Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 8 The Marauder's Map

After dinner, Eisen came to the Charms classroom to discuss the enhanced version of Apparition with Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick.

Since it is Wednesday and there is an astronomy class in the evening, the discussion this time is not in-depth, but simply confirms the theory and general direction of the next research.

But I have to say that just at the beginning, Eisen encountered a big problem. That is, Transfiguration is used on food. Although it can be summoned from one place to another out of thin air, if it is used on people, it seems to involve part of the human body deformation.

Of course, it is not directly and roughly transforming the human body, but can effectively act on the deformed part of the human body. Only by applying this part to the human body, combined with apparation, can Eisen achieve his goal.

But unfortunately, due to the resistance to Annie Magus, Eisen has never had an in-depth understanding of human body deformation.

So next, at the suggestion of Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, if Eisen wants to develop an enhanced version of apparition, even if he doesn't learn from Annie Magus, he has to do in-depth research on human body deformation.

Therefore, this temporary magic research team has another task, which is to teach Eisen some more in-depth know-how and mysteries of human body deformation.

In the evening astronomy class, Eisen didn't talk too deeply. Because he knows what a little wizard is, so in the process of explaining the orbit of the planets, he slightly mentioned the knowledge he learned in the previous school year.

However, perhaps because he is used to Eisen's lecture style, the little wizard took a lot of seriousness in the process of learning. So, it made Eisen a lot easier.

Early the next morning, after practicing spells and transfiguration as usual, Eisen began to think about the content of human body deformation. An hour and a half later, when Eisen was about to suspend his studies and go to the auditorium for breakfast, he was approached by Fred and George.

"Fred, George, what do you want?" Eisen was a little amused when he saw the two people entering and closing the door quickly, with a sneaky look.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, we have brought a very interesting thing—"

"It's like the professor's mirror—"

Wes came to the twin brothers, looked at each other, and then looked at Eisen and said one after the other. But no matter how you looked at them, they all looked sneaky, as if they were afraid of being found out.

Then, Fred took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and showed it to Eisen.

For this Marauder's map, Eisen has been famous for a long time. However, when the two mentioned their scope, Eisen knew they were thinking about it.

"I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions!" Fred took out his wand, pointed at the parchment, and solemnly read a secret phrase, and then the blank parchment changed rapidly.

In an instant, a detailed topographic map of the entire Hogwarts surfaced on the entire parchment, transforming it into a map. Of course, this is not the key point. The key point is that the names of all the people in Hogwarts can be displayed on this map. Moreover, just like the map's name Marauder's Map, the names of people displayed on it are constantly moving.

Obviously, the constant movement of a person's name means that someone is also constantly moving.

Observing the Marauder's Map at close range, Eisen found that although some places were not as good as his own observation mirror, some places were a little stronger than his own observation mirror. That is being able to reveal someone's real name.

For example, although Eisen's observation mirror can see all the people and things in Hogwarts more clearly, it can't tell the real from the fake. Like Ron's pet mouse, Scabbers. If he hadn't known the truth early on, even if Eisen saw it in the observation mirror, he wouldn't be able to find its abnormality.

But the Marauder's Map can directly display Pettigrew Peter's name. It's like using identification directly, which is better than Eisen's observation mirror.

Of course, none of this mattered to Eisen. After all, he already knew the truth of some things.

In fact, what made Eisen even more curious was how the brothers Fred and George discovered the spell to open the Marauder's Map.

Eisen knew that they had secretly obtained the Marauder's Map from Filch's office. However, the spell that opened the Marauder's Map is absolutely insane. How did they know?

Did it come out of an attempt? But that's going too far. You know, before the Marauder's Map is opened, it is just a blank parchment.

After getting this thing, who would have thought that it would be opened with the sentence "I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions"? It's like giving you a treasure chest and asking you to guess the password to open it. Can you know whether its password is a string of numbers, a poem, an idiom, or a curse word?

Therefore, Eisen felt that although the possibility of them guessing the spell was possible, it was not high. Most likely, the two brothers found a few words about the Marauder's Map during their research at Hogwarts.

However, it was precisely because of the Marauder's Map that Fred and George could come and go freely during the night tour without being noticed by Filch. It has to be said that the talent of the two of them really lies in other places.

"A very nice Marauder's Map, was this made by you?" Eisen looked at the Marauder's Map, and sure enough, he saw his own name standing motionless with Fred and George. Of course, he couldn't act like he knew everything, so he asked.

"Oh, no, we found this in Filch's office." Fred and George shook their heads and told the truth about the origin of the Marauder's Map.

"Even Dumbledore can see it in the headmaster's office!" Eisen nodded, sighing.

"Yes, he often paces the office." George shrugged.

"The prank is over!" Fred pointed at the Marauder's Map with his wand, and then he and George looked at him expectantly.

"So, you came to me because you want to use it to exchange the method of making the observation mirror with me?" Seeing the expressions of the two, Eisen remembered the actions of Fred and George on the train before, and could almost predict the two. Why do people come to find themselves.

"Observation mirror?" The two looked at each other, then looked at Eisen suspiciously.

"That's it!" Eisen looked at the two with a half-smile, and took out the sight glass from the storage ring.

Immediately, Fred and George's eyes lit up, and while nodding, they also showed a little embarrassed look.

"However, I can't teach you how to make it!" Eisen flipped his hand and put away the observation mirror, and then said seriously, "If I teach you, then if you use it to spy on girls' dormitories or What about the toilet?"

After hearing the first half of Eisen's sentence, Fred and George couldn't help showing disappointment, but after hearing the second half of it, they suddenly became dull again.

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The two stared blankly at Eisen, and then their expressions gradually became strange.

"What are you thinking?" After seeing the expressions of the two, Eisen suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"It's nothing, it's nothing—" "Yes, it's nothing, Professor Eisen, we have to leave first!" The two waved their hands one after another, restrained their expressions, and pretended to leave as if they had something to do.

"Wait a minute!" Eisen called to stop the two of them.

"What are you doing with your sad faces? This is for you, and you take it with you!" Seeing the expressions of the two turning around, Eisen suddenly felt a little funny, and after scolding them, put the two poker cards together. The magic imprint in the style of "∞" was printed and handed to them respectively.

"This is?" After the two of them took the poker and looked it over and over several times, it was still Fred who asked curiously.

"It's a kind of protective charm, don't worry, accept it, Ron has it too!" Eisen didn't explain its function in detail.

"Huh - that's pretty cool!"

"Thank you Professor Eisen, goodbye!"

The two finally smiled, then waved to Eisen happily and left.

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