Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 44 Back To 10,000 Years Ago?

After the thought turned in his mind, Eisen became speechless for a while.

With memories of previous lives, Eisen knows that many people usually desire to travel through the Otherworld, or to be reborn decades ago, to return to a certain era in the past, and so on.

Among them, going back to a certain era in the past to fight for world hegemony is a very marketable idea.

For example, back to the Three Kingdoms period, back to the Sui and Tang Dynasties and so on. Leaving aside whether it is fighting for hegemony or not, at least firing glass and making soap are the most popular ways to make a fortune.

But these are all useless to Eisen. Because going back to the past in this world is not a one-way ticket for Eisen. So once he did something out of line, it would be outrageous for him to be directly affected by future changes.

Thinking about it this way, Eisen suddenly found that he was integrated with the legendary time travel feature, which is simply a tasteless thing, okay?

If we go back to the past, Eisen can use the extra time to practice spells or delve into other knowledge, so it is indeed possible.

But it was a coincidence that Eisen created an unprecedented magic spell - the Oneiroi spell. It also created a portable dream world. What's more, Eisen can control the flow of time in the dream world at will.

In this way, if Eisen wants to practice magic spells or delve into other knowledge, don't he have as much time as he needs. Now, wouldn't it be very tasteless to go back to the past and use the extra time!

So what's the use of going back in time?

Unfortunately, Eisen is not an archaeological expert in the Muggle world, so he doesn't want to investigate some unsolved mysteries in history. However, it is still useful to secretly investigate the production method of some magical props.

For example, Nicole Flamel lived so long because he succeeded in making the Philosopher's Stone. If only Eisen could go back to the time when Nicole Flamel made the Sorcerer's Stone. It means that he can get the production process of the Philosopher's Stone.

Thinking about it this way, Eisen felt that the time travel feature on his body was still useful.

As for learning the special skills of an ancient figure, Eisen said that it is not necessary. Because of Gold Finger, Eisen's strength will always improve over time.


Speaking of Gold Finger, Eisen suddenly discovered something in a flash.

Because he suddenly thought of using the time travel feature to go back to the past. In fact, after a lot of extra time, one aspect of the usefulness is very exaggerated.

Previously, all he was thinking about was that to increase his time, he only needed to enter the dream world to adjust the flow of time. However, the dream world is illusory and cannot directly increase Eisen's strength.

For example, a major effect of Eisen's Gold Finger can increase the mana by 10 points every day. Even if Eisen stays in the dream world for several months or years, the real world is still the same.

However, Eisen suddenly thought, if he went directly back to 10,000 years ago and survived from 10,000 years ago instead of actively returning to modern times, wouldn't the magic power in his body break through the sky directly after tens of thousands of years of accumulation?

At that time, what Voldemort will be at hand.

Of course, in addition to the growth of magic power in the body, there is also the miraculous property of one copy per year.

For a long time, Eisen has been silent about the way to obtain the miracle property. You can only get one automatically every year.

But if you go back to 10,000 years ago and live in the present society, then Eisen is definitely going to take off. At that time, storage space characteristics, space shuttle characteristics, flight characteristics and so on. Everything Eisen could think of was integrated into it.

After merging the features that can be fused, repeat the fusion of the previously fused features. For example, the characteristics of the storage space, no matter how you say it, must be integrated into a space that can hold the entire earth.

Space shuttle characteristics, no matter how you say it, must also incorporate the ability to travel to and from the Virgo galaxy at will. Transcendent line-of-sight characteristics, no matter how you say it, it is necessary to integrate a pair of eyes that can see through the entire universe.

At that time, it will not be a problem for Eisen to sweep the entire universe with his own power.


Eisen was shocked at the thought of the possibility of reaching such heights.

After the shock, Eisen began to doubt himself.

Obviously he came to the world of Harry Potter to be a passer-by professor, why did his style of painting suddenly change, and he became the supreme wizard of Hogwarts?

Supreme Mage Eisen, it sounds good, but it always feels a little unlucky!

Shaking his head, Eisen thought of another question.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​Eisen going straight back to the present society 10,000 years ago. But there is a very critical problem, that is, he is not sure that he can survive the long years.

For 10,000 years, if Eisen lived alone, he would be so lonely that he would go crazy. Of course, it might not be, because Eisen can play all kinds of games in the dream world.

But no matter what, ten thousand years is too long. Especially for Eisen, who is only in his twenties now, even including the time of his previous life, it is only a few decades. Compared with 10,000 years, it can be ignored.

After contemplating, Eisen found that the question in front of him really cannot be ignored.

However, after some thought, Eisen found that there are two ways to solve this problem. One of the methods is to use the Oneiroi spell to solve it.

The core of the dream world created by the Oneiroi Curse is Eisen's own cognition and memory. If Eisen goes back to 10,000 years ago, and wants to easily live through 10,000 years without going crazy alone, he can directly modify and delete the memory.

Delete all redundant and useless memories that affect the mental state during the ten thousand years.

In this way, there should be no problem in theory to live for 10,000 years and maintain the same mentality now.

But this approach also creates a problem. That is the problem of self-perception bias.

In addition to memory, the core structure of Eisen's dream world also includes his self-cognition. Once the memory is deleted, Eisen has no way to be sure whether his self-cognition will change subtly.

Therefore, it seems that it is not so wise to directly work on one's own memory, delete and modify it.

Since this method may be risky, the only other method Eisen can think of is to sleep.

This method is very simple and crude, that is, go back to 10,000 years ago, and then directly find a hidden place to sleep.

Just like the hibernation of animals, Eisen directly sleeps for 10,000 years and then wakes up.

If such a method works, it should not have the slightest impact on Eisen.

It's like sleeping, closing and opening the eyes, and coming directly to the present society from 10,000 years ago.

Open the virtual panel of the Gold Finger character, and get—not to mention how much the magic power has increased, but you can get 10,000 copies of miracle characteristics in one go. Isn't this beautiful!

As usual, this approach absolutely works. But the problem is, how to sleep is something Eisen needs to think about again.

After all, Eisen is not a real animal that can sleep for 10,000 years at once. As for, freezing Eisen directly and hibernating like Captain America will definitely not work.

So, it is necessary to create a magic spell that can make people sleep all the time?

For a moment, Eisen couldn't help but started scratching his head.

If it is really necessary to create such a magic spell, Eisen thinks that it is actually no problem,

But the question is, how does Eisen wake himself up?

Cast the sleeping spell, and after I have slept for ten thousand years, the sleeping spell will be lifted automatically? The effective time of a magic spell is automatically timed across ten thousand years, which Eisen thinks is a bit exaggerated.

Or, make a puppet, let it cast a spell to wake itself up after 10,000 years? No matter how you think about it, it feels unsafe.

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Eisen suddenly thought of his dream world again.

Previously, Eisen always wanted to add some time, so he adjusted the time flow rate of the dream world a lot faster. In this way, one day in the real world can pass, and decades or even hundreds of years can pass in the dream world.

But at this moment, Eisen suddenly thought, since the time flow in the dream world is controlled by Eisen's mind, can it be directly slowed down to a certain level?

For example, spend a day in the dream world, and after waking up, hundreds of years have passed in the outside world!

This seems to work hey!

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