Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Fourteen Letters

"By the way, Professor Eisen, I still have a question to ask." After hearing Eisen's answer, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, but then she seemed to realize that there was something else to do, so she looked at Eisen and said.

"Oh? Is there any problem? It's okay, let's talk!" The sudden change of subject still made Eisen look curious.

"You said, do we study astronomy just for divination?" After Hermione asked this question, a look of bewilderment appeared on Hermione's face.

After a year of study, especially after listening to Eisen's astronomy class in the second year, the doubt in Hermione's heart became more and more obvious.

Before entering Hogwarts, Hermione was a top student. Although she didn't study astronomy specifically, she still had some understanding.

But after entering Hogwarts, she discovered that although Eisen's astronomy class was interesting, the content was not complicated. It wasn't until the second year that the content of the astronomy class was slightly enriched, but it didn't have much to do with the knowledge required for the divination class.

In fact, Eisen could understand Hermione's doubts.

In the first grade, the content of Eisen's class most of the time was not much different from that taught by the astronomy professor at Hogwarts School.

Most of them are explaining the names of the major planets and satellites, as well as their characteristics, etc. If there is any difference, it may be that Eisen’s long-term thinking of ordinary people has caused him to stop more when explaining. From another angle, it will bring a sense of novelty to the little wizard.

In the second year, after explaining the orbits of planets, satellites and galaxies, Eisen may have interspersed with some more specific data, showing a wider world in front of them.

Of course, in the process of explaining, it is inevitable that we will digress a little bit, and the content will be more complicated. This made a student like Hermione puzzled. The astronomy class is so complicated and huge, is it really just for divination?

"Well, I understand what you mean." Facing Hermione's question, Eisen nodded and continued, "For students like you, the content of astronomy is to assist the divination class."

"That—" Hermione was a little taken aback by Eisen's answer.

"I know what you want to ask, but this involves students' employment choices and life plans after graduating from Hogwarts." Eisen reached out and interrupted Hermione's words, and continued to speak, but the expression on his face gradually became serious "For example, some students are particularly interested in divination. After graduating from Hogwarts, they may engage in research and work in divination, or they may go directly to Hogwarts to apply for a divination professor.

In this case, then he should have more in-depth research and study of astronomy and divination. In the same way, if a student has no interest in divination and does not intend to engage in related work or research, then he does not need to study astronomy and divination in depth, which will have no impact on his life plan.

After all, in Hogwarts school, divination is only an elective course. Although astronomy is a compulsory course, it actually serves the divination class to a large extent. "

"Is that so?" After listening to Eisen's explanation, Hermione showed a more troubled expression.

"So, will you engage in research and work in divination in the future?" Eisen shook his head and asked a question.

"No, Professor Eisen, I haven't made up my mind yet." As soon as Hermione heard Eisen say that, Hermione suddenly lost her mind. After all, she really hasn't had time to think about these things yet.

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"That's right, you've just become a second-year student, and you don't know much about elective courses, and you're far away from graduation, so you don't need to think about it so much." Eisen nodded, not surprised by Hermione's thoughts, "As for me If you are interested, you can learn more about it, which is not a bad thing, but you have to remember that you are a wizard, so don't waste your talent in magic!"

"I see, Professor Eisen!" Hermione's pretty face flushed slightly, but without any hesitation, she nodded solemnly while speaking.

"Then, Professor Eisen, why did you apply for the position of professor of astronomy?" Just when Eisen thought that Hermione was fine, Hermione suddenly asked about him.

"This—" Hearing Hermione's question, Eisen hesitated.

After all, he couldn't tell Hermione that he had chosen to become a professor in order to get into Hogwarts. If he had the choice, he also wanted to study at Hogwarts School from the first grade. But unfortunately, he did not awaken Gold Finger before the age of 11, and missed the opportunity for students to enroll.

"As I said before, I am a Muggle-born wizard and have lived in the Muggle world for a long time." After pondering for a moment, Eisen planned to say a little bit, "So at the beginning, I came to Hogwarts to apply for a job. In fact, in addition to the professor of astronomy, there is also a professor of Muggle studies. But the original professor of astronomy, Aurora Sinistra, left, so I became the professor of astronomy at Hogwarts."

Of course, Eisen couldn't say that he awakened his magical power through Gold Finger at the age of 18. After all, even in the wizarding world, this kind of thing is too outrageous. Besides, as the biggest trump card of the time traveler, how could it be possible to tell others about Gold Finger!

Of course, Eisen's statement is not a lie. He's a Muggle-born wizard, that's for sure. He'd lived in the Muggle world for a long time, at least until he was eighteen. Therefore, when Eisen said this to Hermione, he was very confident.

"So it's like this!" Hermione's eyes flashed some inexplicable look, she didn't know what she thought of.

thump thump——

There was a sound of knocking on the window, and Eisen turned his head to look over, and found that it was an owl with a letter in its beak.

Who will send me the letter? Eisen thought suspiciously, but the movements of his hands were not slow. He took out his wand and waved his hand to open the window, allowing the owl to fly in.

"Okay, Hermione, it's getting late, you should go back to sleep!" Taking the envelope from the owl's beak, Eisen opened it and said to Hermione who was beside him with a curious expression.

"Oh, goodbye, professor!" Perhaps knowing that Eisen was busy, Hermione politely greeted her and left.

After Hermione left, Eisen turned his attention to the letter.

Time passed slowly, Eisen read the letter, but the expression on his face kept changing. He smiled for a while, and frowned again for a while.

After Eisen read the whole letter, he sighed heavily.

This letter is from Arthur Weiss. The envelope said that during this time he had already found a shop in Diagon Alley, but he hadn't rented it yet. Because some problems with the projection equipment have not been resolved, I hope that Eisen can go to the Pig's Head Pub in Hogsmeade Village at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon to discuss with him face to face.

Of course, the reason why Arthur wrote to explain this matter at this time, he also briefly introduced the reasons in the letter. During this period of time, the Ministry of Magic has been confiscating all kinds of dangerous goods, so Arthur has been relatively busy. But by coincidence, it happened that Ron drove his privately modified Muggle car out without authorization, and many people knew about it.

This time, Arthur was not only censored by the Ministry of Magic, but also fined 50 Galleons. It is precisely because of this that the matter of Eisen begging him has been delayed until now.

Smiling and shaking his head, Eisen wrote Arthur back a letter, saying that he would be on time for the appointment at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon.

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