Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 96: Dumbledore's Assignment

Early the next morning, while Eisen was savoring Hogwarts food in the auditorium, Dumbledore suddenly called him to his office.

This makes Eisen weird.

Because the reception of teachers and students of Beauxbaton School of Magic and Durmstrang School of Magic is basically arranged by Professor McGonagall.

And what kind of process to arrange according to, in fact, it has already been planned.

So, is there something wrong with Dumbledore suddenly looking for him?

In the principal's office, Eisen voiced his doubts.

"Eisen, I need you to go to King's Cross Station and come here with the students on the Hogwarts Express." Dumbledore arranged without haste.

"You mean, that I board the train at platform nine and three quarters with the students and escort them to Hogwarts?" Eisen looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

This should not be necessary.

Whether it is a senior student or a freshman, start from King's Cross Station, enter platform nine and three-quarters, then board the train, and finally arrive at Hogwarts. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this route.

"That's right, what happened at the Quidditch World Cup made the Ministry of Magic very passive!" Dumbledore nodded slowly, and then continued, "Fortunately, the perpetrators have been caught. But Connelly thinks that maybe Some of the Death Eaters who weren't involved are still lurking in the shadows—"

"So, he's worried that those Death Eaters hiding in the dark will do something to the Hogwarts Express and the students?" Eisen said, and the pudgy figure of Cornelius Fudge appeared in his mind.

"I think this possibility is very small, but he thinks that we should not relax, it is necessary to strengthen the search for Death Eaters." Dumbledore said flatly.

"Does he think a Hogwarts professor is needed to escort the students?" Eisen said thoughtfully, nodding slowly.

"The Ministry of Magic has sent some strikers to act as temporary guards outside King's Cross Station, and a professor is needed to meet them at the platform. I think you'd be a good fit—" Dumbledore glanced at Eisen and smiled.

"Okay, no problem, when will I go?" Eisen pondered for a moment before planning to go as Dumbledore's assignment. Anyway, it's not a big deal.

"I think you can start now, some students won't wait until eleven o'clock to board the train!" Dumbledore gestured to Eisen.

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After waving his hand, Eisen got up and left without saying anything.


King's Cross Station, after Eisen had cast the Muggle-repelling spell on himself, he crawled straight out of the wall at platform nine and three quarters.

Outside, people come and go, and it looks particularly lively. But where Eisen was, no one noticed.

Then, Eisen noticed that two people in strange costumes were standing opposite him. After he came out, the two guys walked straight towards him.

"I'm a professor at Hogwarts, and you are—" Although he had already guessed, Eisen still asked as usual.

"We are Ministry of Magic staff, dealing with incidents that may arouse Muggle suspicion. Hogwarts starts today, and we are here to protect the students who come to school from security threats."

Perhaps because Eisen is a professor at Hogwarts, the two Ministry of Magic staff are very polite.

"Can I have a look at the work permits?" Eisen was not so polite, and took out his wand directly to check the work permits of the two of them.

I don't have any other ideas, the main thing is to be more "cautious". After Eisen took out his wand and finished speaking, he stared at the two of them.

The two looked at each other, and didn't seem to blame Eisen's actions, then took out their work ID from their pockets. Eisen checked it a little bit, well, sure enough, it was a staff member of the Ministry of Magic.

"You guys do your work here, and I'll pick up the students over there!" Eisen returned the work ID to them, and pointed to the wall behind him.

"Okay, professor!" I don't know if it was Eisen's illusion, but I always feel that they are a little too polite.

Eisen nodded and didn't speak. After the God's perspective was turned on, no abnormality was found, and then the normal perspective was restored. Then, he passed through the barrier on the wall and came to platform nine and three quarters again.

Looking at the steam train parked on the rails next to the platform, Eisen turned and walked to the other corner of the platform, leaning against the wall and waiting quietly.

Time passed slowly, and between nine o'clock and ten o'clock, the newly enrolled young wizards, accompanied by their parents, walked through the barrier to the platform, and then boarded the train that was parked next to them.

"It's almost time for the departure, Mom, hurry back!" A little wizard who seemed to be a new student showed an impatient look on his face, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to experience the journey to Hogwarts alone.

"Don't lie to me, the car doesn't start until eleven o'clock!" Obviously, the little wizard's lie was a little too clumsy.

However, after some conversation, the little wizard boarded the train alone as he wished, and after he waved, his mother turned and left through the barrier of platform nine and three-quarters.

Afterwards, familiar figures came to the platform one by one, and boarded the train. For example, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Braun, Parvati Patil, Justin Finriely, Hannah Abbott and many more.

Surprisingly, they did not come alone, but were sent by their parents.

Then, though, Eisen understood why. It was simply because the Ministry of Magic sent some employees to guard King's Cross Station.

Those parents also understood that although the Death Eaters who caused trouble at the Quidditch World Cup were caught, there were not many Death Eaters hiding in secret. Therefore, sending children to school is a matter of course.

A figure kept appearing, slowly filling up the carriages on the train. When it was nearly eleven o'clock, the figures of Fred and George first appeared on the platform.

"Fred, George, are you here?" When the time was almost up, Eisen stood up from the other corner and walked out, waving to them.

"Professor Eisen, why are you here?" The two looked at Eisen in surprise.

"Escort you to Hogwarts safely!" Eisen said casually, but Fred and George suddenly realized. Apparently, the Ministry of Magic staff guarding on the other side let them see what was going on.

Before continuing, figures of Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and others appeared one after another. Immediately afterwards, the Arthurs also appeared on the platform.

"Ha, Professor Eisen!" Molly greeted in surprise, and then waved to the children, "Okay, with Professor Eisen watching, we are very relieved, children, follow him to the train!"

"Eisen, please." Arthur smiled at Eisen.

"You're too polite. Dumbledore asked me to come here just to escort them." Eisen said with a smile as he twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Professor Dumbledore? Was it something that happened at the Quidditch World Cup?" Harry couldn't help but uttered, "I saw Ministry of Magic staff over there—"

Harry was wearing jeans and a sweater, and the others were dressed casually, not looking too formal. It should be planned to change back to school robes on the Hogwarts Express train.

"Yes, although I don't think you will be in any danger, everyone thinks it's better to be cautious." Eisen shrugged.

"Okay, I have something to do in the department, I have to go first! Children, I wish you all the best this semester!" Arthur waved his hand and said, disapparating and leaving without thinking about anything else.

Eisen boarded the train first, followed by Harry and others.

At the beginning of the new semester, many owls will follow them to Hogwarts because there are many new students who will be enrolled. Therefore, on the whole train, the hooting of owls was very noisy.

After entering a carriage of the train, everyone picked out their seats and sat down. Near the innermost window, Hermione sat to one side, followed by Eisen, and Fred and George huddled together outside.

Opposite Hermione was Ginny, and then Ginny sat next to Ron, and Harry sat across from Fred.


At eleven o'clock, the engine piston sounded, and the train started to move slowly.

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