Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 22 The Legend Of The Chamber Of Secrets (For Subscription)

"No, Filch—" Professor Dumbledore shook his head, "It requires a kind of advanced dark arts, and second-year students certainly can't do it."

"The spell stops immediately!" Then, under the watchful eyes of Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and others, Eisen took out his wand and cast a general anti-curse on the petrified Mrs. Norris.

But the result was just as Eisen expected, after the curse was cast, there was no effect at all, and Mrs. Norris was still as hard as a rock.

"Obviously, although Mrs. Norris was petrified, she was not petrified by the petrification spell, but another profound black magic method. I think Harry and the others really can't do it!" Afterwards, Eisen also proposed Arguments in support of Dumbledore's point of view.

In fact, several professors in the field already understood what Eisen meant. If Lady Norris was really petrified by Harry or Ron and Hermione, it must have been a simple spell like the Petrifying Charm.

However, the petrification effect of the petrified target can be removed by a general-purpose solution such as mantra stop. After Eisen cast the undoing spell just now, it didn't have the slightest effect, which obviously meant that Mrs. Norris was not petrified by the petrification spell.

Therefore, it can basically be ruled out that Mrs. Norris was attacked by Harry.

Both Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall nodded, agreeing with Eisen. On the other hand, Snape put forward a slightly different opinion at this time.

"Allow me to say a word, Headmaster." Snape emerged from the shadows. "I agree with Professor Eisen that Potter and his friends did not attack Mrs. Norris."

Harry couldn't believe it at this moment, he didn't expect Snape to speak for him. For a split second, Harry wanted to let go of all the bad feelings he had for Snape. But then, Snape's words dispelled his thoughts.

"But there is a strange question, that is, why did Potter and the others go to the corridor above? Isn't it strange that they don't go to the Halloween banquet, but instead go to that place for no reason?" Snape looked at Harry, his face seemed to show With a sneering expression.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, the three of them scrambled to tell the story of their participation in the death party.

"Hundreds of ghosts have come, and they can all prove that we are there—" Harry said impatiently, and then pointed at Eisen with bright eyes, "Professor Eisen also knows about this!"

"Uh, they did mention to me that they will participate in the 500th anniversary of Nearly Headless Nick's death." Eisen nodded when everyone looked at him.

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"But after that? Why not go to the banquet and go up the hallway instead?" Snape clearly caught a trio's biggest loophole.

"Because—" Harry opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain it. He felt that if he said that he was attracted there by a voice that was likely to be a snake, probably only Professor Eisen, who knew he was a snake, would believe him.

The problem, however, was that Ron had told him that even in the wizarding world, it wasn't a good thing for wizards to hear voices that others couldn't. Therefore, Harry didn't want to make it known to everyone. Wouldn't it be even worse if he was directly suspected of being the heir to the secret chamber and was involved in the attack.

So, after running these thoughts in his head, Harry directly offered a very constructive reason, "Because we are too tired and want to go to bed earlier."

"But even so, you shouldn't skip dinner!" Snape showed a smug expression, "I'm sure the food at the Deathday Party is not fit for living people!"

"We're not hungry!" At this time, Ron, who didn't like Snape, yelled loudly, wanting to support Harry, but didn't want his stomach to growl.

"My opinion is that, while Mr. Potter didn't attack Mrs. Norris, he obviously wasn't telling the whole truth." Snape's face grew more smug, and then he looked at Dumbledore. "I think it's okay to revoke his privileges and get him out of the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he's calmed down!"

"No, Severus, there's no evidence that Potter did anything wrong!" Professor McGonagall said sternly, guarding Harry like a calf.

"Yes, as long as there is no proof, then innocent, Severus!" Dumbledore was clearly on Professor McGonagall's side as well.

"However, my cat was petrified!" Filch exclaimed dissatisfiedly, "I hope someone will be punished!" After he finished speaking, he looked at Harry viciously, implying that he was the one who wanted to be punished It's Harry.

"Don't worry, Filch, we'll fix it." Dumbledore persuaded patiently, "Mrs. Sprout got some mandella, and when it grows and matures, it can be used to cure Mrs. Norris." Potion."

"Well, I'd like to say that I'd be more than happy to make the Mandella Restoration Potion—" Lockhart was at work again, "I've made it more than a hundred times, and I can make it while I'm dreaming."

"Huh—" Snape's cold snort was just right, interrupting Lockhart, "I think I'm the Potions professor at Hogwarts!"

For a moment, Lockhart froze in embarrassment, and Eisen almost laughed out loud.

"You can go." Dumbledore said to the three of Harry, and the three of them left Lockhart's office quickly as if they were pardoned, and even ran for a while.

"Professor Eisen, what do you think of this?" After the trio left, Dumbledore began to ask Eisen's opinion.

"I was wondering if the Chamber of Secrets was opened. Is the Chamber of Secrets that was opened the one left by Salazar Slytherin? Well, I've heard about this Hogwarts legend." Eisen nodded, slowly He said his opinion slowly, "Well, it is said that after the four founders of Hogwarts founded Hogwarts for a while, they had differences.

Slytherin believes that the selection of students should be more selective, and only those students from pure wizarding families should be selected, and Muggle students should not be accepted. To this end, he had a violent quarrel with Gryffindor, and left the school.

It is said that before leaving Hogwarts, Slytherin built a chamber of secrets in the castle and sealed it so that no one could open it. Until his real heir appears, the secret room will be opened, and then the horrible things in the secret room will be released, and all those who are not worthy of learning magic will be eliminated. "

"However, this is just a legend about the Chamber of Secrets, and there has never been any evidence to prove its existence!" Professor McGonagall said with a dry tone, and looked at Dumbledore, as if asking for something.

"That's right, I think, you still need to distinguish what is reliable history and what is legend, Professor Eisen!" Snape said strangely, obviously he didn't like Eisen too much.

"Okay, I think we'll search the entire castle next to see if there are any clues." Dumbledore shook his head slightly, and did not express his opinion on the legend of the Chamber of Secrets.

"Wow, are you going to explore the secrets of Hogwarts Castle again?" Lockhart's face was shining brightly, "Believe me, when I was studying in Raven Klaw, I explored many secret passages, and I will definitely put Find out from the Chamber of Secrets!"

As for Lockhart's inexplicable confidence, Eisen said he didn't want to comment further.

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