Hogwarts: Please Graduate Soon

Chapter 147 Squeezing Tom, Qiu’S Little Wish

A philosopher once said.

People wander around the world and use a trumpet when going out.

Wayne briefly borrowed Harry's famous name.

Although the Potter family is not included in the twenty-eight pure-blood families, it is essentially a pure-blood family.

Strictly speaking, all pure-blood families have Muggles among their ancestors, otherwise they would have perished long ago.

But it's just that others hid it more closely, and the Potter family didn't hide it much, so they were excluded.

Even if Tom didn't know that Harry was his future enemy, at least the Potter family knew.

Moreover, Wayne does not violate Hufflepuff's principles.

He didn't lie to anyone, he just lied to a notebook. Is there any problem?

Not at all~

As for whether it will trick Harry?

Even if Tom holds a grudge against Harry in the future, it will have no impact at all.

The two of them were sworn enemies, and only one of them was destined to survive.

Maybe Dumbledore will agree after knowing this. This is helping him promote the savior plan.

We are really good people.

Wayne couldn't help but reveal a simple smile, while Tom in the diary didn't react for a while.

He had to slow down.

According to the normal development, shouldn't Harry show surprise now, then empathy, and finally, under his guidance, the two of them become good friends who talk about everything?

Why did he suddenly have to be called Master Potter, not even a friend?

【Harry...aren't we friends?】

Tom pondered his words.

[Among friends, do we still need to balance these differences in status? 】

[Back then, I was the president of the school’s student union. I was from Slytherin College. I also had many friends from pure-blood families, but they never asked me to call them Master. 】

"Tom, times have changed."

Wayne got into the mood and started writing furiously:

"These are the rules told to me by Malfoy, another pure-blood noble. He has two followers, Crabbe and Goyle.

"I usually pretend to be his friend in front of outsiders, but in private I always call him Master Malfoy."

"We don't have any outsiders here, so we don't have to go through so much trouble.

"You call me Master Potter, and I call you Tom. You don't have to be polite to me."


Is this a polite question?

You are amazing, you are the heir of a pure-blood family at 27, you are noble.

I, Tom Riddle, have sworn this since I came out of Wood's Orphanage.

I will stand to the highest step by step!

I want to be the king who rules the magical world!

You actually asked me to call you Master?

Tom was filled with hatred and negative emotions, but there was nothing he could do about Harry.

"Tom, why don't you speak?"

[No, Harry. 】

"Call me Master Potter."

There are some wrinkles on the yellow pages of the notebook.

[Master Potter, I am just weak. The magic power of this notebook is relatively weak and cannot keep me awake. 】

"Then you can go with peace of mind. If one day you don't reply to me, I will burn the notebook and bury it with you.

No need to!

Tom was almost knocked out by 'Harry's' brain circuits.

Shouldn't you be thinking about how to help me? Why do you want to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces?

[As long as you use some animal blood or high-grade ink when writing, it will be fine. 】

Tom quickly made amends.

[Master Potter, you are the heir to a noble pure-blood family, so you shouldn’t be short of this little money, right? 】

"Of course, I'll buy some tomorrow, don't worry."

Tom finally felt a lot better.

[Master Potter...can you tell me about the recent situation in the wizarding world? I'm very curious. 】

Wayne curled his lips, "How can you have so much curiosity from just a notebook?"

[Ha, I want to know how long it has been since my era, and whether you still hear some familiar names. 】

In fact, Tom just wants to know whether he will become the most powerful dark wizard in the world and rule the entire soul in the future.

Time is not a problem. His Horcrux still exists, and his body must still be alive.

The only thing that made him a little uneasy was that Gryffindor still existed...

He originally thought that once he succeeded, he would definitely reform Hogwarts.

There is no need for useless academies like Gryffindor and Hufflepuff to exist.

Ravenclaw is barely useful, after all, many people are quite smart.

"Really want to know?"


Tom's response was urgent.

"Do me a favor and I'll tell you.

[Tell me, if you have any questions about the course that you don’t understand, you can ask me. 】

Tom was very confident that a second-year wizard could ask any difficult questions, and he could take this opportunity to show his value.

"You helped me write my Defense Against the Dark Arts homework for this week, and I'll tell you."

That's right, even though Lockhart was in the school infirmary, he still had homework for his students.

The content of the assignment is to write an essay to analyze the "glorious" deeds in any of his works.

Wayne wouldn't write an article praising Lockhart, and if Tom didn't help, he wouldn't write it at all.

After hearing the request, Tom was speechless again.

What went wrong at Hogwarts and how did the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework become so outrageous?

Is this still a magic school?

"Tom, can you help me?" Wayne urged again.

[Help, of course. 】

Tom replied quickly, and Wayne was very happy, wrote some of Lockhart's requirements on paper, and then ignored the diary.

In fact, Tom is far from as weak as he said. When writing in the notebook, Wayne's magic power will always be lost unconsciously.

If it weren't for his keen perception, he would be well aware of the changes in his magic power.

Tom's little movements will not be noticed.

Since you are dishonest, just be my pallu.

Leaving Tom aside, Wayne began to write a letter to Fleur in France.

The half-Veela originally promised to write one letter a week, but I couldn't do it, mainly because there was nothing to write.

Is it possible to write about the process of him having sex with Hermione and Qiu Tie every day?

Wayne isn't that stupid yet.

So he only did two or three letters a month.

When he checked the system points today, he saw a few points that were increased by Furong's sales of props. He also remembered that he hadn't written to this little beauty since school started.

The system is still very generous. Beauxbatons' sales are also counted as points for him, and there is no deduction at all. The ratio is still one to five.

Furong was of great help this time. I must thank her properly next time we meet.

And Gabrielle, there was a passage from Little Loli in Fleur's last reply. The writing was crooked and there were many spelling errors.

Little Loli also asked Wayne to write him a letter. When her sister starts school, she won't be able to read it just by sending it to Fleur.

In order for little lolita to understand, Wayne also used a few simple drawings.

It can be said to be heartbreaking.

Wayne is done with his work, and Tom is almost done.

Looking at the paper, which was full of praise but with few truthful sentences, Wayne was very satisfied. With a flick of the magic wand, the characters floated out like tadpoles and landed on the parchment prepared in the car.

"Thanks Tom.

【You're welcome, aren't we friends?】

"Of course, but it's me, Master Potter.

[It's... Master Potter. 】

Tom was completely helpless, why couldn't this kid get enough oil and salt?

[I have finished your homework for you, can you tell me about the magic exhibition now? 】

"It's too late today, I should go to bed, and I will give you a good talk when I have time.

"Goodnight Tom."


Wayne closed the notebook decisively and put it in the box.

Chatting with a man at night is really disgusting.

After briefly washing up, Wayne threw Jerry, who was picking out the brooch from his clothes, into the box and prepared to wash up and go to bed.

But suddenly he sneezed loudly.

"Ah sneeze!"

Who is scolding me?

Wayne was in a bad mood all of a sudden. He was such a good Hufflepuff, but what evil dark wizard dared to scold him.

Don't let him know who it is, otherwise he will be rewarded with several thunder and lightning strikes.

at the same time.

In the wild forests of Albania.

A cloud of black mist suddenly burst out from the body of a mouse, wrapping up a raccoon that was several times larger than itself.

After a few minutes, the black fog dissipated and the raccoon disappeared, leaving only a few bones falling to the ground.

Voldemort has been having a hard time lately.

That's very bad.

After escaping Hogwarts in embarrassment, he returned to his lair where he had lived in seclusion for twenty years.

I originally thought that I could only lie dormant again like before, waiting for a Quirrell-style fool to come to my door.

But Voldemort never expected that the situation was far worse than he imagined.

His snake is gone!

Where did my big snake go?

Voldemort, who had spent a lot of effort to escape back here, searched the area again in search of Nagini.

But still found nothing.

Finally, he was so weak that he could only possess a mouse.

What is a mouse?

That's snake food!

This was simply a huge shame. Voldemort was almost going crazy with anger, but he couldn't find it.

He could only possess the creature he once hated the most, looking for weak prey to prey on, and looking for Nagini by the way.

He had a hunch that his snake had been taken away.

Voldemort's heart-rending cry echoed in the silent forest.

"Don't let me know who you are, otherwise I will cast the Cruciatus Curse on you for three days and three nights!"

"Can't stop for a moment!"

Early the next morning.

Wayne completely forgot about the promise he made last night. After getting up, he went to the auditorium to prepare for dinner.

For a standard Hufflepuff, eating is the most sacred moment of the day.

There can be no hesitation or delay.


Before he walked into the door of the auditorium, a call came from the side hall.

Wayne turned his head and saw Oliver Wood, Gryffindor's Quidditch captain, stretching his head.

"Can you come over here?"

Wood looked around carefully and waved after finding that there were no Slytherin students.

Wayne walked over confused and was pulled closer to the side hall.

There was not only Wood alone, but also several other Gryffindor Quidditch players.

Including Harry and the Geminis, everyone was yawning and couldn't open their eyes.

"I heard Granger yesterday, you said Slytherin has seven Nimbus 2001?"

Oliver Wood's voice trembled.

"Hermione said she wanted to hide it from you?" Wayne looked at him in surprise.


Discount yawned and raised his hand: "It was Hermione who told me, and Wood heard it.

"He has been struggling all night and dragged us down early to wait for you."

Cruel person...

Wayne sighed, Wood was really obsessed with Quidditch, no wonder he didn't even have a girlfriend in seventh grade.

I guess the Quaffle is his girlfriend.

"That's right." Now that he knew everything, Wayne didn't need to hide it: "Malfoy told me personally in the herbal medicine class two days ago."

"He also joined the team as a Seeker."

Now several other Quidditch players were awake.

"Good guy...I spent money on this." George complained as he smashed it.

"This is very common in a country. If you don't pay, you can't play." Spinnet thought of something and said quickly.

"That country's Quidditch is very bad and they haven't even made it to the World Cup."

"I know, I know." Wayne nodded: "Asan Kingdom, right?"

"That's right."

A few people chatted, but Wood was completely numb.

First there was Hufflepuff, then there was Slytherin, each one more generous than the other.

Why did the Quidditch game suddenly become so difficult?

This is a sports competition, not a money-making game....

"Don't worry." Wayne patted his shoulder sympathetically: "You still have Harry, as long as he catches the Golden Snitch before the broom shows its advantage.


Wood immediately looked at Harry, his eyes bloodshot, which startled Harry.

"Harry, let's start training at eight o'clock this Saturday!" Wood said enthusiastically.

Harry's face turned bitter, "Isn't it a little too early?"

"Don't you want to win the championship?" Wood grabbed Harry's shoulders with both hands: "You are Gryffindor's last hope!"

"Okay, okay."

Facing Wood's hopeful gaze, Harry glanced at Wayne enthusiastically.

Training during the day and tutoring at night, his weekend...

Wayne returned to the auditorium, and not long after, Qiu also came with several girls.

Seeing him, Qiu talked to a few girls and then came to Hufflepuff's long table.

Hannah and Toby next to her consciously made room for her.

They were already familiar with this kind of scene, either Hermione or Qiu.

Sometimes it's Penelo, Ravenclaw's new prefect this year.

Now all the little wizards in the school are speculating that Wayne wants to pick the most beautiful henchman in each grade...

After hearing this rumor, the parties involved were speechless.

Why can I only choose one?

"Qiu, what's wrong?" Wayne said vaguely while biting the bread.

Qiu first brought him a glass of hot milk, and after Wayne drank it, he asked in a low voice:

"Can you accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"Senior Penello told me a secret passage leading directly to Hogsmeade. We can go there secretly without others discovering it."

After saying that, the girl looked at Wayne expectantly with watery eyes.

Qiu is now in her third year, and the first semester of this year is the Hogsmeade Open Day.

She had long heard that Mrs. Puddiff's Teahouse there was a dating destination.

So after being able to go to Hogsmeade, I came to see the boy as soon as possible.


Wayne put the cup down, looked at the girl's cautious look, and took her hand.

"Of course, is it this weekend?"

"Well, this Saturday."

"Okay." Wayne agreed decisively under Qiu's surprised look.

"But there's no need to be sneaky. I'll talk to the principal, and maybe he'll give me special permission to go directly.

"Is it really okay?" The girl became even happier.

Qiu Ke regarded this as a real date, and it would be great if it could be done openly.

"It should be no problem." Wayne was not sure, but he felt that with his relationship with Dumbledore, Old Deng would still have to help with this small favor.

In the original trajectory, Harry was under strict supervision because of Sirius' threat. Even if he had a parent's signature, the school would probably not let him out.

Wayne was different. If he really wanted to go, Lao Deng couldn't stop him. There was no need to set up obstacles for him in this trivial matter.

After seeing off the smiling Qiu, Wayne found Cedric.

"If you have any guide on how to play Hogsmeade, please give me one."

Cedric looked at him in surprise: "What do you want it for? You can't go there."

"Are you prepared for any trouble? Hurry up."

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