Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 273 Azkaban

There was not much suspense in this go-to trial, which ended in a unanimous vote by the Wizengamore Council, which sentenced Pettigrew Peter Azkaban to life in prison.

Sirius was also rehabilitated and was declared acquitted in court. Although Fudge's announcement was not required, Sirius was actually no different from acquittal.

Otherwise, according to the original procedure, before Sirius was declared innocent, he would still be detained at the Ministry of Magic with Peter Pettigrew as a suspect.

But with Dumbledore's guarantee, not only did Sirius not need to squat in the detention center, but he was also able to spend a pleasant Christmas holiday with his godson at Blake's old house.

When the gavel in Fudge's hand was knocked down, Harry, who couldn't help himself, jumped into his seat and cheered loudly.

Although it was a very rude move, no one cared about it.

On the contrary, it was the best news material for the journalists who waited on the sidelines—the father and son hugging each other happily, and the despicable traitor who cried in despair beside them.

No one would take pity on the traitor who betrayed his friend. After the trial, Peter Pettigrew was carried out of the courtroom by two Aurors.

Outside the Ministry of Magic, a prison wagon pulled by the four Thestrals was ready.

Peter Pettigrew will be escorted into a prison wagon, escorted by six Aurors, to Azkaban.

Execute immediately without any delay.


River Thames, Tower Bridge, London.

A figure wrapped in black robes stood quietly on a tower made of granite and steel.

On the lower deck, vehicles and pedestrians came and went, but no one noticed the figure on the tower.

As one of the people involved in the case, Snape also received an invitation to attend the trial.

However, he did not go to participate, but since the trial began, he has been standing silently in this place and waiting.

After Peter Pettigrew is put on the prison car, if the prison car is flying towards Azkaban in the shortest straight line, then his prison car will pass over this place.

That's right, Snape's target is Peter Pettigrew,

And Azkaban.

Looking at the growing black spot in the distant sky, the wand slipped out of Snape's sleeve.

finally come……

The Four Thestrals flew into the sky with a carriage whose doors were tightly sealed, followed by two broomsticks.

The space twisted and twisted, and the next second, Snape's figure clinged to the bottom of the carriage like a ghost.

Under the effect of the Disillusionment Charm, the two Aurors behind him riding broomsticks escorting the prison cart could not find him at all, let alone a few Aurors driving in front of him in the prison cart.


In the far away center of the North Sea, in a cold and lonely water, there is a lonely island.

The gust of wind engulfed the sea water, and the turbulent waves crashed on the shore, washing this black-based island over and over again.

Hundreds of monsters wrapped in black cloaks -- Dementors -- were densely floating in the entire sea area.

This is the famous Arkham... err, Azkaban.

London is sunny and sunny, but Azkaban is in a storm.

In the dark and heavy rain clouds, a black prisoner van pierced through the sky driven by Thestrals and flew straight towards the island.

The Auror in charge of driving pulled the reins and instructed Thestrals to slowly descend.

It is not so easy to land safely in such a violent storm. Fortunately, in the end, they finally landed on the island safely.

After wiping the rain off his face, the four Aurors who were drenched in the wind and rain outside cursed Azkaban's ghost weather.

At this time, they were very envious of the two colleagues in the car who were in charge of guarding Pettigrew Peter.

Fortunately, it was time to change shifts when they went back. It was the four of them to ride the carriage, and the two inside were in close contact with the storm outside.

Delix pulled out his wand and knocked on the door, and the entire row of magic locks on the door clicked open.

"Get out of the car." Delixi's voice just fell, and a sudden change occurred.

Several spells flew suddenly from the side, and in the blink of an eye, the four Aurors beside the carriage were knocked unconscious.

Snape's figure emerged from the rippling air. At this time, the door of the prison van had just opened a gap.

The two Aurors in the car were completely unaware of the outside world, and they were knocked unconscious by two stun spells without pulling out their wands.

Perhaps it was because Azkaban's dementors that were all over the mountains gave them enough confidence to think that they couldn't be attacked in such a place, so Snape didn't even encounter any resistance, and put the six proud Luo all overturned.

Otherwise, if it was a frontal battle, he would have to spend a lot of money if he wanted to win these six people.

The dementors flying all over the sky were unaware of what was happening on the ground.

If you look closely, you will find that a shimmering barrier covers this large area around the carriage, blocking the perception of the dementors.

Watching Snape, who had fallen from the sky, and Peter Pettigrew, who had given up hope of life, were moved to tears.

He never imagined that Snape, who was also a Death Eater but had never spoken a few words, would risk such a great risk to come to Azkaban to save him.

Relying on brain supplements, Peter Pettigrew moved himself to the point of snot and tears.

What he didn't know was that Snape wasn't here to save him.

He was about to step out of the prison van to say a few words of thanks to the benefactor, but what greeted him was—

"avada kedavra."

A beam of miserable green light flashed, and Peter Pettigrew fell straight down, his face still moved.

For this shameful traitor who confided to Voldemort and indirectly killed Lily, when he was caught by Kyle, Snape didn't give him an Avada Death Spell on the spot, but kept him until now. Very forgiving.

A tongue of flame raged from the tip of the wand, and Snape waved his wand and threw it towards Peter Pettigrew who was lying on the ground. Peter Pettigrew's body immediately turned into a pile of ashes.

Under the pull of magic, huge waves surged up the coast and washed past Snape's feet.

There is no trace of Peter Pettigrew left in this world anymore.

After modifying the memory of several Aurors to think that he had successfully escorted Pettigrew to Azkaban, Snape awakened the comatose Aurors.

Under the influence of the Imperius Curse, the six people boarded the carriage in a daze, and set off back to the Ministry of Magic without any fuss.

The Imperius Curse would wear off midway through their return journey, and they wouldn't notice anything unusual.

After doing all this, Snape looked towards the tall castle made of black rock ahead.

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