

However, when going to the auditorium at noon, Eisen found that many little wizards were in a good mood. After listening carefully, I realized that when the little wizards walked around the school, they found that the dementor had disappeared.

The incident quickly became a new hot topic at Hogwarts.

No way, the previous Quidditch match, being attacked by a dementor caused a lot of waves. Therefore, the sudden disappearance of the dementor made many people very curious.

Whether it's Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, many little wizards are discussing why Dementors suddenly disappeared from Hogwarts.

Quite a few young wizards believe that because the dementors attacked the Quidditch pitch, they have all been wiped out by Dumbledore.

Seamus Finnigan, who was sitting next to the long table in Gryffindor, said eloquently: "Dumbledore's face was so ugly at that time, you can see, he cast a spell to expel all the dementors. I'm sure, this That's what he did—"

"Impossible. Since Dumbledore was able to expel the dementors, why didn't the dementors disappear after the match and did not disappear until today?"

"Obviously, after the portrait of the Fat Lady was torn up by Sirius Black, Dumbledore has been dealing with this matter. Maybe he just finished it today, and then expelled all the dementors from Hogwarts!"

"Since the dementors came to capture Sirius Black, is it possible that Sirius Black has already been captured, so the dementors left?"

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The little wizards expressed their opinions one after another, with great interest. What Eisen didn't expect was that the thinking of some little wizards was almost the same as the truth of the matter.

Although the young wizards are still speculating about why the dementors were withdrawn from Hogwarts, this does not prevent their vitality from being re-energized.

After the dementors disappeared from Hogwarts, the impact is very obvious.

Without the dementors that exude fear and despair all the time, the mood of the little wizards suddenly became cheerful. For a time, the whole castle was very lively.

Especially for Harry, the savior, his mood improved a lot.

To be honest, despite the many things that happened at Hogwarts during this period, many little wizards were dazzled, but the one who experienced it the most was Harry.

At the beginning of the new school year, he learned that Sirius Black, as Voldemort's servant, would come to Hogwarts to kill himself after he escaped from Azkaban.

After learning about this, although Harry was a little worried, being in Hogwarts still made him feel that his safety was not a problem.

However, in Trelawney's divination class, the prediction she gave amplified Harry's worries a lot. Until he was attacked by a dementor on the Quidditch pitch and fell into a coma again, which made him depressed a lot.

As a result, Sirius Black attacks the Fat Lady portrait and nearly enters the Gryffindor common room. A series of events almost took Harry's breath away.

Then, turning around, Professor Dumbledore caught Sirius Black and discovered that Ron's pet Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew, who had been dead for many years.

Suddenly, Harry became confused.

After a lot of trouble, Harry found out that his enemy Sirius Black was actually his godfather, and the one who really betrayed his parents was Peter Pettigrew.

Harry had mixed feelings at the time.

On the one hand, Sirius Black is not his enemy, Peter Pettigrew is. On the other hand, the sudden addition of a godfather made Harry's heart full of joy.

All kinds of feelings are rippling in my heart, but most of them are joy. He couldn't wait for Sirius to live with him when his reputation was restored.

This taste of joy, even his depression after his Nimbus 2000 was smashed to pieces by the Whomping Willow, was completely unstoppable.

Therefore, when he learned that the Dementor had disappeared from Hogwarts Castle, Harry, who had already expected it, became even happier.

Of course, regardless of the little wizards' speculation about the disappearance of the dementors, Eisen knew about it very well. While word has yet to come, the dementors have been withdrawn from Hogwarts, and it's clear the Ministry of Magic already knows something.

At the very least, Dumbledore should have taken Sirius Black and Pettigrew to the Ministry of Magic.

Because it involved a case more than ten years ago, some necessary procedures should still be carried out, but it would not be that troublesome to remove the dementors from Hogwarts.

In the evening, Eisen came to Dumbledore's office to get back his plane mirror and confirmed his guess from him.

Talking to Dumbledore made him understand that things were going well. After all, Sirius Black had indeed been "captured" by Dumbledore.

However, the fact that Peter Pettigrew was still alive surprised many in the Ministry of Magic.

While the Ministry of Magic didn't want to admit it had made a mistake, the truth was there. So they had to make a decision, and Sirius Black was no longer wanted by the Ministry of Magic, and he was free again. And the dementors stationed at Hogwarts were also called back.

Next, the Ministry of Magic will conduct a trial of Peter Pettigrew, and after the process is completed, Sirius Black's reputation will be restored. However, Sirius Black's Annie Magus transformation must be registered with the Ministry of Magic.

"So, Professor Dumbledore, don't you forget that Black's transformation of Annie Magus can escape from Azkaban, and Peter Pettigrew might as well!"

"Yes, I have communicated with the staff of the Ministry of Magic on this point. After Peter is tried, I will personally cast the Oblivion Curse on him—"

"Also, the thing about Snape casting the Cruciatus Curse on Peter Pettigrew—"

"I think you will keep it a secret, right?"

This was the conversation between Eisen and Dumbledore before leaving. Obviously, Dumbledore already had a plan. This also let Eisen know that the other party considered things very comprehensively.

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