Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 118 Magical Star Destroyer

"Dear Mr. Dumbledore, welcome to Gringotts. Is there anything I can do for you?"

At the door of Gringotts, a goblin bowed deeply to Kyle, and its long nose was almost poking the floor.

As the son of the most powerful white magician in this era, the courtesy that Kyle received was a little too much.

What Kyle doesn't know is that Gringotts, which has branches in various European countries, has already smelled an unusual taste from the August family's comeback.

The connection between the August family and the Grindelwald family is unusual.

Not to mention, Kyle's strange-colored eyes.

Many old goblins at Gringotts knew Grindelwald's pair of eyes, and they were confident they wouldn't be wrong.

"I want to exchange some currency."

"Please come with me." The goblin bowed deeply again, and then introduced the four of Kyle into the magnificent marble hall.

In front of a counter, the fairies quickly arranged the business of Muggle currency exchange gold Galleon for the four of them to Kyle.

In addition to the 800 gold Galleons exchanged with the pound limit, Kyle and the others also exchanged a large bag of gold bars for more than a thousand gold Galleons.

"Get rich! Get rich!"

After coming out of Gringotts, the extremely excited George and Fred kept saying this sentence in their mouths.

That look of never seeing money made Kyle look a little funny.

They exchanged a total of more than 2,100 gold Galleons, and Kyle, a big dog with good money, only took a fraction, and the remaining 2,110 Galleons were divided among the three of them.

In terms of the price level of the magic world, the 1,400 Galleons allocated to the twin brothers can make them a not-so-good shop in Diagon Alley.

However, the two have no plans to open a store for the time being.

The reason is that neither of them have graduated from Hogwarts and have no time to manage the business in the store.

Mrs Weasley would absolutely kill both of them if they dropped out.

As for hiring someone to take care of it...don't even think about it.

They now have only enough money to buy shops.

Not to mention hiring someone to run the store, even if they buy raw materials to process them into products, they don't have any money left after buying the store.

Therefore, the idea of ​​opening a store in Diagon Alley should be postponed for a few years.

They still have a lot of Muggle currency in their hands, and because of the limit, they have not been exchanged for the time being.

As long as they were given a few more years to exchange their Muggle money, they would be able to scrape together enough money to open a shop.

Cedric, who also received a large sum of money, was also very excited.

As the only child of the Diggory family, he has never had a shortage of pocket money.

However, his pocket money cannot be the same as that of a big dog owner, in Wanjialong.

He could have four or five gold Galleons in his pocket.

Seven hundred Galleons was a huge sum not only for him, but also for his father, Amos Diggory.

He really wanted to take the money home for his parents to improve their lives, but considering that the money was not coming from a proper source, he finally decided to keep the flowers with Kyle's persuasion. …

"Aren't you interested in wandology, Cyd?" Kyle asked.

He pointed to the nearby shop selling magic materials.

"You can use this money to buy materials for making wands, and while improving your wand-making skills, you can also sell your wands."

"In this way, the money is..." Kyle suddenly choked when he reached his mouth.

He wanted to talk about whitewashing, but it felt like something wasn't quite right.

Looking at Cedric's sudden realization, Kyle felt that he didn't need to say any more.

"Thank you, Kyle, I get it!" Cedric rushed into the store excitedly.

George and Fred also shouted and rushed into the store, looking more like two robbers than customers.


The four grief-stricken men returned to the Burrow on time before lunchtime.

What happened during their stay in London, all four of them were tight-lipped, and they all played in the Muggle world in London for a few days.

Mrs. Weasley didn't ask any further questions, and greeted the four of them for lunch.

After lunch, Mr. Weasley, who finally finished a week of social and animal work, immediately couldn't wait to take Kyle and the others into the carport.

Cedric didn't know anything about alchemy other than wand science, and didn't have much interest in Muggle cars, so he went back first.

For Mr Weasley's beloved Ford Anglia 105e luxury sedan, plans were set for a makeover before Kyle and the others left for London.

In the morning, Mr. Weasley had completed the first step of the transformation plan - the transformation and fusion of the tank and the car.

The next step is to install the power system.

According to the plan they negotiated, this Star Destroyer will have two sets of power systems, one is the Muggle version and the other is the magic version.

The Muggle version of the powertrain uses a diesel engine that Kyle bought from London and was removed from a Mercedes-Benz heavy truck.

Only the engine used in the truck can carry the heavy body of the tank.

As for

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Why not use the magic power-driven engine that I said when I was bragging a few days ago...

That thing hasn't even been designed yet.

Designing an engine from scratch is no easy task.

Even with the help of magic, they can ignore many things.

For example, the strength of the material, a tough magic pattern, can make a piece of ordinary steel into an existence comparable to the strength of aircraft carrier deck steel.

But engine design is not just a matter of materials.

If you want to install this thing on the tank, there is no hope for at least two years.

In order to let the tanks fly into the sky earlier, let's temporarily replace them with Muggle diesel engines.

The magic version of the power system is mainly to give the Star Destroyer the ability to fly. Mr. Weasley's original plan was to dismantle his old sweeping broom and put it on his car.

However, after merging the tank's shell with the Ford sedan, even if the weight was reduced by using the Floating Charm, it would not be able to fly with an old sweeping broom.

Kyle contributed his Nimbus 2000 without hesitation.

"No no no, this is too precious, how can I use this." Mr. Weasley quickly refused.

"Uncle, this broom is not given to you for free."

Kyle knew Mr. Weasley would refuse, so he planned on a deal similar to the one that provided George with the money.

"I also have a Muggle car. After I've remodeled this Ford sedan, you can help me remodel my car. The reward is 2000 for this nimbus."

Mr. Weasley looked hesitant, knowing that he was taking advantage of it.

A Nimbus 2000 is worth several hundred gold Galleons, which is equivalent to nearly half a year's salary.

Considering that he still has a large family to support, and there is not much money left over each month, Mr. Weasley estimated that he would have to save most of his life to afford such a broom.

"It is said that the latest Nimbus 2001 model will be released in a few days, so I took this opportunity to get a new broom."

Hearing the arrogant speech of the big dog, Mr. Weasley finally agreed.

Mr. Weasley was determined to use the highest level of alchemy when helping Kyle transform his flying car.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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