When eating in the auditorium in the morning, Eisen noticed that the trio was much more relaxed.

"Good morning, Harry, Hermione and Ron, is my autograph okay?" After sitting down directly, Eisen greeted the trio, and then looked at Hermione.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, I've already borrowed the book!" Hermione smiled slightly, beaming with joy.

"It's good that you're not in danger." Eisen nodded, and then looked at Harry, "Tomorrow is the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, right? How is Harry preparing?"

"The situation could be dire!" As soon as this was mentioned, Harry felt a little depressed.

"That's right, Professor Eisen, the Slytherins ride the fastest brooms money can buy, and it's going to be so hard for Gryffindor to catch up to Slytherins!" Ron was equally annoyed.

"But defeating Slytherin in this way will show your abilities, won't it?" Eisen smiled and encouraged Harry.

"Yes, I will definitely defeat Slytherin." Harry clenched his fists hard, and his blood boiled suddenly.

In the previous life, Eisen felt that there was a saying that was very reasonable, that is, any hot topic is time-sensitive. Apparently, the attack at Hogwarts was the same.

Perhaps it was because after the attack, the whole school suddenly became calm and no one was attacked again, or it was because the Quidditch match was about to divert everyone's attention.

Therefore, the little wizards rarely mentioned the rumors about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets anymore. All eyes were on the first Quidditch match of the season.

Slightly different from the usual Quidditch matches, this match really attracted a lot of attention. The reason? On the one hand, it is naturally because the opposing sides are Gryffindor and Slytherin who do not like each other. On the other hand, it was because all the Slytherins were sponsored by Malfoy's father and rode the fastest broom at the moment - Nimbus 2001.

Compared with Gryffindor who was holding his breath, the students of Hufflepuff and La Wen Keluo also wanted to see what advantage Nimbus 2001 could have in the game.

Of course, compared to Gryffindor, every Slytherin player had a high-spirited attitude, as if they had already won the game.

After class at noon, the trio quietly went to the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

There was no way, Hermione was determined to place the Polyjuice Potion in the place of Moaning Myrtle, with a valid excuse that no one in their right mind would want to go into the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

But Ron made a counterargument, claiming that the last time the three of them entered here to ask for clues, they were discovered by Percy. Clearly, Percy was one of those crazy people.

But in the end, it was Hermione's opinion that prevailed. Because they found that, apart from the Weeping Myrtle Field, there was no other quiet place where they could configure the potion smoothly.

No way, the trio didn't know about the Room of Requirement, so they had to sneak around in the girls' bathroom.

"My God, no wonder this book is put in the restricted area, it's too evil!" When Hermione carefully opened the "Powerful Potion", Ron just leaned over to take a look, and then showed a frightened look. look.

Some of the illustrations in the book were disgusting: a man turned inside out, a witch with arms protruding from his head.

If Eisen sees these, he will definitely doubt whether this is painted by the master of the Ke system.

Hermione didn't think too much about it, and quickly flipped through the book, and soon found the page marked Polyjuice Potion at the back.

"Look, here it is!" Hermione paused, pointing excitedly at the illustration on the page.

Harry and Ron looked over and saw that the people in the illustration were rapidly changing into the appearance of other people under the influence of some kind of potion. However, judging from his ferocious expression, it seemed that he was about to endure great pain, which gave Harry an ominous premonition.

"This is really the most complicated potion I've ever seen." After carefully reading the recipe of the compound potion next to the illustration, Hermione, a top student, couldn't help but grumbled.

"Some of the ingredients are easy to find: lacewings, leeches, weedgrass, and two-eared grass." Hermione ran her finger across the list of ingredients. "These can be found in student lockers. Oh my god—and research Powdered bicorn horns, snake skin fragments from the African snake tree, these are all hard to come by. Of course, you need something from the person you want to transform!"

Since some of the materials couldn't be found in the student lockers, Hermione targeted Snape's private storage. But for Hermione's decision, both Harry and Ron were extremely surprised.

You know, this kind of behavior is a very risky behavior, and it will definitely violate dozens of school rules. They didn't expect that Hermione would take the initiative to violate the school rules one day.

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"Okay, so how long does it take to make this potion?" Harry asked a crucial question.

"Well, the leaf grass needs to be picked on the day of the full moon, and the lacewings need to be boiled for more than 20 days - if all the ingredients can be found, it can be boiled in about a month." Hermione simply calculated , and an approximate time is given.

"A month?" Ron exclaimed, "By then half the Muggles in the school will have been knocked down by Malfoy!"

Seeing that Hermione was about to lose his temper, Ron quickly added, "But this is the best solution we can think of, let's hurry up!"

"If you can knock Malfoy off his broom tomorrow, I think we'll be in less trouble!" Before leaving, Ron winked at Harry quietly, coming up with a brilliant idea.

On the other hand, Eisen didn't pay attention to the actions of the trio, but found a few books on ancient magic text and alchemy in the library and continued to study.

Eisen took out the looking glass he bought at the Davis-Bans store and put it on the table, intending to do a rough study.

In the eyes of Eisen, the magic spell in the wizarding world can do many incredible things. For example, the Scarpin Appearance Curse, this spell has a very special effect, it can directly detect and identify the ingredients of the potion.

In other words, if a bottle of unknown potion is placed in front of the wizard, the wizard can use the Scarpin Appearance Charm to identify the composition of the bottle of unknown potion.

At first glance, the effect of such a spell is a bit outrageous. How could it be possible to detect the ingredients of an unknown potion out of thin air? But that's the point of magic.

Therefore, when studying the looking glass, Eisen also adopted a similar method to check the magic means on the looking glass. However, to Eisen's disappointment, he couldn't see through the means of making the looking glass for the time being, and could only find a range of magic to detect dark power.

The rest, for Eisen, is more of a mystery.

For example, in the original book, Fred and George put beetles in Bill's soup, a prank that keeps Bill's pocket looking glass beeping. But Bill didn't know why the looking glass kept shining.

If a beetle with ill will appeared in front of Bill, it would be normal for the looking glass to react. This shows that the looking glass can detect the presence of hostility, which is not difficult to achieve by magic.

But the point is that the beetle was put in by Fred and George. The beetle itself should not know what it is doing, but it was detected by the looking glass. What is the principle?

To say that the Looking Glass can follow Bill's will and automatically ignore any other suspicious creatures detected by familiar family members. That doesn't seem to make sense.

Because there is a scene in the original book where Harry's looking glass calls the police when Ron's pet Scabbers appears nearby. But obviously, Harry has been familiar with Ron's pet Scabbers for a long time, and obviously the looking glass will not automatically ignore familiar creatures as the owner wishes. In this case, why can the looking glass sound an alarm?

Or to put it simply, Peter Pettigrew has traces of dark magic power on his body, which was detected.

If the looking glass had these two functions at the same time, then things would make sense.

Thinking in this way, Eisen showed a thoughtful expression. Then, he turned his attention to the books.

Time passed slowly, and when Eisen raised his head from the book, it was already night.

Before the library closed, Eisen put the books back on the shelf and left the library.

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