Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 56: The Magic Recorder

While the little wizards were packing their wardrobes and packing their luggage into suitcases, Hermione had already arrived at Eisen's office with a big suitcase.

"Hermione, what's the matter?" Looking at the little girl in front of him, Eisen couldn't help but sighed. To be honest, after a year of getting along, Eisen found Hermione really likable.

"Professor Eisen, I'm here to return the suitcase!" Hermione nodded, then pointed to the suitcase beside her.

After seeing it, Eisen suddenly realized that this suitcase was exactly the one he had lent them to transport Norbert, and the traceless stretching spell had been cast inside it.

But to be honest, Eisen is completely useless at the moment.

"Well, I don't need this suitcase any more, so I'll give it to you." Eisen pondered for a moment, and really felt that it was useless.

"But—" Hermione stretched out her right hand, looked at the finger with the ring, her face flushed suddenly, she thought of something, and wanted to refuse.

"Don't rush to refuse!" Eisen interrupted Hermione, "So, haven't you already agreed to join my magic film company? Since you are already my employee, then this will be handed over as the company's office supplies It has been used by you for a long time."

"Is this okay?" Hermione looked at Eisen suspiciously, wondering if he was making an excuse on purpose.

"Of course, and if you have a pet, you can put it in it, which is very suitable!" Eisen nodded, with the expression that should have been.

In fact, Eisen really didn't have much idea about what to do with the suitcase. After all, he was no longer needed, so he simply left it to Hermione.

After Hermione left, Eisen found that someone came to his office to look for him.

"Fred, George, what are you—" Seeing the twin brothers knocking on the door, Eisen was stunned for a moment, not knowing what they were looking for.

"Professor Eisen—"


The two looked nervous, first closed the door tightly, then took out something and put it on the table in front of Eisen, looking at Eisen expectantly like a treasure.

"Wow - did you make it?" Eisen was taken aback when he saw what the two of them had brought out, and then asked in an amazed tone.

That's right, what was placed in front of Eisen was a tape recorder. Judging from the appearance alone, it is no different from the ordinary tape recorders in the Muggle world, but being able to put on such a posture by them shows that they should have been changed into magic props.

"That's right, this idea is very good. We've done a few pranks, and the effect is pretty good!" Fred said, and George looked at each other, with weird smiles on their faces at the same time.

"So, this tape recorder can be used now?" Eisen looked at the two, then reached out and took the magic tape recorder in his hand.

"That's right, just press the play button!" Fred nodded.

Since the previous miraculous properties had already been used on the Philosopher's Stone, Gold Finger didn't have the slightest reaction when he got the magic recorder without the miraculous properties.

Afterwards, Eisen solemnly pressed the play button on the magic tape recorder, and he regretted it in an instant.

cluck - cluck -

The loud and clear rooster crowing sounded in Eisen's office in an instant, and the sharp sound directly made Eisen frown. Such a decibel noise is like beating gongs and drums in the ear, which is unbearable.

Fuck me, is this their prank? Seeing the faces of the two holding back their laughter, how could Eisen not understand what was going on!

Afterwards, Eisen directly pressed the off button, but what he didn't expect was that no matter how Eisen pressed it, the button was normal, but the chicken crowing just didn't stop.

I'll wipe it, this is too insane, I can't even turn it off! Eisen complained inwardly, wanting to slap the two brothers directly. When he saw that the two of them didn't feel uncomfortable because of the voice, Eisen knew that they had already made preparations in advance.

"Close it quickly!" Eisen couldn't help throwing the magic tape recorder in Fred's hand.

"Well, Professor Eisen, you can't close it like this, you should do this." George snatched the magic tape recorder from Fred, and then said something to Eisen.

Then, while Eisen was stunned, George clenched his fist and punched the magic tape recorder forcefully. Then, the magic tape recorder fell completely silent.

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I go! What kind of brain circuit is this! Eisen was completely convinced in an instant. It has to be said that the prank talents of the two are too strong.

Next, the two introduced to Eisen how to delete the voices already recorded in the magic recorder, and how to record new voices and so on.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, you guys go home quickly." After everything was clarified, Eisen saw that the two were still laughing, put away the magic tape recorder, and drove the two out of the room. out of the office.

If we continue to toss, the office must be demolished.

Fred and George stood outside the door and looked at each other, they didn't expect Eisen to be such a person. However, the two were so lively that they forgot everything in a blink of an eye.

"George, what do you think we'll make another one and give it to Percy as a present?"

"It's so cool, I really can't wait!"

In a blink of an eye, the two began to discuss how to use the magic tape recorder to play tricks on Percy.


Summer vacation is a rare time of rest for Hogwarts students. But for Eisen, it is also an opportunity to do business.

For example, find relevant personnel to find out how to open a magic film company in Diagon Alley. Of course, Eisen wouldn't ask Dumbledore directly. After all, such a trivial matter is not enough to trouble others.

Regarding this point, Eisen has actually already thought about it, and that is to ask Ron's father—— Arthur Weiss. Because Eisen knew very well that the other party worked in the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Department, so this matter should be very clear.

So, when the little wizards boarded the Hogwarts Express, Eisen had already sat beside the trio.

"Professor Eisen, are you going home?" Looking at the gentle Eisen, Hermione couldn't help asking.

"Oh, no, I have something to talk to Ron's father about!" Eisen smiled at Hermione, then gestured in Ron's direction.

"Wow, I welcome Professor Eisen to my house as a guest. I think my family will be very happy!" Hearing what Eisen said, Ron immediately expressed his attitude happily, and then seemed to remember something, and directly sent an invitation to Harry. "By the way, there is also Harry, you must come to our house to play this summer vacation, and I will invite you by taking pictures of owls."

When the train passed through villages and towns, platform nine and three-quarters of King's Cross had arrived. In order not to look so strange, the little wizards took off their wizard robes and put on jackets or jackets.

Of course, even if the train stops on the platform, the little wizards can't rush up and walk out from platform nine and three quarters, but only two or three people can pass each time.

There is no way, if there are too many people, I am afraid they will be seen by ordinary people and cause big trouble.

"Hermione, goodbye, I wish you a happy holiday!" After passing through the exit, Eisen waved to Hermione.

"Thank you, Professor Eisen, and you too!" Hermione's eyes lit up when she heard Eisen's blessing, she waved to Eisen and turned to leave.

"Goodbye, Harry!" Afterwards, Eisen greeted Harry.

"He's there, look, mom—" Eisen's expression froze when a slightly childish scream came. Turning his head to look over, he realized that the screaming person turned out to be Ron's sister, Ginny.

"Harry Potter! I saw him, Mom!" A little girl stared at Harry, and immediately looked at Harry a little embarrassed. Standing next to her is her mother, Molly Weiss.

"Ahem, then, Professor Eisen, goodbye!" Harry's face became embarrassed, but he waved to Eisen anyway.

"Don't shout, Ginny, it's very impolite to point fingers at others!" Mrs. Weasley reprimanded Ginny, and then looked at Ron and Harry with a smile, "This year must be very busy!"

"Very busy!" Harry remembered everything he had experienced at school, and couldn't help but nodded, "Also, thank you for the gift you gave me, Mrs. Wesley."

"Oh dear, that's nothing!"

"I said, are you ready?" As soon as the voice sounded, Eisen couldn't help frowning. That's right, it was Harry's Uncle Vernon, followed by two people, presumably Harry's Aunt Petunia and Cousin Dudley.

"You must be Harry's family." Mrs. Weasley said, and when she wanted to say something, she was directly interrupted by the other party.

"It can also be said, let's go boy, we don't have time to delay for a whole day." Vernon said so, turned around and left. Harry shrugged and had no choice but to follow along.

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