Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 50 The Fairness Of The Quidditch Competition Is Too Bad

The match between Gryffindor and La Wen Klaw was about to start, but before the match, Gryffindor's last training session made all the Gryffindor including Harry and Ron cheer.

That evening, when Harry and Ron returned from dinner in the Great Hall to the Gryffindor common room, they were stunned to see Hermione still working behind a pile of crumbling books.

Since the Firebolt will be used on the training ground soon, Harry and Ron are extremely excited, but seeing Hermione working so hard, they are still a little dazed.

"Harry, how do you think she dealt with it?" Seeing that the pile of books had covered Hermione's body, Ron turned pale.

"What to deal with?" Harry looked over quietly.

"She has so many classes!" Ron's voice dropped, "I heard her talking to Professor Vector that morning, the witch who taught Arithmancy and Divination. They were talking about the previous day's homework.

But Hermione went to Care of Magical Creatures with us, so there's no way she's going to Arithmancy. And, Ernie told me, Hermione never missed a Muggle Studies class. But half of the time this class conflicts with the Divination class. How did she never miss two classes? "

"I don't know—" Harry shook his head, but his tone was paused before he looked at Ron, "Do you think it might be some kind of magic? When she was choosing classes in the second grade, she said that she had already told McGonagall The professor is done. Could it be that Professor McGonagall taught Hermione a spell?"

"I've never heard of this kind of magic." Ron froze for a moment, but couldn't refute directly.

"You can't know all the magic, can you!" Harry's face had calmed down.

"You're right." Ron shrugged, then changed the subject, "Come on, get your Firebolt. I think I'll have to ride it after training."

On the Quidditch pitch, Mrs. Hooch did not continue to supervise the Gryffindor team's practice because the dementors had already been removed.

Eisen, who had nothing else to do, came to the Quidditch pitch, intending to see how Harry showed off his prowess.

Before the training, the captain of the Gryffindor team, Wood, held the Firebolt in his hand, and talked to everyone about the advantages of the Firebolt: "The tail part of the Nimbus series broomsticks is a bit inclined, and it will become A hindrance, but the Firebolt has improved on it. It's much more balanced, and the handle of the broom has been refined..."

From the stands around the pitch, Eisen watched Harry mount the Firebolt and quickly take off from the ground and across the pitch.

For a moment, Harry seemed to be the prettiest kid on the court. Not only did he shuttle extremely fast, even when he made a turn, he always made many little wizards in the stands scream.

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From the perspective of God, Wood waved to Harry and released the Snitch. As it turned out, it only took Harry ten seconds to ride the Firebolt and catch it.

Immediately afterwards, Harry let go of the Snitch, and a minute later, Harry shuttled across the field again, and finally caught the Snitch again near teammate Katie's knee.

Looking at the cheering Gryffindor players on the pitch, Eisen couldn't help but think.

To be honest, when Eisen saw the wizard flying on a broomstick for the first time, wouldn't the thoughts that popped into his mind be uncomfortable?

Especially when sitting on a broomstick and swooping down, that posture - Eisen felt a little unbearable to look directly at. However, after further understanding, it was discovered that there was a cushion spell on the broomstick.

At first glance, Cushion Charm is indeed a perfect patch, solving the problem that Eisen was wondering about. But when you think about it deeply, you will find that this kind of patch is not that simple.

To put it simply, the Cushion Curse was definitely not cast by the little wizards themselves. Otherwise, when the first-year wizard took his first flying lesson, he would definitely be informed by the flying lesson professor.

In other words, the cushion spell is solidified on the broomstick. This means that the invisible and invisible cushion can make the wizard feel the real cushion feeling.

This, in Eisen's view, is magic.

After half an hour, the training was over. The players of the Gryffindor team fell to the ground one after another under Wood's call, and then returned to the Gryffindor tower.

Harry didn't leave, and waved to Ron who couldn't wait to walk on the field, and then handed the Firebolt into the opponent's hand.

It seemed that Ron was about to experience the power of a Firebolt.

Night had fallen, but Ron rode the Firebolt up quickly with a beaming face, shuttled across the stands, and flew across the field.

After the last training session, the Gryffindors were full of confidence. Whether it is the captain Wood, or the batters Fred and George, or the pursuer Emily, everyone is full of confidence in the next game.

At around 10 o'clock the next morning, Gryffindor and Lawen Krow got ready from the dressing room and went to the Quidditch pitch.

Around the stands, the teachers and students of the whole school were basically waiting for this grand event.

Jordan Lee, a friend of the Wesley twins, is still the commentator as usual, and Mrs. Hooch is the referee of the game. Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore and others also watched the game from the stands.

Eisen sat in a corner of the Gryffindor area, silently feeling the atmosphere of the Quidditch match.

"Get on the broom...listen to my whistle...three-two-one"

The game begins. Everyone was flying, but Harry stood out on his Firebolt. Because he is the one who rises the fastest and the highest.

Eisen knew it after watching Gryffindor's morale soar and quickly take an eighty-point lead over La Wen Keluo. If nothing else, Gryffindor would surely win this match.

Judging from the situation on the court, although La Wen Keluo's seeker Qiu Zhang (Zhang Qiu) is Harry's opponent, even if Harry fell in love with her at first sight, it is impossible to let the water out in public.

Sure enough, Harry quickly found the Snitch several times before finally grabbing it straight away and ending the game. No way, the opponent's broomstick is Comet 260, which is far worse than the Firebolt.


"We won!"

"Good job, Harry!"


The little wizards in the Gryffindor side of the stands cheered, and Ron took the lead and rushed to the field.

Looking at Harry surrounded by the crowd, Eisen suddenly sighed.

Although the Quidditch game has high requirements for skills and tactics, it seems to rely heavily on equipment. Just like sports in the Muggle world, whether it is football or basketball, it is the strength and skills of the athletes themselves that win.

I haven't heard that the person wearing a pair of sneakers can increase his speed by a few percent.

But the equipment in Quidditch, the broomstick, does it all. A broken broom can't keep up with the top broom anyway.

Thinking of this, Eisen suddenly felt that it would be more fair to directly unify the broomsticks of the players on both sides of the Quidditch match.

Just like before, Malfoy's father bought Nimbus 2001 for all the members of the Slytherin team. As a result, Slytherin's games against other teams were almost always crushing victories.

After the game, everyone was discussing what happened on the field, especially Harry riding the Firebolt and showing off his might, which left a deep impression on everyone.

The students of Gryffindor even planned to have a party directly in the Gryffindor common room.

After Gryffindor defeated La Wen Keluo, the score rose rapidly, but for Harry and the others, it was as if they had already won the Academy Cup.

In a blink of an eye, several days have passed.

But the match between Gryffindor and Rawen Klaw caused a lot of waves at Hogwarts. Because Harry's Firebolt is so powerful that everyone from Hufflepuff Academy also came to observe Harry's Firebolt.

As for the people of Slytherin, it was as if they had been bombarded by heavenly thunder, and their faces were extremely ugly. Especially Della Comalfo, who used to walk up and down in front of Harry arrogantly, but after seeing Harry showing off his power this time, she shrank a lot.

However, it could be seen from Malfoy's gloomy eyes that he seemed to have never given up on some intrigues.

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