Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 45: Harry In Confinement

After Hermione left Eisen's office and returned to the library, she told Harry and Ron that Eisen had agreed to help keep an eye on Snape.

The two breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the result. After all, it saves them from wandering around.

"However, Eisen said that if Harry discovers something, he must be notified in time!" Hermione explained Eisen's request.

"Of course, if there is anything, I can only talk to Eisen at the moment." Harry said that there is no problem with this.

"Yes, telling Professor Eisen is the best way now!" The matter was settled, and a smile appeared on Ron's face.

However, early the next morning, before the trio had time to be happy, they received bad news.

Harry and Neville had received notes at the breakfast table, and they were identical. It read: Your lockup begins tonight at eleven o'clock, meet Mr. Filch in the foyer.

Harry almost forgot that after losing points, he would be locked up. Well now, Harry and Neville had become brothers and sisters, and they were going to be sent to solitary confinement at eleven o'clock at night.

Harry expected Hermione to complain again, saying that he would be fired sooner or later, but she didn't say anything. Yes, she thought Harry and Neville deserved to be in detention.

"It's okay, I heard from Fred that the confinement is just doing some work, such as cleaning the trophies in the showroom, it's very simple!" Ron on the side comforted him.

But obviously, such reassurance didn't work very well for Harry. After all, he and Neville were deducted a full 100 points at once!

On the other hand, Eisen went out while he was free and sent the script he had written to his father. Eisen bumped into Hermione in the library on his return at noon.

"Hermione, how is your review going? How effective is the sea of ​​questions I mentioned?" Seeing Hermione struggling to review, Eisen stepped forward and asked.

"Professor Eisen, the method you said is great, and it's much easier for me to revise now!" Hearing Eisen's voice, Hermione immediately showed a confident smile, and there was undisguised admiration in her eyes.

"Ahem—by the way, what about Harry and Ron? Why don't you see them reviewing with you?" Seeing Hermione like this, Eisen felt a little guilty even though he thought he had a thick skin like a city wall. After all, this tactic was not his own creation. Therefore, he directly changed the subject.

"Harry is going to be locked up at eleven o'clock in the evening, and Ron is still comforting Harry!" Speaking of Harry, Hermione suddenly became sad. Because she remembered the fact that Gryffindor had been deducted a hundred points, which was really too bad.

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"Don't worry, Hermione, I believe a miracle will happen!" Eisen, who knew all the truth, had a mysterious look on his face.

Yes, Eisen knew that Dumbledore would give Gryffindor points at the final dinner. But he couldn't tell Hermione directly now. So, when Hermione showed a puzzled expression and was about to ask, Eisen refused to say any more.


At eleven o'clock that night, Harry and Neville said goodbye to Ron and Hermione in the Gryffindor common room, and went down to the entrance hall together.

When they arrived, they found that Filch had already been waiting there in advance. And, to Harry's surprise, Malfoy was here too.

At this time, Harry remembered that Malfoy was also going to be locked up.

"Follow me!" Seeing that Harry and Neville had arrived, Filch lit a lamp to signal them to follow him.

Filch was a Squib, and perhaps because of that, he had a very bad attitude towards young wizards. While walking, he glanced at Harry and the others from the corner of his eye, "Oh, I think you should think twice when you want to violate school rules in the future? Right!"

"It's a pity that Hogwarts abolished the old fashioned punishment of the past: hanging you by the wrists and hanging you from the ceiling for days. I still have those chains in my office, maybe Heaven will come in handy—well, let’s go, don’t try to escape, if you do, you will be punished more severely!”

Filch chattered on and on, as if trying to scare Harry and the others, but let alone, in this dark night, it was quite scary.

Across the dark field, Harry and Neville's moods kept rising and falling. They didn't know what kind of punishment they were about to receive, but judging from Filch's cheerful tone, their punishment should not be too light.

When he came to Hagrid's hut, Harry noticed that there was a light outside the window, and it seemed that Hagrid hadn't slept yet.

"Filch, is that you? Come on, I'm leaving!" Hagrid's voice came suddenly, so clear in the quiet night.

For a moment, Harry's mood brightened. In his opinion, things shouldn't be too bad if he's going to act with Hagrid.

Perhaps knowing what Harry was thinking in his heart, Filch spoke directly at this moment: "You probably thought you'd have a good time with that idiot? Tell you—boy, you're going to the Forbidden Forest. If you're safe and sound Come out, then count my guess wrong!"

"The Forbidden Forest—" Before Harry could react, Malfoy behind him stopped involuntarily, with a look of shock on his face, "We can't go in in the middle of the night, it's very dangerous in there—I heard that there are werewolves .”

The quiet night seemed even more terrifying. Neville next to him couldn't help but choked up, and grabbed Harry's sleeve firmly.

"Then you're to blame yourself, aren't you?" Filch's tone was suddenly jubilant, obviously very pleased. "You should have thought of those werewolves before you got into trouble, shouldn't you?"

"It's almost time. I've been waiting for half an hour. What's up? Harry, Neville?" Before the atmosphere turned in a terrifying direction, Hagrid suddenly emerged from the darkness.

Look at Hagrid's attire. He is carrying a huge crossbow and a quiver full of arrows on his shoulder. Following behind Haige is his pet Yaya.

Yaya is a Neapolitan mastiff. It looks very fierce on the surface and is particularly intimidating. But in fact, Yaya's character is very docile. So, Hagrid's purpose of bringing Fang Fang is probably - to boost his courage?

"You shouldn't be so polite to them, after all, they are here to accept punishment, Hagrid!" Seeing Hagrid's polite attitude, Filch suddenly pulled his face.

"So, you've been late for so long because you've been lecturing them, huh? This isn't your place to lecture people. Your mission is done, and they're in my charge from now on!" Hagrid frowned, not hiding it own position.

"I'll come and pick up their wreckage at dawn!" Filch said harshly, then turned and walked towards the castle.

When he came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Malfoy finally couldn't help screaming: "I don't want to enter that Forbidden Forest, it's too dangerous inside!"

After hearing the panic in Malfoy's tone, Harry actually felt a tinge of joy at this moment.

"You have to pay for what you did wrong!" Hagrid was not used to Malfoy, so he reprimanded him mercilessly.

"But the people who come here to do things are servants, students don't know how to do this. I thought it was just writing inspections—" The frightened look on Malfoy's face became more and more obvious under the moonlight.

"Write an inspection? What use is that to you? You have to do something useful, or you'll be out." Hagrid curled his lips, showing a disdainful expression.

"If my father knew what I was doing, he would—" "Yeah, he'd tell you that's what Hogwarts does, and if he wanted you to be expelled, you could go back to the castle right now." Pack your bags!"

Malfoy thought that his father was the Hogwarts trustee, so he could threaten Hagrid, but he didn't expect that Hagrid didn't give Lucius any face at all, and directly reprimanded him roughly.

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