Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 54 Gratitude

Instead of going back, Eisen followed the trio to the Gryffindor common room.

Sitting on the sofa near the fireplace, Eisen could still hear other little wizards not far away discussing Professor Lupine's transformation into a werewolf.

"It's too scary, I can't believe that there are werewolves in Hogwarts!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Dumbledore has said it all, Professor Lupine won't go mad and attack us after drinking the wolfsbane potion!"

"I mean, it's unbelievable that Dumbledore would agree to a werewolf being a professor at Hogwarts."

"Do you believe that Professor Lupine will attack us?"

"Of course not. If he wants to attack us, there are too many opportunities. You know, he has been teaching us for almost a year."


"Professor Eisen, will Professor Lupine be okay?" Hermione sat on the other side of the sofa, looking at Eisen with a worried expression.

Harry and Ron sat on the chairs opposite each other, silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Of course nothing will happen. Professor Lupine was invited by Dumbledore to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Of course he knows what's going on with Professor Lupine." Eisen said.

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"Professor Eisen, I was in Professor Lupin's office some time ago, and saw him drink the potion that Snape prepared, which is the wolfsbane potion, right?" Harry's eyes suddenly lit up and looked at Eisen as if thinking of something.

"That's right—" Eisen nodded, "If a werewolf wants to stay sane while transforming, he needs to take Wolfsbane Potion. But Wolfsbane Potion is a very complicated potion, and only Snape can do it at Hogwarts Configure it."

Ron and Hermione also thought about what Harry had said about it, and they suddenly looked surprised.

"Then why did Snape—" Ron had a puzzled look on his face.

"Professor Dumbledore invited Lupin to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, so he ordered Snape to prepare Lupine's poison potion to ensure that he would not lose his sanity after transforming. There is absolutely no way for Snape to refuse."

Eisen said, glanced at the trio, and continued, "However, Snape and Lupine have always been at odds with each other since they were at Hogwarts school."

"I know—" Harry said suddenly, and after a pause, he seemed a little embarrassed, but he continued, "During the holidays, I lived with Sirius, and he told something about my father's School stuff. Well, my father was friends with Sirius Black, Professor Lupine, Pettigrew, and they've always been at odds with Snape..."

In a strange tone, Harry described the mutual hostility between Snape and his father's clique.

After Harry finished speaking, he found that Ron and Hermione had opened their mouths and looked at him dumbfounded. On the contrary, Eisen's expression was very calm, and he didn't seem to have the slightest reaction.

"You mean, during school, your father and Sirius bullied Professor Snape?" Ron had an inexplicable expression on his face, "Then he must have been bullied terribly, I really want to see his face at that time! "

Hearing this, Eisen's face turned dark. Ron, this kid, how can his attention be so crooked.

"So, Professor Lupine has always been hostile to Professor Lupine because of his good relationship with your father and Sirius Black?" Hermione looked at Harry and nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right!" Harry said, scratching his head. Afterwards, he seemed a little embarrassed, opened his mouth and hesitated for a while, and then continued: "You all know the screaming shack, right?"

"Of course, we've been to Hogsmeade twice, and everyone knows that the Shrieking Shack is haunted." Ron spoke out first.

"Actually, the Shrieking Shack isn't haunted anymore—" Harry glanced around, seeing that no one was paying attention, and started talking.

"How is it possible, everyone knows that the Shrieking Shack is the most haunted place in England." Before he could finish, Hermione interrupted him directly.

"Listen to me—" Harry whispered, "Professor Lupine was able to transform into a werewolf when he was in school, and it was Professor Dumbledore who made Professor Lupine hide in the Screaming Shack when the full moon transformed."

"You mean to say that the haunted rumors of the Screaming Shack are actually Professor Lupine's howls inside after he transformed into a werewolf?" Hearing the truth of the matter, Ron felt a little unbelievable for a moment.

"That's right, remember the Whomping Willow outside the castle?" Harry nodded and continued.

"Of course, how could I forget it!" Ron's expression gradually turned ferocious, "At that time, the car we were riding in hit the Whomping Willow, if Professor Eisen hadn't shot us, we would have been beaten to death by it. Also, your light The wheel 2000 was also smashed by it!"

"Yes, the Whomping Willow was actually planted by Headmaster Dumbledore, under which is the passage leading to the Shrieking Shack." Harry bared his teeth.

"Dumbledore must have wanted to prevent other students from entering the Screaming Shack through that passage, so as not to be attacked by Lupine who turned into a werewolf. That's why he planted Whomping Willow to seal that passage!" Hermione on the side said in affirmative tone Say.

"So that's the case—but, even if it's the case, is there a problem?" Ron nodded but looked directly at Harry as if remembering something.

"Snape always wanted to know where Professor Lupine went on the night of the full moon in order to catch my dad and Sirius and the others—" Harry whispered.

"Screaming Shack?" Hermione seemed to have thought of something, with a deep worry on her face.

"One time, Sirius deliberately leaked to him the way to get into the Shrieking Shack from the Whomping Willow. As a result, Snape was almost killed by Lupine who turned into a werewolf!" Harry frowned slightly as he said.

"My God, doesn't Sirius know what this will lead to?" Hermione looked at Harry in surprise.

"Yes, Sirius told me that's what he thought. They were always hostile—" Harry fell silent after he finished.

"But, Snape isn't dead, is he, otherwise he wouldn't be able to teach us potions!" Ron said, spreading his hands.

"Yes, my dad saved Snape from Lupine in the end!" Harry nodded, his face heavy and he didn't know what to think.

"However, if your dad can save Snape from the werewolf-turned-hands, it means your dad was there at the time, otherwise, he couldn't have rushed there!" Hermione looked even more surprised at Harry's expression.

"Sirius said, he told my dad about it after he leaked the news to Snape. Then my dad rushed over." Harry said.

"Professor Eisen, what do you think?" Hermione pushed Eisen's arm.

Eisen hesitated. In fact, he probably understood the grievances between them. But Eisen obviously didn't know what kind of mentality Black had at the time to leak the secret to Snape to enter the Whomping Willow.

However, Eisen guessed that Black was either being reckless and didn't care about Snape's hated rival. Either it was malicious and wanted to use this method to put Snape directly to death.

Whatever the possibility, after Black did all this, he must have told James Potter who was nearby. Otherwise, as Hermione said, James Potter, who wasn't there, wouldn't be able to save Snape in time.

As for why Harry's father wanted to save Snape, a rival in love, it's easier to understand. After all, they were all there, and the consequences of sitting back and watching Snape get killed by Lupine who turned into a werewolf would obviously be quite serious.

Once this kind of thing really happened, Lupine's expulsion would be the lightest, maybe he would be imprisoned in Azkaban, or even executed. After all, a werewolf who killed a Hogwarts student was a serious crime.

As for James Potter and others, it is estimated that after the truth is found out, they will inevitably bear part of the responsibility. Maybe they will be expelled from Hogwarts too.

Obviously, this result was unacceptable to Harry's father.

Of course, maybe James Potter didn't think so much, he just wanted to save Snape, his love rival, back. But Eisen believes that James Potter should have considered the consequences.

"Well, maybe Harry's father didn't know that Sirius would tell Snape the way to enter the Whomping Willow, so after knowing that, he thought that Sirius Black's approach was wrong, so he hurried over to rescue Snape." Eisen looked The trio slowly expressed their guesses.

The three of them nodded when they heard what Eisen said, but said nothing.

For a while, several people fell silent.

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