Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 41 Charms Teaching

Speaking of which, Eisen still knows a lot about the shrinking spell.

Because when I was living in the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley, I was troubled by the inconvenient carrying of items due to the inability to stretch without trace, so I also specially learned the spell of enlargement and reduction.

It's just that, for first-year wizards, Hermione and Harry obviously haven't learned the spell yet. Although this spell is not very difficult, it also has certain requirements for the strength of the magic power in the little wizard's body. Therefore, Eisen wasn't sure if they could actually cast the Shrinking Curse smoothly.

Moreover, even if the Shrinking Curse is successfully cast, it is still a question of whether Norbert can be shrunk to a certain extent. However, no matter what, teach them to try.

"Then, I think the Shrinking Charm should be of some use to you!" Thinking of this, Eisen then introduced the effect of using the Shrinking Charm to Hermione and Harry.

"This spell is great, it will be very convenient to carry things with you in the future!" After listening to Eisen's introduction, Hermione couldn't help screaming, and looked at Eisen with a flushed face, and the admiration in her eyes was even stronger. very.

Meanwhile, Harry's eyes lit up immediately.

That's right, in fact, Eisen also knows that the little wizards of Hogwarts usually have a lot of luggage. Whether they leave Hogwarts during the holidays or return to Hogwarts, they have to bring a big bag with them. luggage, very inconvenient.

Therefore, if you take the opportunity to teach them the Shrinking Curse, it can not only solve their current problems, but also make them no longer have to worry about the problem of carrying items with them in the future. If it is used with the storage ring, it will have a better effect.

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"By the way, where is Ron? Why don't you see where Ron is?" At this time, Eisen suddenly looked at Harry and Hermione with a look of "I just realized why I didn't see Ron".

After making this expression, even Eisen couldn't help admiring his acting skills. After all, he had seen Ron's injury through the scope, and it might have lived at Madam Pomfrey's.

But he still showed a puzzled expression just right.

"This—— Ron was bitten by Norbert, and he is lying in the school hospital in a very bad condition." As soon as Ron was mentioned, the two of them suddenly showed worried expressions on their faces.

"And, to make matters worse, Malfoy also got the news from Ron that we were going to send Norbert away on Saturday night—" Hermione's cheeks puffed up, and there was a hint of anger in her tone.

"Send Norbert away?" Although Eisen knew all this, he couldn't reveal the fact that he already knew. After all, he couldn't explain why he'd been spying on them all the time.

Afterwards, Hermione and Harry had to tell Eisen everything. It's what Eisen already knew, about how Hagrid won a dragon egg from a stranger, and then hatched it smoothly and was named Norbert, and then how he was discovered by Malfoy, and then he made the promise to Charles of Romania, etc.

The two spoke one word at a time, and in a few minutes they explained the cause and effect of the matter.

"In other words, Malfoy also found out from Ron that you were going to send Norbert away on Saturday night?" After listening to the two people's speeches, Eisen couldn't help showing a strange look.

Malfoy found out that Hagrid was raising a dragon, but he also found out about Harry's plan to send Norbert away from the Astronomy Tower on Saturday.

This - could it be that Malfoy is really the nemesis of the trio!

Eisen remembered that when he was observing earlier, the picture he saw was the letter sent back by the trio through Charlie, and he knew their plan.

But from the two people's rhetoric, it can be known that Malfoy actually went to the school hospital to mock Ron after class, and borrowed a book by the way, thus learning about their plan.

Yes, what was even more outrageous was that the note that Charlie had written to them was in the book that Malfoy had borrowed. What a coincidence.

As for why Ron lent Malfoy a book, Eisen guessed that it was nothing more than a compromise made by Malfoy who was afraid to report directly to Hagrid. It can only be said that the luck of Ron, Harry and Hermione was really bad to a certain extent.

"That's right, that's why we came here to ask Professor Eisen for help." Harry nodded helplessly.

"Okay, then, let me show you a demonstration. Watch it—" Eisen nodded, pointing his wand at a thick book on the table, "Shrink quickly—"

Afterwards, the book quickly shrank in the eyes of the three of them, directly turning into a "toy" the size of a fingernail.

"Amazing!" Hermione had a look of anticipation on her face.

"By the way, in addition to the shrinking curse, you have to learn the enlargement curse, otherwise, there is no way to restore it to its original size." Seeing that the two were eager to try, Eisen patted his forehead, I almost forgot the enlarging spell corresponding to the shrinking spell.

"Get bigger quickly—" Afterwards, Eisen pointed his wand at the book that had shrunk, and said a spell.

The book, the size of a fingernail, quickly grew in size in front of several people, and returned to its original size in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the two were about to start practicing directly, Eisen directly interrupted their movements. Just kidding, this is a library, how can it be a place to practice spells?

"Okay, there are still two days before you send Norbert away, so go back and practice hard. I think it shouldn't be a problem for you to practice these two spells in two days." After putting away his wand, Eisen winked at the two of them. Then, as if thinking of something, he took out the suitcase from the storage ring and placed it in front of the two of them.

"This is the suitcase I used before, and I also cast the No Trace Stretching Curse on it." Seeing the puzzled looks of the two, Eisen continued to explain, "If—I mean if, you still can't use the Shrinking Curse smoothly. Shrunk down Noble, so you can try to stuff it in, I think, its entrance is big enough for Noble to fit in. It's only two days, Noble won't grow too big, right? "

"That's right, thank you, Professor Eisen!" Harry was taken aback for a moment, then showed a surprised expression, and then thanked Eisen.

"Okay, let's go back quickly. By the way, after you have learned the Shrinking Curse and Enlargement Curse, you can also teach it to Ron, if he is willing to learn it." After finishing, Eisen waved to the two, but at the end At the moment, I also reminded them. After all, Ron also got the storage ring from Eisen, so it's no big deal to teach him these two spells.

The two nodded, and then left the library with their suitcases.

"By the way, Professor Eisen—" Harry returned quickly when he was leaving, and came to Eisen's side to talk quietly.

This call let Eisen know that the trio had learned from Hagrid that in addition to being guarded by Lu Wei, the trio also knew that Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell, and Professor Snape had all cast protective magic.

"Okay, I see!" After thinking for a while, Eisen understood what Harry meant, and nodded slightly as he spoke.

Obviously the trio would think that Snape was close to beating the whole level when they heard the news. Since Snape also participated in the action of applying protective magic to the Philosopher's Stone, he must know the methods of other professors.

In this way, combined with Snape's previous threats to Quirrell, only Hagrid's pet Fluffy and Quirrell's secret tricks stand in his way.

In other words, in the eyes of the trio, once Quirrell gave in and Snape found a way to deal with Lu Wei, then he would simply steal the Philosopher's Stone.

So, maybe the purpose of Harry telling him this was just to be on the safe side?

I have to say that their reasoning logic is quite rigorous and seems very reasonable. But in fact, the truth is not like this.

However, Eisen couldn't tell the truth directly. On the one hand, how can he explain everything he knows when he says it? On the other hand, he actually wants to follow the plot so that he can come into contact with the Sorcerer's Stone.

Besides, as a passer-by professor, there is no need to be too flamboyant, right?

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