Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Twelve The Unlucky Harry And Ron

"Harry, Ron, what's the matter with you?" Getting up and sitting down next to Hermione, Eisen looked at the two of them with a proper expression of doubt.

"Professor McGonagall asked me to help Filch polish the silverware and trophies in the trophy room at night." Ron said weakly, "Also, you can't use magic, you can only wipe it with your hands!"

Eisen suppressed a laugh, then looked at Harry.

"Professor McGonagall told me that Professor Lockhart called me to help answer letters from his admirers!" Harry also showed a desperate expression, "I would rather go to the trophy room to wipe those prizes, but Professor McGonagall doesn't allow that. "

At the dinner table, those mashed potato pies were very delicious, but at this moment they couldn't whet their appetite at all.

"You guys are indeed violating the school rules!" Hermione pursed her lips and let out a small gurgle.

"Please, I'm annoying enough, just stop talking!" Ron said and turned his head away, not wanting to pay any more attention to her.

"Then you are busy." Eisen cut a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, and then continued, "You know, there are more than one hundred trophies in the trophy room!"

"Yeah, Filch really killed me! I'm not as good at scrubbing as Muggles are." Hearing Eisen's words, Ron nodded sadly.

"I'd rather trade it with you," Harry said listlessly. "I did a lot of scrubbing at the Dursleys, but answering letters from Lockhart admirers must be a nightmare."

"It's nothing, it's just to exercise your hands-on ability." Eisen said while eating, with a smile on his face.

Hearing Eisen's words, Harry and Ron looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Hermione, have you encountered any learning difficulties recently?" Eisen looked at Hermione who was beside him.

"No, Professor Eisen, the second-year class is pretty easy!" Hermione shook her head, showing a confident attitude.

Well, Eisen can only sigh, Hermione is worthy of being a top student, basically she will not encounter any problems in her studies.

After dinner, Eisen went to the Charms classroom as usual, and continued to study the enhanced version of Apparition with several professors. And Harry and Ron went into action after eight o'clock.

For Ron, scrubbing the trophy was a pain in the ass. But for Harry, writing back to Lockhart fans was even more painful.

So, Harry entered Lockhart's office at eight o'clock in the evening and wrote letters to his fans for hours. By the time he got back to the Gryffindor common room, his fingers were going numb.

Worse still was Ron, who took an hour longer than Harry to scrub the trophy. I don't know if Filch was messing with him, but he had to scrub a trophy a dozen times.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

However, Harry was puzzled by some strange noises he heard in Lockhart's office.

"Let me tear you apart... kill you..." Harry was sure at the time that he heard the creepy voice, and he asked Lockhart, who didn't hear anything.

Could it be that he was hallucinating. When he told Ron about this, Harry began to suspect that something was wrong with his hearing system.

The next day, Eisen was in the library again.

Eisen took out a copy of "Failed Body Transformation" from the bookshelf and was looking at it with relish. To be honest, Eisen even broke out in a cold sweat after seeing all kinds of human body deformation failure cases in the book.

It was the first time he saw how weird and serious the failed human body transformation was. For example, there was a wizard in history who wanted to partially deform the human body after studying human body deformation. As a result, he turned himself into a half-human half-beast, and was finally killed by a hunter.

Previously, Eisen thought that he had a lot of knowledge in transfiguration, but after a deep understanding of human transfiguration, he realized how dangerous it is.

After a while, Eisen closed the book and let out a long sigh of relief.

For Eisen, understanding the human body's morphing was a real reminder of its dangers. But the more so, the more Eisen admired the wizards in the wizarding world.

Because the wizards also created a very safe shortcut to human body transformation, that is Annie Magus. How did Annie Magus learn it?

For the first step, keep a mandella leaf in your mouth for an entire month (from one full moon to the next). And under no circumstances should the leaves be swallowed or spit out. As soon as the leaves leave the mouth, the whole process starts all over again.

After this step is completed, the second step begins. The second step is to put the leaves soaked in your own saliva into a small transparent bottle on the second full moon, and let it receive pure moonlight (if it happens to be cloudy that night, you must find another piece of mandarin leaves) Della leaf restarts from the first step).

This is followed by adding one of her own hairs, one silver teaspoon of dew (which must be collected from a place where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven full days) and the chrysalis of a hawkmoth to the vial that is being illuminated by the moonlight.

Then, leave the mixture in a quiet and dark place, safe from prying eyes and distractions, until the next storm.

While waiting for the storm, do the following every sunrise and sunset: point the tip of your wand to your heart and say the incantation: "Amador, Annie Mo, Annie Maddow, Annie Magus."

If you are lucky, the storm will come soon, but if you are unlucky, you may even have to wait for several years. But during this process, the transparent bottle must remain completely undisturbed and free from sunlight. Moreover, before the storm comes, you cannot secretly check the status of the transparent bottle.

When the storm comes, a blood-red potion will appear in the transparent bottle. Then the wizard should rush to a spacious and safe place, point the wand to the heart and say "Amado, Annie Mo, Annie Mado, Annie Magus" and drink the potion.

If all goes well, you have successfully learned Annie Magus.

In the past, Eisen knew that Annie Magus was difficult, but after understanding each step in detail, Eisen even had a feeling of horror.

Of course, what makes Eisen feel horrible is not the strength of Annie Magus, but that there are wizards who can create such complicated steps.

More importantly, after going through such complicated steps, it actually succeeded. This made Eisen curious, how the first wizard who created Annie Magus came up with such complicated steps.

But fortunately, if Eisen wants to study and learn the enhanced version of apparition, he only needs to understand some theories and skills of human body deformation, but he doesn't have to learn Annie Magus.

Near noon, Eisen put the book back on the shelf and walked out of the library to have lunch in the auditorium.

Originally Eisen thought it was another ordinary day, but Hermione chased after him.

"Professor Eisen—" Hermione was holding a book, staring blankly at Eisen who was looking back at her.

"What's the matter? Hermione!" Seeing Hermione's dazed look, Eisen waved his hand in front of her eyes.

"Oh, yes, I want to ask a question." Hermione blushed and quickly explained her reason for coming, "Professor Eisen, do you think some wizards have some talent to hear voices that others can't hear?" ?”

"Could it be that you're hallucinating?" Eisen was taken aback for a while, but at the same time he said something perfunctorily, he understood it in his heart. It seems that Harry heard the voice of the basilisk when he was replying to the Lockhart fans.

"Professor—" Hermione rolled her eyes and glanced at Eisen, then moved closer to him and whispered, "Well, it's Harry, Harry said this morning that he heard a strange voice that Lockhart didn't hear last night."

"So, you suspect that Harry has the gift of being able to hear voices that others can't hear!" Eisen paused, and said this conclusion thoughtfully.

"Yes, otherwise, could it be that Harry really had auditory hallucinations?" Hermione's tone was very firm.

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