Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 42 Time Travel (Part 1)

Eisen mused as he stuffed the fried sausage into his mouth.

To say that Professor Trelawney's predictive ability is indeed relatively strong. She successfully predicted that Voldemort would fall on Harry. It was also predicted that what Lavender was afraid of would happen one day, and it also came true.

At first glance, Professor Trelawney's prediction must be amazing.

However, she has taught divination at Hogwarts for more than ten years, how many times has the prophecy fulfilled?

You know, Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall, who have also stayed at Hogwarts for decades, know her very well. But Professor McGonagall believes that Professor Trelawney is a liar with no skills.

The reason for this is that for more than ten years, Professor Trelawney has predicted that a student will die every year, but none of the predictions have come true.

Because of this, Trelawney's predictions are nonsense.

In the original book, there are Harry and Ron on the Christmas lunch table, plus Professor Trelawney, a total of thirteen people. It was said that Ron still had Peter Pettigrew's Annie Magus transformation in his pocket, so there were thirteen before Professor Trelawney sat down.

But in fact, the original book doesn't even mention whether Ron has pet Scabbers in his pocket. Furthermore, even if it is really in the pocket. Professor Trelawney's prediction is also "the first person to stand up after a meal dies first". But when Dumbledore stood up, the meal hadn't even started yet!

However, if Harry's subsequent kill by Voldemort counted as a death, then Trelawney's prophecy had come true. However, it was another matter for Harry to come back to life afterwards.

At this moment, although Harry and Ron were not at the table, Hagrid and Eisen were. The same thirteen people, Trelawney also made such a prophecy, and Eisen was not sure whether it would be fulfilled for a while.

Thinking of this, Eisen suddenly remembered the prediction made by Trelawney at the last dinner, and Eisen didn't take it seriously at that time. However, thinking of Trelawney saying that he saw a beam of light, Eisen suddenly felt a little weird.

Is that ray of light the Patronus cast by Dumbledore, or is it a ray of light that Eisen transformed into after reaching the state of incarnation in light?

This—the prophecy is a bit ridiculous!

After restraining his thoughts, Eisen decided that it would be better to be cautious.

"Beef tripe, Sybill?" Professor McGonagall scooped a large spoon out of a large tureen, then looked at Trelawney.

Professor Trelawney ignored her, opened his eyes and looked around, and then asked, "Where is my dear Professor Lupin?"

"I'm afraid the poor man is sick again!" Dumbledore motioned to everyone to eat, and shook his head as if to express regret. "He fell ill at Christmas, really very unlucky."

"But you must already know that, don't you, Sybill?" Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow and teased Professor Trelawney.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Of course I know—" Trelawney gave Professor McGonagall a cold look, "but I don't always show myself off. I don't act like I know everything, so people don't get nervous."

"But that already says a lot!" Professor McGonagall's tone was full of sarcasm.

Watching the confrontation between the two professors, Eisen shrank back so as not to get angry.

"If you must know—" Professor Trelawney's voice suddenly sharpened, "Minerva, I've seen poor Professor Lupine, he won't be with us for long. He seems to understand that his time is running out , when I show him the crystal ball, he always avoids—”

"I think!" Dumbledore said before Professor McGonagall could say anything, "Professor Lupine will not be in immediate danger, Severus, have you prepared a potion for him?"

The conversation between Professor Trelawney and Professor McGonagall was closed.

"Yes, Headmaster!" Snape scowled, seemingly unwilling to answer the question.

"Very well, then he can get out of bed and walk around soon." Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Eisen, "Eisen, what's the matter for the holidays?"

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore would bring the topic to himself, Eisen paused for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, there are some experiments to do in alchemy."

"Next time, I'll take you to meet someone, I think, he can answer some of your questions about alchemy!" Dumbledore said.

"Oh——, I'm looking forward to it!" Eisen said with a smile on his face. The person Dumbledore was talking about was probably Nick Flamel. If you really have the opportunity, you can indeed ask some questions about alchemy.

Two hours later, the Christmas dinner was over. Even though Eisen was already full, he still sat still. After all, he didn't want to be the first to stand up either.

On the other hand, Professor Trelawney behaved very normally. But as soon as Dumbledore stood up to leave the table, she screamed loudly.

"Oh my god! Principal, you are the first to leave your seat!"

"I don't think it's anything, Sybill." Dumbledore smiled nonchalantly, then pointed to the outside of the hall, "unless there's a mad axeman waiting outside the door, intent on chopping the first person who walks into the hall. .”

There were smiles on the faces of several professors, and even Hermione couldn't help laughing. This made Professor Trelawney feel offended.

Now that Dumbledore had stood up and left the table, Eisen didn't have to sit there all the time.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Eisen saw Hermione holding the manuscript at the library door. Obviously, Hermione is also ready for the time travel.

After entering the library, Eisen found that there was no one in the library. When they came to a desk next to a bookshelf with Hermione, the two stopped and sat down on a bench.

"Are you ready? Let's start!" Looking at Hermione sitting next to him, Eisen spoke.

After taking a deep breath, Hermione nodded, took the Time-Turner out of her neck, and approached Eisen to put the gold chain on his head.

Getting close to Eisen, feeling his breath, Hermione blushed.

"Just be on the safe side, just reverse the time by four hours." Seeing Hermione's actions, Eisen smiled and gave his own suggestion.

"Okay, Professor Eisen!" Hermione nodded, and after calming down, she reached out and turned the hourglass timer four times.

The moment Hermione let go, a feeling of retreating quickly emerged in Eisen's mind. Immediately afterwards, the clouds of Mohu Lake passed by, and some unusual sounds rang in the ears.

Immediately afterwards, Eisen felt himself on solid ground again. After his vision became clear, Eisen found himself still sitting on a bench in a bookshelf in the library, with Hermione sitting next to him, and the two were bound together by a gold chain.

"Is this time travel?" After taking the gold chain off his neck, Eisen looked at the time and found that it really went back four hours.

"That's right, Professor Eisen!" It was obviously not the first time to go back to the past, but Hermione suddenly felt very excited.

Eisen nodded, and Hermione, who was holding the manuscript, got up and sat down at a desk under a bookshelf in the back of the library.

"Okay, don't get caught!" Eisen directly put on the magic of blocking prying eyes, hiding the two of them.

While Hermione began to concentrate on her homework, Eisen began to silently feel the condition of her body. After feeling it carefully, Eisen didn't find anything unusual.

With God's perspective fully open and Hogwarts reflected in his mind, Eisen found another Eisen and Hermione in the Great Hall. Apparently, they were still having dinner with Dumbledore and the others.

After the God's perspective was turned off, Eisen pondered for a while.

In fact, when traveling through time in this world, if you go back to the past, there is a very important rule, that is, you cannot let yourself see yourself.

Although Eisen thought it wouldn't be a big deal even if he saw himself, after thinking about it, he found some reasons.

If there is no Transformation Magus or Compound Potion in this world, then when you go back to the past and see yourself, all you can think of is the possibility of time travel.

But there are Compound Potions and Disguise Mags in this world, which means that when I see myself, the first thing I think of is "others are pretending to be me".

As soon as this idea appears, the possibility of doing it directly is very high. Therefore, the possibility of going back to the past to be bumped into by oneself, and then being attacked and killed by oneself appeared.

Because of this, Eisen feels that when wizards use time-turners to go back in time, they avoid having their past selves discover themselves.

Of course, after the past self discovers the future self, it will inevitably lead to another problem, which is to change the future.

After all, the past self knows the future self uses a time-turner once the past self discovers the future self. In this way, even if the future self doesn't say anything, the past self knows that this event itself has actually changed history.

In this way, the butterfly effect caused cannot be easily eliminated.

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