Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 33 Pettigrew Peter Ends (Please Subscribe!)

Rows of stools are placed on both sides of the courtroom, and the stools in the back row are raised high so that people who sit on them will not be blocked by people sitting in the front row.

The wizards sitting on these stools are members of the jury and some hearing wizards.

Fifty people in the crowd were uniformly dressed.

Wearing fuchsia robes, with a delicate silver "w" embroidered on the left breast, that is the symbol of members of the Wizengamot, representing the highest court of the wizarding world. The chief wizard of the Wizengamot is the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore.

A tall dark red table stood directly in front of it, and behind the table sat a fat man who was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

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To Fudge's left sits a broad, square-jawed witch wearing a monocle. On the right hand side, is a witch hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see clearly.

In the middle of the room, there is a chair with Peter Pettigrew sitting on it. Two chains protruded from the left and right sides of the armrest on the chair, binding him tightly.

Once the personnel arrived, the trial began. The interrogators are Minister for Magic Fudge, along with Secretary of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Susan Burns and Deputy Minister Umbridge.

Although this does not seem to be a problem, it is really strange that the interrogator is the Minister of Magic in the trial of the people being tried by the wizarding court.

It's as if the Muggle prime minister is also a judge, it's too outrageous!

"Okay, silence, all...ready?" Fudge called to the last man.

Afterwards, the entire interrogation room fell silent.

"Yes, sir." In the first row on the right side of the room, at the seat closest to the table above, a wizard stood up and replied respectfully.

"Yeah." Fudge nodded slightly.

The recorder seemed to have received the order, and sat upright, with his left hand pressed on the parchment, and his right hand holding a quill, and then looked at Minister Fudge with focused and serious eyes, waiting for him to continue giving orders.

"Trial on November 22." Fudge said loudly, and the recorder began to record, "The trial of Peter Pettigrew, hiding his identity as a Death Eater, joining—Voldemort's camp, tipping off Voldemort, Killing wizards from the Ministry of Magic camp, betraying the James and his wife, massacring innocent Muggles, and framing Sirius Black!"

The trial is advancing at an extremely fast speed...


The trial was extremely fast this time, because Peter Pettigrew had indeed hoodwinked the entire Ministry of Magic for twelve years.

Therefore, Fudge, who had been harboring a bad intention for a long time, directly put all the previous crimes on Sirius's head on Peter Pettigrew.

Peter Pettigrew wanted to refute all this, but finally, under the magic of Veritaserum and Dumbledore, all the truth was revealed.

Astonishing as the results are, the truth is the truth. Thus, all the Wizengamot members of the jury agreed that Pettigrew Peter was guilty.

In the end, Peter Pettigrew was tried and imprisoned in Azkaban for life. Afterwards, Dumbledore also did it himself, using the Amnesiac to modify his memory, making him completely forget Annie Magus' ability to transform.

After the results of the trial came out, the news quickly appeared in the "Daily Prophet", and then quickly circulated in Hogwarts Castle.

At noon, when Eisen was eating in the auditorium, he heard the little wizards discussing the matter of Pettigrew Peter being imprisoned in Azkaban for life.

On the Daily Prophet, Eisen saw some details of Peter Pettigrew's trial. However, these were all things Eisen expected, and he didn't feel anything strange.

However, what caught Eisen's attention was that there was a corner of the newspaper that mentioned Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

At that time, after Sirius Black was arrested, he was the one who ordered to go directly to Azkaban without trial. At this time, Sirius Black's eucalyptus doubled and became a stain on his political achievements.

At this moment, Barty Crouch's position may not be kept.

That afternoon, Dumbledore brought Black back to Hogwarts.

Now that Pettigrew Peter has been imprisoned in Azkaban by the trial, it means that Black no longer has to hide.

However, what made Eisen feel strange was why Blake followed Dumbledore to Hogwarts Castle instead of going back to his own home?

In the evening, when Eisen came to Dumbledore's office, he understood what Dumbledore meant.

"So, you think Regulus needs a funeral?" Eisen sat aside, looking at Dumbledore and Black.

On the desk, in front of Sirius Black, was the fake Slytherin's locket. The piece of parchment in Blake's hand was the last words left by his brother.

It seems that after Peter Pettigrew was sentenced, Dumbledore spoke out about it.

Black seemed to have been taken care of, but it was a lot cleaner. He took the parchment, read it over and over several times, and then said in a very firm tone: "Yes, he deserves some of the honor he deserves!"

"Yes, I totally agree!" Dumbledore said mildly, "He saved an innocent life, he was brave enough to sacrifice himself, he has heroic qualities—"

"I thought he would be like everyone else, thinking that the mysterious man was right and was killed by the mysterious man, but I didn't expect the truth to be like this—" Black said in a daze, feeling quite uncomfortable in his heart.

At this moment, Eisen suddenly understood. At that time, he only remembered to get the fake Slytherin's locket, but he forgot about Regulus, who committed suicide by drinking medicine, and his body was still at the bottom of the lake.

From this point of view, they had to bring out Regulus' body.

"It's just that, Sirius, we can't reveal the existence of the Horcruxes, that would cause a lot of trouble!" Dumbledore cast his eyes on Black through the half-moon lens.

"Why—I don't understand—" Blake wondered.

For a long time, the outside world, including himself, believed that his younger brother Regulus was Voldemort's loyal servant, and his death was too insignificant.

But now, now that he knew the truth, he thought his younger brother deserved more honor. A grand funeral is inevitable, and it is a matter of course to recite the life and glory of my younger brother at the funeral.

As for the most important point of life's merits, defying Voldemort and stealing Horcruxes are definitely worth reading for everyone to know.

"Sirius—" Dumbledore said in a deep voice: "Horcrux making is a very evil black magic, so I have been trying to avoid the spread of this evil magic as much as possible, even if it is just a name.

I'm preaching that Voldemort has been completely killed because those Death Eaters hiding in the gutter are still trying to find and resurrect him. But we all know that there are Horcruxes, and he was not completely killed.

Just imagine, when those Death Eaters know that there is such a magic, it only takes a simple kill to not die - please forgive my wording, for some people, this is indeed a simple thing - they He will be more loyal to Voldemort, and will try his best to bring him back even more frantically.

If those Death Eaters found out about Horcruxes, they would definitely go crazy! "

"Professor Dumbledore is right." Eisen nodded, and looked at Sirius Black meaningfully, "And those Death Eaters who believe that Voldemort will not come back because of Voldemort's downfall, including some pure-blood families Wizards, once they know that Voldemort, who possesses Horcruxes, will never die, will they be so peaceful?"

"But this—" Hearing such words, Blake opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"There is also a very important point, Sirius, we have no way to ensure that there are no other dark wizards in the wizarding world. After knowing the Horcruxes, they will not split their souls. After all, it can touch immortality, which is too selfish for them. Good deal!" Dumbledore continued to persuade.

"But if you don't mention the Horcrux, people won't know what kind of courage he showed when he made that decision in order to fight against Voldemort!" Black was silent for a while, his face still a bit displeased.

"I think, with Voldemort's arrogant personality, he would not tell his servants what a Horcrux is. So we can just replace the Horcrux with a treasure." After a while, Eisen came up with an idea.

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