Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 21 The Quidditch Match

On Saturday morning, although the weather was sunny, the cold still shrouded Hogwarts Castle. Eisen got up early in the morning, and when he was eating in the auditorium, he heard the little wizards around him constantly discussing about the Quidditch match.

Everyone was discussing which house would win, Gryffindor or Slytherin. At this time, Eisen suddenly realized that the Quidditch match was about to start.

At eleven o'clock, all the teachers and students of the school had come to the stands around the Quidditch pitch, and Eisen also came to the highest row.

Looking around, Eisen saw the lively scene at the scene. A lot of students were sitting on the seats that were lifted into the air. It seemed that in order to better watch the game, they had to bring binoculars.

"Professor Eisen, do you also like Quidditch?" A voice suddenly came from beside him. Eisen turned his head and saw that Hermione had also come to the top row.

Followed by Ron, Neville and others, unexpectedly, they carried a banner made of sheets, on which not only the words Potter must win, but also a Gryffindor lion drawn underneath. The paint on the banner has also been cast with a simple magic, shimmering with colorful light.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Eisen's mouth couldn't help twitching. ‘Cut, it’s a child after all, childish! ’ However, thinking so in his heart, Eisen replied: “No, I prefer table tennis.”

"Ping-pong? What's that?" Before Hermione could speak, Ron from behind asked first.

"Oh, I know, it's a kind of Muggle athletics, it's very popular in the Muggle world." Miss Know-it-all looked at Ron with contempt. I don't know anything about table tennis.

On the other hand, Wood was still talking about some preparations with Harry who was about to appear. Followed by Wesley's twin brothers and Angelina Johnson and others.

Looking from a distance, one could see that whether it was Gryffindor's team or Slytherin's team, they all rode brooms and circled over the pitch.

To be honest, as soon as this scene came out, it immediately caught Eisen's attention. Although he is not very interested in sports like Quidditch, it is very enviable for many people to fly around in the sky together.

For a moment, even the attention of Hermione and the others were all attracted.

"Hi everyone! Welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch match of the season. Today is Slytherin vs. Gryffindor!" Accompanied by figures flying on the field, a recognizable voice resounded the whole pitch. That's right, Li Qiaodan is the narrator.

Then, the entire academy on the field cheered. What amuses Eisen is that what Lee is holding in his hand actually looks like a microphone.

At this moment, Eisen thought of a good idea. That is to make a similar magic item, store the scream of mandella in it, so as to obtain the characteristic of screaming and dying of mandella. Of course, this is just an idea. As for whether it can be realized, we have to experiment in the future.

After the players from both sides came to the center of the court and landed, Li Qiaodan's voice sounded just right again: "Players are on their positions, Mrs. Hooch is ready to kick off!"

Apparently, as a flying professor, Ms. Hodge was the referee for the Quidditch match.

"Listen, I hope everyone can participate in the game fairly and honestly!" Seeing the players gather, Ms. Hodge said with a serious expression.

After speaking, Ms. Hodge looked towards the Slytherin team, as if she was alluding to something. Then, Ms. Hodge blew the silver whistle in her hand.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin players all rose from the ground with their broomsticks, and the bound Bludgers and Golden Snitch also flew wildly on the court like wild horses that had run free.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"The Quaffle was snatched by Gryffindor's Chaser Angelina Johnson, what a good Chaser that girl is, and she looks so charming—" Lee Jordan's commentary voice came, but he digressed Professor McGonagall couldn't help but reprimanded him.


"Sorry, Professor McGonagall!"

Lee Jordan is a good friend of the Wesley twins, so Eisen has reason to believe that Fred and George have influenced Lee Jordan's jumping look.

From the very beginning, the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin got very intense.

The scene was first broken by Gryffindor's Chaser Angelina, adding ten points to Gryffindor. But Slytherin was not to be outdone, and launched a fierce offensive after grabbing the Quaffle.

"Excuse me, let me give way—" A tall figure came from the side.

"Hagrid!" Both Hermione and Ron pushed their way towards Eisen, before making room for Hagrid to sit down.

"Professor Eisen! Harry, you haven't found the Snitch yet, have you?" While sitting down, Hagrid looked at Eisen and nodded, then raised his binoculars to look at Harry in the sky.

"Yeah, Harry's still in the air with nothing to do!" Ron shrugged his shoulders, and seemed dissatisfied with Harry's current performance.

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is no trouble, it's a good thing!" Hagrid reached out and patted Ron on the shoulder, making him grin.

Indeed, in Eisen's view, finding the Snitch requires a very high level of vision from the Seeker. Of course, after you see it, you have to find a way to catch it.

You must know that the flying speed of the Golden Snitch is also very fast. Generally speaking, it takes a Seeker to fly with all his strength on a broomstick to catch it.

Moreover, the Golden Snitch is not only fast, but also has a very strong flexibility. Just like the Bludger, which has a strong aggressiveness and will attack the wizard, the Golden Snitch will flash around and change directions flexibly, making it very difficult to catch. Thinking of this, Eisen felt that in addition to the flying characteristics provided by the broomstick, the Golden Snitch and the Bludger are both good choices.

"Wait—is that—a snitch?" With Lee Jordan's surprised voice, Harry began to dive on his broom.

That's right, when the eyes were on Harry, he could be found chasing a golden streamer. Gryffindor's Seeker, Harry spotted the Snitch and gave chase.

Seeing Harry's actions, Slytherin's Seeker Terrence Higgins also immediately noticed. Afterwards, he followed Harry to chase the Snitch.

However, it is a pity that Harry met Slytherin who loves to play tricks, so after being bumped by Marcus, the Snitch took the opportunity to disappear.

Although, the Gryffindor team got a free throw, but Harry was in a bad mood. However, before he could continue chasing in the sky, he was taken aback by his own broom.

All I saw was that Harry's broom was shaking back and forth, left and right, as if it was about to throw Harry directly to the ground.

"What's wrong with Harry's broom?" Hagrid, who was keeping an eye on Harry, immediately noticed something was wrong.

"It's Snape, he's cursing Harry's broom!" Hermione snatched Hagrid's binoculars and scanned the stands, noticing Professor Snape's mouth was moving. Later, Hermione told Eisen and Ron of her discovery.

But for Eisen, who knew the plot early, he knew that the person who cursed Harry's broom was actually Professor Quirrell behind Snape. Snape was chanting, just helping Harry banish the curse from his broom.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Before Eisen could say anything, Ron, who was a little shocked by the result, immediately showed a worried look. There was no way, while the few people were talking, Harry was clinging to the broom like a sloth, writhing back and forth in the sky, looking very dangerous.

Eisen frowned slightly, wondering if he should tell the two little wizards the truth of the matter. After all, spoilers are a matter of course for traversers.

However, before Eisen could make a decision, Hermione at the side was very straightforward.

"I have a solution!" Hermione made a decisive decision, nodded to Eisen and Ron, and left quickly.

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