Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 36 Library Conversation (Part 2)

"So, wouldn't it be the same for the remaining two methods?" Harry was shocked all of a sudden, and even felt that Professor Eisen was just teasing them. On the other hand, Hermione's eyes lit up, obviously showing great interest in the magic potion of Felix Felicia.

"Uh, there is another way. Do you know the founder of Hogwarts?" Eisen didn't answer directly, but asked a question instead.

"I know, Professor Eisen, there are four houses in Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Raven Klaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin." As if in class, Hermione took the lead to answer, "During the Middle Ages, when Recognized as the four greatest wizards, Godric Gryffindor, Royna Lawen Kelaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin jointly created the Hogwarts school.

Due to different teaching concepts, they established four different colleges in Hogwarts under their own names. Raven Claw, chooses students with extraordinary intelligence, Slytherin, chooses students from pure-blood families, Gryffindor, chooses students who are brave and adventurous, and Hufflepuff treats all students equally. "

After Hermione talked eloquently and told what she knew, Harry and Ron were still in a daze. Apparently, Miss Know-it-all's moments are always like this.

For Hermione, the contents of "Hogwarts: A School History" will never be forgotten.

"That's right, but I have to say, they all left behind very powerful treasures." Eisen nodded at Hermione, gave her an appreciative look, and continued her conversation.

"Treasure!" Upon hearing about the treasure, Ron became interested immediately.

"But, does this have anything to do with the second method?" Although Harry was also very interested, he didn't understand what Eisen's purpose was for saying this.

"Among them, the treasure left by Ms. Royna La Wen Keluo is a crown that can increase the wisdom of wearing it." Immediately afterwards, Eisen didn't make a fool of it, and said the answer directly.

"Increased wisdom! So, just wearing it will make you smarter?" Ron exclaimed, a look of desperation in his eyes.

No way, Ron did not perform very well in the trio, so he has always had some low self-esteem. And if Lawen Keluo's crown can really increase wisdom, wouldn't anyone who wears it become a schoolmaster?

The three little wizards looked at Eisen expectantly, and it goes without saying that they wanted to know the whereabouts of La Wen Keluo's crown.

"But obviously, I don't know where Rawen Klaw's diadem is, and no one knows where it is now!" After seeing Harry, Ron, and Hermione all look expectant, Eisen took a cold breath The child poured down.

"Professor Eisen, you must have done it on purpose, right!" Ron looked at Eisen with a resentful expression, as if he had done something heinous.

"Okay, there is a third method, I promise it will be useful!" Seeing this, Eisen didn't continue to tease them, and quickly talked about the third method.

That's right, the method Eisen intends to talk about is actually the "question sea tactic" used by his teacher in his previous life. Eisen said that Harry, Ron and Hermione can ask each other questions, and pick out the wrong questions for targeted memory and learning after finishing.

Repeat this review over and over again, as long as the amount is enough, the test scores will definitely improve.

When Eisen said this method, the three of them suddenly showed emotions. In fact, Eisen knew that this method was basically not very useful for Hermione, but it should be of great help to Harry and Ron. It's just that I don't know if they can persist.

After all, Eisen himself has deeply felt how terrifying the experience of being dominated by the sea tactics is. I hope they can stick to it. Eisen silently sent blessings to the two from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, I've told you all the methods, don't fail the next exam! I still have something to do, so I won't disturb your study!" After providing a good idea for study, Eisen planned to slip away. There is no way, Eisen likes to do the thing of "flicking off the clothes and hiding the merit and fame".

Seeing Professor Eisen leaving, Harry and Ron looked at each other, wondering what they were thinking.

"Harry, Ron, I think the method Professor Eisen said is quite good, we can try it." Hermione, on the other hand, couldn't wait to try the Sea of ​​Questions tactic after Eisen left.

"But, Hermione, you don't have to. Anyway, you already know everything!" Harry showed a puzzled look. Obviously, he was very aware of how strong Hermione's learning ability was.

"No, the learning method Professor Eisen said is very suitable for review. Oh, it's too bad, we should have asked Professor Eisen earlier—" Hermione retorted in the middle, suddenly thought of something, and showed an annoyed gesture.

"That's right, if you had asked Professor Eisen earlier, Hermione, you've reviewed everything by now." An angry sarcasm appeared on Ron's face.

"Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?" Just when Harry wanted to stop the two from arguing, he found a tall figure entering the library.

Ron and Hermione stopped talking, and instead looked in the direction Harry turned his head.

I saw Hagrid wearing a moleskin coat, walking over with a kick. Moreover, he seemed to be hiding something behind his back.

"Just take a look, hey, what are you doing here? Are you still looking for Nicole Flamel?" After being questioned by Harry, Hagrid first answered evasively, and then forcibly changed the subject. But what he didn't expect was that his appearance attracted the ideas of the three of them.

"Oh, come on, we've already figured out who Nico Flamel is." Ron showed a smug expression, "We also know that what Lu Wei is guarding is the Philosopher's Stone—"

"Hush—" Before Ron could speak, Hagrid interrupted him, looking around quickly to see if anyone was listening.

"Stop yelling, what the hell are you doing?" Hagrid warned them with wide-eyed eyes. Obviously, such a highly confidential matter cannot be spoken out in public.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"To be honest, we do have a few things we want to ask you about the mechanism that guards the Sorcerer's Stone, besides Lu Wei guarding it, there is also—" Harry suddenly remembered the secret tricks Snape said about Quirrell, So I just asked.

"Shh - listen, come and find me later, but remember, I didn't promise to tell you anything, so don't talk nonsense here, lest people think I told you. Remember, some things are not Students should know!" Hagrid nodded to Harry, then stomped away again.

"It seems that Hagrid is going to tell us some secrets!" Harry looked at Hagrid's back and whispered.

"But why did Hagrid come to the library? What else did he hide behind his back?" Hermione's question pointed to the point, "Could it be related to the Philosopher's Stone?"

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