Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Eight Famous Scenes

In the afternoon, Eisen met the trio and the Wesley twins while eating in the auditorium.

Eisen was eating food, but also paying attention to what they were talking about.

"Fred, George, you took Sirius' class, how did he teach?" Harry looked at the two brothers with great interest, and was extremely interested in it.

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Hearing Harry's question, Ron on the side and Hermione, who was eating and drinking like crazy, also looked over. It was strange, Eisen glanced at Hermione, why her appetite suddenly improved, as if she had been hungry for days.

"Excellent! Dude!" Fred shook his head and winked at Harry and Ron.

"Yes, I didn't expect him to be so powerful!" George and Fred exchanged glances, with surprise on their faces.

"Of course it's amazing. He can transform Annie Magus and escape from Azkaban, can't he?" Ron's mouth was full of potatoes, as if it was a matter of course.

"No, we mean, he talked about some methods to deal with black magic!" On the other side, Fred and George's good friend Lee Jordan interjected.

"Yes, black magic—oh, no, it should be the subject of defeating very magic, it's cool to think of Sirius' method!" Fred said solemnly.

"That's really great!" A smile spread across Harry's face.

"We don't have his class until Thursday!" Ron said in a disappointed tone after pulling out the timetable.


"Oh my god, it's just amazing!"

"No, it should be too miserable—"

At the end of everyone's meal and the little wizards in the auditorium had already left in a hurry, there was a burst of noise coming from the stairs.

Turning his head, Eisen found many young wizards gathered at the stairs leading upstairs.

"Did something happen?" Fred and George looked at each other, and they both saw the light in each other's eyes.

"Hurry over and have a look!" Ron patted Harry on the shoulder in fear, and ran over quickly, ignoring the others.

He looked at Harry and the others, and at the other young wizards, all of them rushed towards the place where the noise came from.

After seeing this situation, Eisen couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it's only the first day of school, why is there another moth! Sitting at the dining table, Eisen drank orange juice unhurriedly, and then opened the God's perspective, and saw a group of little wizards in the corridor of the castle.

Hmm, it can't be said to be in a group, it should be said that a high-level wizard is bullying a low-level wizard, and then a group of young wizards are watching!

To be more precise, it should be a seventh-year Slytherin student named Montison Rolle who was bullying fourth-year student Della Komalfort.

Many Slytherin students gathered around and looked at each other in blank dismay, without any organization, just watching there. In addition, there are many students from other colleges around, with smiles on their faces, and some are even applauding quietly.

Eisen noticed that Harry, Ron, Fred and others also looked at the bullied Malfoy with a smile on their faces, and almost cheered and cheered.


What's the trouble again?

After Eisen looked away, there were several question marks on his forehead!

How should I put it, the students of Slytherin College are usually very united internally, and basically there will be no internal fighting. Especially their idea of ​​pure blood supremacy, which Eisen thinks is ridiculous. Whatever it is, they often agree that it is true.

This matter is outrageous.

"Professor, Professor Eisen!" When he looked up, he saw Hermione coming in front of him.

"Hermione, what happened? Such a hurry!" Eisen looked at Hermione in surprise.

"It's fighting!" Hermione said hurriedly, but her breath was exceptionally steady.

"A fight?" Eisen repeated, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"Well, the Slytherins are fighting, and they're fighting in the corridor!" Hermione said, with a strange look on her face.

Seeing Hermione's kind look, Eisen almost got black threads on his forehead.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" Eisen said rather speechlessly, but glanced at Hermione.

The Slytherin students fought, why didn't Hermione watch and applaud like Harry and the others, but instead came to inform him that he was coming. If he hadn't seen Hermione slap Malfoy before, he really couldn't bear to think of Hermione.

But to be honest, Eisen thought it would be better to inform Snape about the conflict between the students in Slytherin.

Or, simply let the other senior Slytherin students mediate.

"Hasn't anyone informed Professor Snape? He is the dean of Slytherin!" Walking on the road, Eisen asked calmly.

"Uh, Professor Eisen, that—" Hermione faltered without saying why.

While thinking about it, Eisen thought of the reason. I'm afraid, it's because Snape usually behaved a little too "no strangers allowed", which made many people hate him. So no one notified him? That's probably it!

"By the way, the Slytherins are fighting, do you know what's going on?" Eisen and Hermione suddenly asked again when they climbed the stairs.

"I don't know, Malfoy must have pissed off the others!" Hermione blinked, giving Eisen a ignorant look.

Well, by the way, Malfoy was being bullied. But are Slytherin students so snobbish? Eisen suddenly thought of this question.

Lucius Malfoy was indeed imprisoned. If there were no accidents, he should be imprisoned in Azkaban after the trial. But as soon as he lost power, Malfoy was bullied by people from the same academy, isn't it unreasonable?

After all, I have never seen Malfoy bully anyone in his academy before. Besides, his dad bought Nimbus 2001 for everyone on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the professor is coming!" Hermione yelled when she came to the corridor that was tightly blocked by the little wizards, making way for Eisen.

"Oh, that's disgusting!"

"Malfoy's mouth is going to swell!"

"Look - he's going to throw up!"

The little wizards were bluffing, and when they saw Eisen coming over, many of them covered their mouths.

After seeing Eisen, Ron, Harry and the others obediently kept their mouths shut, but the excitement on their faces still revealed their emotions.

Looking over calmly, Eisen noticed that the seventh-grade student Montison Rohr stood aside with a happy face, while Malfoy was holding his stomach with one hand and the ground with the other, squatting on the ground in pain.

His face was pale and his lips were swollen like a clown. Surprisingly, a little spark appeared around his mouth from time to time.

On the ground, a "pipi shrimp" that looked like half of its shell was wriggling, and the smell of rotten fish and shrimp wafted from it.

"Insane!" Watching this scene, Eisen couldn't help but think of this word in his mind.

"Oh my God - what the hell is going on here?" Professor McGonagall rushed to the scene from the other side, followed by Professor Snape.

After seeing what happened at the scene, Professor McGonagall showed a shocked expression. But Snape in the back, after seeing Malfoy who was half squatting, had an ugly expression on his face.

After several professors arrived, the little wizards immediately fell silent.

"Professor Eisen, can you tell me what happened here?" Professor McGonagall looked at Eisen in surprise.

Professor Snape stepped forward and pressed his wand against Malfoy's stomach, and after a little light flashed, the pain on Malfoy's face faded away. Then, Snape also looked up at Eisen.

"I just got here, so I don't know what's going on here!" Eisen shook his head, and when he saw Harry Ron and the others, his tone changed, "Harry, Ron, do you know what's going on here?"

"We don't know exactly what happened, but we saw that Malfoy was fed Blast-tailed snails by him!" Harry shook his head, then pointed to Montison Rohr who was standing aside.

"Okay, it's all over! Go back to your lounge!" Professor McGonagall's little wizards shouted.

After the little wizards had dispersed in all directions, Professor McGonagall said to Snape, "This is a matter of Slytherin House, and I think it is very reasonable for you to handle it."

Then, with a dark face, Snape took the troublemakers away.

The matter came to an end here temporarily. Although Eisen did not participate in or deal with it from the beginning to the end, he still felt a little bit tired.

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