Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Two Begins At The Leaky Cauldron

After walking out of the coffee shop, Eisen temporarily forgot his troubles. Looking at the cars whizzing by on the street, he suddenly felt that even the smoke in the sky became lovely. After Gold Finger appeared, although Eisen still felt a little bit confused about the future, he already had a bottom line in his heart.

In fact, it is also understandable, after all, who wouldn't be like this after owning Gold Finger? Walking on the street, Eisen glanced at the nearby bookstores one by one, and then a strange shop caught his attention.

"This is..." Looking at the dark and dilapidated building in front of him, Eisen looked back. "That's right, this is Charing Cross Road, and there are many bookstores on the street." He muttered inwardly, and looked up again.

Sure enough, between a bookstore and a record store, a dark and slightly dilapidated shop suddenly appeared in a place he had never noticed before. Suddenly, Eisen was a little confused. Because he often passed by this street before, even when he passed by here in the morning for work, he didn't remember such a shop here, but why did it happen so suddenly? Could it be that I have ignored it before? This is too outrageous!

I'm hallucinating? A thought first flashed in Eisen's mind, but was quickly rejected by himself. Immediately afterwards, when Eisen saw the signboard with some peeling writing, the words "The Leaky Cauldron" appeared in front of Eisen's eyes.

Suddenly, an unbelievable thought emerged from the depths of my memory—this is the Leaky Cauldron! ! !

This is an incredible conclusion for Eisen, but it is so reasonable to appear here. Because at this point in time, the "Harry Potter" series of novels has not yet appeared, so it is impossible for someone to deliberately cosplay. Before that, Eisen also had the idea of ​​copying the "Harry Potter" series of novels, but he never thought that magic would really shine into reality.

Yes, Eisen suddenly had a Gold Finger today, and also awakened an extraordinary talent for magic power. Just as he was still guessing whether he had come to a parallel world with extraordinary power, the answer appeared in front of him so abruptly.

After careful observation several times before and after, Eisen felt that he was right. There is indeed an extra store in a place that would always be ignored. In his opinion, this is likely to be a change that he can only see after he has magic power. After all, the Leaky Cauldron is said to be the place where the Hiding and Muggle Repelling Charms have been cast, and only wizards can see it.

However, in order to make sure his idea was correct, Eisen went straight into the next bookstore.

"Young man, do you need to buy any books?" A man in a brown fur coat and mid-length jeans appeared in front of Eisen, who seemed to be the owner of the bookstore.

Afterwards, Eisen started chatting with the other party under the pretense of just looking around. A few minutes later, Eisen paid for a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

"By the way, boss, do you know what the black shop next door sells?" When leaving, Eisen asked casually.

"A black store? Next door is a record store! How can there be a black store?" The other party was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Eisen with a strange look.

"Oh, I was wrong." Eisen looked like he remembered something, turned around and left quickly. Standing on the street outside again, Eisen clenched his fists subconsciously, with only one thought in his mind: "It really seems to be the Leaky Cauldron."

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After pondering for a while, Eisen still felt that he had to go in to make sure, if it was the Leaky Cauldron, then he also wanted to see if he could enter Diagon Alley.

Of course, Eisen was still a little depressed when he learned that this was Harry Potter's world.

Because he was eighteen years old this year, it was impossible for him to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to study magic at such an age. Thinking of this, Eisen was filled with resentment again. Why didn't Gold Finger appear when he was 11 years old to help him awaken his magic power?

But now that it was like this, he had to go to Diagon Alley anyway, buy a wand of his own, and then buy some magic books. Because at this moment, Eisen already figured out that the magical power he awakened was indeed used to chant spells and cast spells. Therefore, self-taught magic has become Eisen's primary goal at the moment.

But is it really okay to just go in like this? Eisen looked down at the slightly formal attire he was wearing for work, and the thought crossed his mind. However, when he saw the "Encyclopedia Britannica" he had just bought in his hand, a smile appeared on his face. Well, yes, I can pretend to be a wizard who studies Muggle life and social habits.

Afterwards, Eisen stepped forward and pushed open the wooden door of the Leaky Cauldron, and walked in. In an instant, Eisen felt as if he had changed into a different world, separated from the outside world into two worlds.

The inside of the bar is extremely dark, there is a bar counter inside, and there are several tables scattered around it, some of which are hidden in the shadows. Candles lit some of the tables, lending some light to the dimly lit bar. Of course, the most eye-catching are some old men and old women in robes, it can be seen that they are all wizards.

That's right, the Leaky Cauldron! Seeing this scene, Eisen was sure at once.

Behind the bar is an old man with almost bare hair who looks like a nutcracker. Presumably, this is Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

Seeing a young guy coming in suddenly, some wizards didn't take it seriously, and a few people put their eyes on Eisen, as if they were examining him.

"Hi, young man, do you need anything?" Seeing a black-haired young man in his twenties approaching, the bar owner greeted him and asked directly.

"Well, when I was researching a very interesting spell recently, the wand was accidentally damaged, so you know, I can only go to Diagon Alley to buy a new one." At this time, Eisen's mind was full of After turning around a thousand times, he shrugged his shoulders and said the reason he had made up long ago. And, try your best not to reveal your flaws.

"Okay, come with me." Maybe it was because Eisen was acting normal enough, or maybe it was because the owner of the hotel didn't bother to dig deeper, so the other party just nodded and motioned for Eisen to follow.

Across the bar, Eisen followed the hotel owner to a small patio surrounded by walls. Except for some weeds, there is only one trash can inside.

"Count three pieces to the top of the trash can, then count two pieces horizontally, and knock three times." Watching the action of the hotel owner taking out his wand and hitting the wall tiles, Eisen murmured silently in his heart at the same time.

Then, the bricks on the wall began to move, and a small hole appeared in the middle, and then the hole expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a road appeared before Eisen's eyes. That's right, this is the famous Diagon Alley in the wizarding world.

"Okay, young man, I hope you will be more careful next time you study spells." The bar owner gave Eisen a piece of advice.

"Yes, sir, I must pay attention." Eisen nodded with a smile, and then formally stepped into Diagon Alley. Looking back, Eisen found that the original place had become a wall again.

"Magic is amazing enough!" Although Eisen didn't have much expression on his face, he couldn't stop the wonder in his heart. At a glance, the narrow streets are full of shopping and people coming and going. Since this time period is the time when new students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft enter school, the whole street is very lively.

An owl shop, a broomstick shop, a shop selling all kinds of quirky silverware and more. Rao Eisen has already prepared a little mentally, and also feels dazzled.

"This is the world of wizards, the wonderful life of wizards, here I come!" With a roar in his heart, Eisen finally showed an exaggerated smile on his face.

However, the top priority is to exchange some Galleons, otherwise, nothing can be bought. Walking forward with the flow of people, within a few minutes, Eisen came to the bottom of a white building, which was particularly eye-catching compared with the surrounding shops. That's right, this is the wizard's bank - Gringotts.

Obviously, for Eisen, who is new to the wizarding world, he can only come here if he wants to exchange money. After passing through the bronze gate, Eisen saw the figure of a rather ugly creature - the goblin of Gringotts. In fact, it was hard for Eisen to understand that such an ugly monster would be given such an excellent name as "Fairy".

Then Eisen came to the second silver door with some warning signs engraved on it. After entering, I came to a marble hall, with a row of long counters on both sides, and a hundred goblins standing on the high stools behind, each busy with their own affairs.

"Hello, I want to exchange 200 Galleons." Eisen went straight to a counter and took out a thousand pounds. That's right, exchanging British pounds for Galleons is a necessary process. As for why you don't exchange more, it is because there is a limit to exchanging British pounds for gold Galleons.

Therefore, the elf in front of him didn't say anything about Eisen's request. In fact, Eisen still has some doubts in his heart, that is, whether Gringotts will exchange the wild wizard (himself) with unknown origins for Galleons. If it was only exchanged for young wizards who had just entered the wizarding world, then Eisen would have to find a more normal reason.

For example, I have been living in the Muggle society for the past few years to conduct Muggle research, and now I plan to study magic and so on. But fortunately, the other party didn't follow up. After the 200 Galleons were exchanged, Eisen left Gringotts.

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