Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 169 0 Commander Star Destroyer's Rescue Field

After Dumbledore left Hogwarts, fear spread rapidly in unprecedented form,

As a result, the sun, which warms the outer walls of the castle, does not seem to be able to penetrate the mullioned windows.

Every face in the school looked apprehensive, and every laugh in the hallway was harsh, weird, and quickly suppressed.

But despite this, Hogwarts still has no plans to suspend classes.

As long as the sky does not collapse, the earth does not collapse, and the end of the world does not come, the class will continue.

It was late at night, but the students were still told they couldn't go back to their common room, and they all had to spend the night in the auditorium until the basilisk was caught.

The Salvation Trio sneaked out of the auditorium in the Invisibility Cloak.

All day they had been thinking about Hagrid's words before he left - follow the spider and you'll find the answer.

On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Harry quickly found a group of spiders crawling deep into the Forbidden Forest.

"Harry, I don't think this is a good idea." Looking at the dark Forbidden Forest, Ron swallowed in horror.

The Forbidden Forest during the day is extremely dangerous for their little wizards, not to mention it is night.

They can't use the forbidden forest as a back garden like Kyle and the others.

However, the reckless Harry didn't care about this at all, and dragged Ron to the dark forbidden forest.

The little beaver followed behind them.

The three of them quickly came to the depression where Kyle and the others had come before, and it was also the home of the eight-eyed giant spider Aragog.

A clicking sound came from the huge net in the center of the depression.

"Is it Hagrid? Or Weasley?"

The Salvation Trio listened to the big spider calling out Ron's surname in confusion.

Ron forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart and took a step forward.

"I'm Ron Weasley, and we're friends with Hagrid."

"Huh? You're not a twin brother?"

Hearing Aragog's words, Ron suddenly felt that the wave was stable.

Don't look at his two brothers who are naughty and mischievous all day long, but their connections have actually expanded to the eight-eyed giant spider.

Ron silently gave his two brothers a thumbs up.

But what he didn't know was that what existed between Aragog and his twin brother was not friendship, but Liangzi.

Last time, after Kyle took the other three fathers and forced them to sign the unequal agreement of the eight-eyed giant spider group, it was the two brothers who came to collect the venom every time.

Cedric doesn't need that much Gold Galleon, and his current wand business can form a virtuous capital cycle.

But the twin brothers' alchemy studies are completely burning money like crazy.

They are the ones who need to sell the venom the most.

Therefore, the hatred of the eight-eyed giant spider gradually converged towards the two of them.

"Hagrid's in trouble," Harry said, breathing very quickly, "that's why we're here."

Hermione briefly spoke to Aragog about Hagrid being taken by the Ministry of Magic.

Hearing that Hagrid was imprisoned in Azkaban, Aragog temporarily put down the beam between him and the Weasleys.

It waved its claws angrily, "The opener of the Chamber of Secrets was never Hagrid! Those people are a bunch of idiots!"

Hermione hurriedly explained: "We already know that the monster in the secret room is the basilisk, and we also know that it is hiding in the sewer..."

A violent click from Aragog's claws interrupted Hermione.

"The monsters in the secret room are nothing, and there is a more terrifying darkness bred in the depths of the forbidden forest..."

Hermione could hear the fear in Aragog's voice.

"What more terrible darkness?" she demanded eagerly.

Aragog's body trembled slightly with fear, "I can't say."

"Then do you know where Lockhart is?" Harry called to Aragog as he stepped up to the previous one.

"I can't tell you," Aragog's voice revealed a bit of pain, "that man threatened us and ordered us eight-eyed spiders to do things for him."

The spiders slowly gathered from all directions.

Sensing that something was wrong, Hermione drew her wand warily.

"Doing things? What does Lockhart want you to do for him?" Harry shouted desperately to Aragog.

Aragog slowly retreated into his hemispherical spider web, and the spiders were still slowly approaching the three of them.

"He wants us to launch an attack on Hogwarts tonight. It's almost time to start the operation."

Hearing Aragog's words, Hermione's pupils shrank, and she suddenly threw a blasting spell at Aragog.

A loud roar sounded in the hollow.

"Harry! Ron! Run away!"

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing Aragog's unharmed figure.

Several eight-eyed giant spiders blocked Hermione's blasting spell for it.

"Escape? You can't escape. My sons and daughters obey my orders and won't hurt Hagrid, but fresh human flesh is automatically delivered, and I can't stop them..."

Aragog waved his claws violently, and the gathered spiders attacked the trio.

"Die! Weasley boy!"

Hermione swung her wand sharply, and the flirtatious orange-red flame spurted out from the tip of the wand, forcing the surrounding eight-eyed giant spiders back.

But after a while, the spiders swooped up again, and more than 90 percent of them were heading towards Ron.

Hermione kept using Barrier Charms and Stunning Charms to repel the eight-eyed spiders that came up.

But the number of eight-eyed giant spiders is too large, and she can't handle it alone.

Harry and Ron, these two useless things, have no other use other than causing some auditory and mental pollution to the eight-eyed giant spiders with their shrill screams.

The three of them would be a pile of spider poop by tomorrow morning if no one came to save them.

Hermione's chanting voice gradually took on a hint of despair.

Just when she was about to lose it, a roaring engine roar sounded in the Forbidden Forest.

An army-green behemoth rushed away from the countless eight-eyed giant spiders blocking the road, and galloped towards the three people who were trapped in the siege.

The angular appearance, the tall and mighty body, the strong and domineering body, the cold and determined face...

When Harry and Ron saw this thing, they were moved to tears.

Mr. Weasley's Centurion Star Destroyer rumbled down the slope, its tracks mercilessly running over the Octopus.

With a screeching sound, the tank stopped in front of Ha He and Ron, and the hatch snapped open.

Harry shouted in surprise, "We're saved! Get in the car!"

Since the school started that day and crashed into the battering willow, the tank rushed straight into the forbidden forest due to inertia, and they never saw it again.

I didn't expect it to appear on its own now.

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