Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 50 Breakthrough

After getting away from Peeves, the three of them climbed the stairs all the way, and soon came to the outside of the corridor on the fourth floor. However, to the shock of the three, the closed door had been opened with a gap.

"See, Snape has already passed Lu Wei, Professor Eisen!" Harry looked around, looking for Eisen as he spoke.

"Stop talking, hurry up and get in!" In the silent night, Harry's voice fell behind for a while before Eisen's voice sounded behind them.

"Let's go!" Under the invisibility cloak, Harry and the others glanced at each other, and heaved a sigh of relief knowing that Professor Eisen was right next to them.


Following the sound of Harry and the others pushing the door, at the same time, there were low-pitched barking sounds reaching their ears. After entering, the three-headed dog was shaking its nose and barking at them continuously.

"That's—" Hermione was observant enough to see the harp at Lu Wei's feet.

"It's the harp. Snape must have left it." Ron confirmed Hermione's opinion.

"As soon as the music stops, Lu Wei will wake up immediately." Harry said, seeing that Lu Wei was about to fully wake up, he didn't care about other things, and quickly picked up the flute Hagrid gave him and started playing.

Although he had no tone at all, Lu Wei still fell asleep with his eyelids drooping.

Afterwards, the three of them opened the pull ring of the trapdoor without any risk, and then jumped down. And Eisen, who followed behind the three, also jumped down. It's just that he cast a levitation spell on himself when he jumped down.

"It's the devil's net, don't move!" Hermione's scream sounded suddenly in the darkness.

"So, how do I get rid of it, I can't breathe?" Harry gasped, the long vines entangled him tightly, as if to hang him.

"Professor Sprout said - said it likes the dark and the damp!" Hermione said hurriedly.

"Fire it with your spell!" Eisen's thin voice reached Hermione's ear.

"Oh, that's right!" Hermione suddenly calmed down after hearing Eisen's voice, and then pulled out her wand as if lighting Snape's robes, a blue flame burst out.

Afterwards, the devil's net retreated directly, releasing all three of them.

"It's a good thing you listened carefully in herbal medicine class, Hermione!" Harry wiped the sweat off his face and showed a thankful expression after they retreated to the wall.

Then, several people saw a stone corridor in front of them.

"We can only go this way!" Harry said, walking into the depths together with Ron and Hermione. There is no way, there is only one passable road here.

Walking to the end of the corridor, accompanied by constant rustling and clanging, a brightly lit room appeared in front of the three of them. Through the window, Eisen could clearly see that on the ceiling of the room, countless keys with wings were constantly flying.

There were rustling and clanging noises coming from above, which explained where the sound was coming from. On the opposite side of the room was a heavy wooden door, which was tightly shut.

Harry entered the room cautiously, unexpectedly, he was not attacked by those flying keys. He came to the wooden door smoothly, but found that the door was locked.

After Hermione and Ron followed, they tried to push together, but there was still no movement. Even after Hermione tried a Lockpicking Charm, she still couldn't open the door.

"What to do?" Ron suddenly lost his mind.

"Those are not for decoration!" Hermione said thoughtfully, looking up at the flying keys.

"That's the key, obviously the key used to open the door—" Harry also spotted the key, then looked around and found a broomstick.

Obviously, this checkpoint is for them to find the key that can open the door on a broomstick.

"But there are too many keys here!" Ron said, stepping forward to carefully examine the lock of the door. Afterwards, he seemed to notice something, and exclaimed, "What we are looking for is a big key, probably silver, like a doorknob!"

Then, under Eisen's watchful eye, the trio started wandering on broomsticks.

It can only be said that Harry is indeed a natural Quidditch seeker, he quickly found the target among the many keys, and then grabbed it.

After getting the key, Harry and others passed the door smoothly.

When Eisen followed behind and entered inside, he saw the three of them standing there blankly, with shocked expressions on their faces. That's right, here is a huge chessboard, with black and white chess pieces scattered on it, even in Eisen's own eyes, it is quite a shocking scene.

"What now?" Harry's body trembled a little, but he had to ask.

"Isn't that obvious? We have to play chess to get across the room." Ron, who was extremely talented in wizard chess, saw the intention at a glance.

I saw that there was a door behind the white chess piece opposite them.

"How?" The chessboard in front of her was so huge that Hermione didn't know how to play.

"I think it should be that we have to be pawns!" Ron showed a tangled look on his face, and then walked to the side of the black knight, "Do we—must we go there with you?"

When the black knight nodded, Ron turned pale.

"That's right, we have to replace three pawns! But, don't blame me for being rude, you two are not very good at chess—" Looking at the two of them, Ron showed an embarrassed look.

Yes, against Hermione and Harry, Ron was only confident enough in Wizard Chess.

Then, under Eisen's watchful eye, Ron began to arrange.

Under Ron's command, the white pieces were eaten one by one, and the black pieces were also continuously lost.

"Let me think—" Ron showed anxiety on his face, but then he said resolutely, "That's right, this is the only way, I must be eaten, Harry, you can checkmate the king!"

"No! It's too dangerous!" Harry and Hermione shouted at the same time. After all, they have seen what happened on the chessboard earlier. Whenever a black piece is captured, the white piece is very cruel and knocks the black piece to the ground without mercy.

"But there's always a sacrifice, if not, how can we stop Snape, he's about to get the Philosopher's Stone!" Ron snapped.

"By the way, Professor Eisen, Professor Eisen can help!" Hermione suddenly called out, remembering Professor Eisen's reminder earlier. Then, Harry also looked over, with a surprised expression on his face. Along the way, they almost forgot that Eisen was following them.

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"Just take out the cards, do what you want, don't worry!" Eisen's voice came from behind them.

Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out the cards that Eisen had handed him earlier, and held them in his hand.

Then, Ron took a step forward on the board, and the white queen rushed forward. She raised her rocky arm and slammed it down on Ron's head.

"Be careful—" Hermione couldn't help screaming.

However, at a critical moment, the card in Ron's hand suddenly changed shape and turned into a metal shield with a handle, which he held in front of him.


There was a crisp knocking sound, and Ron was directly knocked off the chessboard by a strong force. Just when Harry and Hermione were worried, Ron stood up unsteadily, the metal shield in his hand had turned into a card again.

"Ron, are you okay!" Seeing Ron stand up, Harry greeted him.

"Oh, it's okay, act quickly, don't delay here!" Ron rubbed his ears vigorously, as if he was shocked by the sound just now, and his face was very grim. Still, he waved his hand at Harry.

Hermione on the other side finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry moved three squares to the left on the board, directly checkmate the opponent's king. At this time, Ron finally regained his strength, and after seeing the victory, he also smiled.

Afterwards, the white chess pieces backed away one after another, giving way to a passage. As soon as this checkpoint was passed, Eisen followed the three of them and passed through the opposite door.

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