Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 46 Changed History? (Seeking Subscription)

"Is there no other way?" After pondering for a while, Eisen couldn't help but mutter.

The previous experiment in 1900 for several days made Eisen feel a little strange when he returned to the present, which made him more cautious.

After all, he is not sure, if he goes back to before 1900 and stays for a longer time, will the backlash after returning to the present soar to a very terrifying level.

After all, the time travel feature fused in Eisen's body is just a time travel feature. Despite the legendary rank of the trait, it's not the time force itself.

Therefore, the time-travel feature endows Eisen with the ability to anchor the moment of reality at the level of consciousness, so that he will not always be lost in the backlash of time itself, but the strength of time power carried by the time-travel feature itself is not enough to reduce the lost time of Eisen.

Unless Eisen masters the power of time itself, he can ignore the backlash of time. But can Eisen master the timing? Anyway, he can't see a shred of hope at present.


Eisen seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He suddenly felt that since the time travel characteristic of the fusion in the body does not carry enough time power to resist the stronger time backlash, wouldn't it be enough to continue to integrate the time travel characteristic!

You know, Eisen has done experiments, and his Gold Finger can reproduce the same extraordinary characteristics from similar magic items. In this way, if a few more copies of the time travel feature are integrated into the body, then it should be able to achieve its wish.

However, when he thought that his purpose was to use the time difference to accumulate magic power and miraculous properties, Eisen thought of another problem.

That's the difference between going back ten thousand years and going back a hundred years.

how to say? Going back to 10,000 years ago and sleeping until now, then you can accumulate 10,000 years of magic power and 10,000 copies of miracle characteristics.

However, it seems that going back to a hundred years ago is no problem. Even though he fell asleep a hundred years ago and now, he can only accumulate one hundred years of magic power and one hundred miraculous properties.

However, Eisen can return to the past repeatedly. To put it simply, Eisen can go back to a hundred years ago, after sleeping to the present, return to a hundred years ago again, and then continue to sleep to the present, and then return to a hundred years ago.

If you continue to dolls like this, you can also accumulate 10,000 years of magic power and 10,000 copies of miracle characteristics.

Good guy, Eisen called it a good guy!

Thinking of infinite matryoshka, Eisen suddenly felt that other methods are not good.

Because in theory, Eisen doesn't need to go back to many years ago at all, he only needs to go back within the safe time limit of the time converter, which is five hours, and then use the ability of infinite dolls to accumulate up to 10,000 years The magical power and ten thousand miracle properties.

Of course, in theory, it is indeed possible to keep nesting dolls like this. But the problem is, if this is the case, Eisen will have to prepare for a million and a million time travels.

Obviously, this is an unacceptable consequence for Eisen. Because if that's the case, then for Eisen, it's no different from a prison for a day.

What's more, with millions of times of time travel, Eisen can predict a picture, that is, a million or tens of millions of "selves" suddenly appear at a certain moment.

The whole world is his own shadow, such a spectacular scene, Eisen can't imagine whether it will trigger a chain reaction and directly destroy the entire timeline?

Thinking of this, Eisen suddenly felt his scalp go numb. It seems that it is not very appropriate to use the five-hour safety time limit to nest dolls.

So, what would it be like to go back to 1900 and live until now, using such a long time to accumulate magical and miraculous properties for matryoshka dolls?

After pondering for a moment, Eisen felt that this method should be very appropriate. After all, Eisen can withstand the backlash of time within a hundred years.

However, to really live in the past decades, Eisen is definitely not willing. Therefore, a new mantra has to be developed.

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Eisen tried to enter the dream world, and he was able to do it for a minute in the dream world, and several days or even months in the real world.

But the problem is that Eisen's consciousness can slow down to the extreme in the dream world, but the outside body can't stop eating and drinking for decades. Therefore, even if you don't need to create a sleeping spell, you have to create a spell that keeps the body in its original state. No matter how bad it is, it is necessary to create a magic spell that will greatly reduce the body's metabolism.

In this way, the means of quickly accumulating magic power and miraculous properties can be applied freely. At that time, the days of invincibility in the world will be just around the corner.

After thinking this through, Eisen breathed a sigh of relief. For the next time, just proceed according to the plan.

In the next few days, Eisen wandered around the castle in his free time. In the rest of the time, I study the spells I have learned in the dream world, and I want to pick out some spells that can help maintain the vitality of the body.

But apparently, Eisen has no clue about that.

On the contrary, after researching "Secrets of Sophisticated Black Magic", there has been rapid progress in Horcruxes.

Every night, Eisen would take Hermione to study and have fun in the dream world, and the life was quite comfortable.

Time soon came to January 1994.

At the beginning of the month, the students all returned to school. Suddenly, the entire Hogwarts castle became lively again.

Before term started, Hermione told Eisen about Harry and Ron's return to school.

The other changes are nothing, but there are two things worth talking about. One is that Harry spent a happy Christmas holiday with Sirius Black and got a Christmas present - the Firebolt.

Everyone was in awe when Harry, the most powerful broomstick of our time, brought the Firebolt into the Gryffindor common room.

Of course, since Sirius Black has restored his honorary relationship, when Harry brought the Firebolt back to Hogwarts, it was not scrutinized by Professor McGonagall like the original book, nor was it confiscated.

As for another thing, Ron regained a pet, a little owl named Zhu Weiqiong. Since Scabbers the mouse was turned into Peter Pettigrew, Ron had to get a new pet.

The next day, when the students started their classes, Eisen arrived at the gate of Hogwarts when no one was around. Near the base of the stone wall, Eisen turned the dirt below.

Originally, Eisen thought, just take back the card with the "∞" magic imprint that he buried underneath. But when Eisen dug it up, he was shocked.

Because after the soil was dug, there was nothing underneath. It was as if Eisen had never buried a card with a magical mark on it.

"Could there be geological changes that caused water and soil movement?" Eisen's expression of surprise subsided, thinking of this possibility.


Eisen turned his head to look at the stone wall of the castle behind him, and immediately dismissed the idea. You know, Hogwarts school is protected by magic. This means of protection is not limited to the ground, but also extends underground.

Therefore, it is impossible for water and soil movement to occur underground near Hogwarts Castle.

As soon as the God's perspective was opened, the line of sight shrouded in all directions and extended to the ground. As Eisen expected, there was still no card.

"Or, is it a large-scale excavation and maintenance around Hogwarts Castle?" Eisen murmured, then shook his head, thinking it was also unlikely.

However, Eisen buried the card is a very secret thing, why it suddenly disappeared? Could it be that history has changed unknowingly in a hundred years?

Or is it the aftereffects of his stay in the past?

For a moment, Eisen's face became cloudy and uncertain.

After a while, Eisen restored the pit under his feet to its original state, and started pacing outside. While pacing, he wondered where the problem was.

But unfortunately, after thinking about it for a long time, Eisen still had no clue.

However, Eisen still made up his mind not to go through time travel for the time being. At the very least, wait a few months to see if any strange things happen in the wizarding world.

After all, changing history is too serious for Eisen to be careless.

It just so happened that during this period of time he could study how to reduce the body's metabolism, or stop the body's metabolism completely.

After thinking it over, Eisen walked slowly into the door.

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