Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 6 Eisen's Proposal

"Professor—" Eisen, who was watching the play, suddenly felt his arm being grabbed by a small hand, and turned his head to find that it was Hermione. She pursed her lips and looked at him worriedly.

"Ahem, well, don't worry about Harry and them." Eisen had to comfort Hermione, it seemed that he couldn't continue watching the show. Otherwise, Hermione would probably have a grudge against him.

However, before Eisen could make a move, the situation on the court had changed.

"What's going on? What's going on?" A figure in a turquoise robe walked through the crowd and came to them, "Who is sending out signed photos?"

Obviously, that iconic smile let people know he was Gilderoy Lockhart. Harry wanted to explain, but Lockhart put his arms around his shoulders directly, "Don't ask, we meet again, Harry!"

"Come on, you're welcome, Mr. Creevey, a two-person photo is the best deal, and the two of us will sign it for you!" Harry was pinned by Lockhart's shoulders and couldn't move, but his face was flushed as if he had a fever. But Lockhart couldn't feel Harry's embarrassment, and waved to Colin confidently.

Eisen noticed that the source of the trouble, Malfoy, had quietly withdrawn from the crowd. Tut tut! This guy really has the essence of 'flick off the clothes after the matter, and hide the merit and fame'.

Colin raised the camera in his hand in bewilderment, and pressed the shutter. Then, the class bell rang.

"Okay, Hermione, I'm sure you'll be fine with Professor Lockhart taking care of it, hurry up and go to class!" Eisen reached out and patted Hermione on the head.

"Professor Eisen, see you tonight!" Hermione blushed and said to Eisen, then turned and ran away.

"Oh, see you in the evening!" After a moment of stunned, Eisen realized that she was talking about the astronomy class in the evening, and immediately replied.

"Come on, get to class!" Lockhart yelled to the crowd, and then pulled Harry into a conversation, "A word of advice, Harry, I put cover for you at Creevey's, and he took pictures of us Two people, so that your classmates won't think you are too arrogant."

"Listen, it's not wise for you to be posting autographs at this stage, I know our photo in the Daily Prophet has you thinking that, but obviously, it's a bit arrogant. I mean— —One day in the future, you will carry a stack of photos, but now, you are not at that time yet!"

Harry wanted to chime in to explain, but Lockhart didn't give him a chance to explain.

"Hi, Professor Eisen, nice to meet you here, I'm going to class, let's talk about it next time!" Lockhart took the opportunity to wave to Eisen, and walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom together with Harry in his arms .

"Amazing, amazing!" After a long while, Eisen stood up and shook his head, and couldn't help sighing. To be honest, if Lockhart is not without strength, then he has no shortcomings.


"Professor Eisen, what do you want me to do with Professor Flitwick?" In the vice-principal's office, Professor McGonagall looked at Eisen seriously.

For Minerva, she felt that Eisen, a young astronomy professor, was a bit strange today. He suddenly dragged Professor Flitwick to his office and said that he needed help.

"Uh, that's how it is." Eisen looked at the other party's serious face, with a little embarrassment on his smiling face, "I want to try the Apparation Charm, so please help me watch with Professor Flitwick!"

"The Apparition Charm? If I remember correctly, you already learned the Apparation Charm last year, and it took a very short time to learn it!" Professor Flitwick looked at Eisen suspiciously.

Professor McGonagall didn't say anything, but after hearing what Flitwick said, he looked at Eisen in surprise, mixed with doubts.

"Ahem, it's like this, I want to try the Apparation Charm in Hogwarts Castle—"

"But it's impossible, Professor Eisen. I must say that Hogwarts Castle is protected by powerful protection magic, and there are restrictions on the anti-apparition spell. No one can Apparate here." Professor McGonagall resumed his serious expression and interrupted Eisen directly.

"Yes, that's right, so far no one has been able to apparate at Hogwarts, except house-elves and Headmaster Dumbledore's pet Fawkes." Professor Flitwick affirmed Professor McGonagall's statement.

"Well, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, I think so—" Then, how Eisen was inspired in the library, how he came up with the idea of ​​​​combining the idea of ​​​​Transfiguration that can summon food out of thin air with the Apparition spell.

Although Eisen can choose to study it in secret without telling them, he still intends to be on the safe side for this new spell involving spatial movement.

After all, Eisen couldn't be sure whether there would be any surprises in the process of studying and practicing new spells on the basis of having perfectly mastered the Apparition spell.

If there are no accidents, Eisen has successfully developed an enhanced version of the Apparition Spell that can be unlimited, then it is definitely a great thing. But if something unexpected happens, and no one is watching, it will be terrible.

You know, Eisen has already been able to live forever, and he hasn't enjoyed a good life yet, so how can he be so rash? Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Eisen decided to ask Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick for help.

Moreover, based on Eisen's understanding of the imaginary new spell, even if it is successfully developed, it must also have a deep knowledge of both Transfiguration and Apparition spells before it can be successfully cast.

As for whether Professor McGonagall and Flitwick can successfully cast it, Eisen is not sure, but even if they can cast it, Eisen doesn't care too much. After all, they are not villains, so there is no need to be wary too much.

"Oh, Merlin's beard!" After Eisen finished his thoughts, Professor Flitwick couldn't help but exclaimed, "If this new spell is developed and published, you will definitely be able to get the Order of Merlin Third Class— —Oh no, it might be a second-class medal!"

"But such spells must not be published!" Professor McGonagall suppressed the shock on his face, and then seriously refuted Professor Flitwick's words.

"Of course I won't announce it. You know, this is Hogwarts. It would be terrible if bad people come in!" Eisen said with a straight face. As for the Merlin Medal, he didn't care at all.

After hearing Eisen's swearing assurance, Professor McGonagall's face softened, but then he was attracted by the idea Eisen just put forward.

"This spell is going to be very powerful, I have to tell Dumbledore!" Professor McGonagall murmured then, looking at Eisen.

Oh, is Dumbledore getting involved too? It wasn't a big deal, and besides, if Dumbledore got involved, the development speed of new spells should be greatly increased. After the thought turned in his mind, Eisen nodded to Professor McGonagall, indicating that there is no problem.

Professor McGonagall turned and left the office.

"Professor Eisen, how did you come up with the idea of ​​researching a new spell that can apparate at Hogwarts?" After Professor McGonagall left, Professor Flitwick immediately showed curiosity.

Uh, about this, Eisen actually found a very good excuse: "You know, when school started, two little wizards didn't take the Hogwarts Express, but came here by flying car."

"Haha, I know that. It's Harry and Ron from Gryffindor. They are very courageous and adventurous." Professor Flitwick laughed and said he knew it.

I go--

Is it a matter of courage and adventurousness? Such a dangerous thing, why is the focus so strange!

"Well, that's right, I happened to arrive at the Whomping Willow to protect them from too much damage!" Eisen shrugged his shoulders, made a gesture of agreement with him, and then explained, "But if I didn't If they could get there, wouldn't Harry and Ron be in danger.

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So, I thought about being able to develop a new spell with no restrictions. In this way, if you encounter a similar situation, you can easily rush to the scene to deal with the incident. "

"That's right, it's a great idea!" After listening to Eisen's explanation, Professor Flitwick immediately showed an expression of admiration.

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