Hogwarts Shippuden

The 288th chapter Gringotts standard errand (2)

Christmas has passed for a long time, and now the Christmas decorations of various shops in Diagon Alley have been removed and restored to their original appearance.

Because it was the weekend, there were not many wizards coming and going in Diagon Alley.

It was still very cold in London at this time, so they were all wrapped up.

A large group of people organized by Xiao did not pour out of Knockturn Alley in a swarm, after all, it was too conspicuous.

So they chose to spread out and slowly enter Diagon Alley at different time periods, and the wizards who came and went would not notice them at all.

In addition to them, Max Mikkelsen and Johnny Depp, who each led ten saints, also mixed into the bustling Diagon Alley.

But they didn't sneak into Gringotts with Kyle.

For safety reasons, Gringotts will not let so many people enter the vault at the same time, so only four parents who are worried about entering the underground vault of Gringotts.

Standing on the street, Kyle looked at the snow-white building towering above the surrounding shops, and a dangerous arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Stepping up to the white stone steps at the entrance of Gringotts, Kyle passed through the first shiny bronze gate.

In front of the second silver door, Kyle stopped.

"You thief, you have been warned, beware that you will not bring treasure, but evil."

The curve at the corner of Kyle's mouth became more pronounced, an interesting warning.

As he stepped into the Gringotts hall, a goblin came out from behind the long counter in the hall.

Ouch, this is unfortunate, it was actually Griphook, an old acquaintance who had brought him across the road a few days ago.

Not long after Kyle entered the underground vault along the maze-like winding corridor, the rest of the fathers also followed.

When entering Gringotts, they still took a decentralized approach.

Fortunately, the number of them was small. Even if they were separated by five or six minutes, it only took less than half an hour to come to the huge space under Gringotts.

Those who are worried about the thief can easily pass the level of the Anti-thief Waterfall.

Just put an Imperius Curse on the goblins leading the way at the moment when the Transfiguration after the waterfall is lifted, and control them before they warn the people above.

Cedric was the last to reach the platform in front of the Fire Dragon level, and by the time he got there, the other three grief-stricken people had already played boredly several rounds of fighting landlords there.

"Wait, finish this one." Kyle threw out two cards without raising his head.

His understated tone, as if he was on an outing, made Cedric's head full of black lines.

Such a thrilling and exciting action, is it really appropriate for you to do this?

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the main game to fight. After cleaning up the playing cards on the ground, several people quickly passed the poor Ukrainian iron-bellied fire dragon who was beaten all over by Susanoh.

Now, in front of them, there is only the last line of defense, the gate of the vault.


At the same time, above the ground.

In the hall of Gringotts, several wizards in black robes were doing business at the counter.

They only handle the most basic deposit and withdrawal business, which is what the fairies in front of the counter handle the most every day, so they don't think there is anything unusual.

Just deal with it as you normally do.

What they didn't notice was that the six wizards who were doing business were wearing the same ring with huge gemstones on their fingers.

Gu Peng

Tian Dao stood in front of the tall counter, and the huge gemstone inlaid on the ring suddenly flickered.

The same light flickered, as well as the rings in the other five hands.

The next moment, an invisible repulsive force erupted in the hall of Gringotts.

While the powerful repulsion force destroyed these counters, it also blew the goblins behind the counters, smashed them heavily on the wall behind them, and passed out.

In the same way, there are the other five of Payne's six paths.

The fairies in Gringotts were knocked unconscious in an instant before they could react.

After the goblin, there are the guests who are doing business.

I have to say that these people have been living in false peace for too long. In the face of a sudden situation, they don't even realize that they are a wizard, and they have no intention of taking out their wands at all. head screaming.

Then, there is no then.

The commotion in the hall had just started to appear, and everyone was stunned, and the commotion was quenched just like that.

Although Penn Liudao's actions were very fast, they still triggered the alarm in Gringotts. After all, the alarm was automatically triggered when it detected the presence of offensive magic in Gringotts.

A large number of guards poured out from the numerous doors behind the counter and attacked Penn Sixth Road.

After Tiandao used the Transfiguration to create a steel bunker, Shura Road extracted all the Ulu metal in his body, transformed it into six rapid-fire machine guns and set them up in the hall of Gringotts.

Countless stun spells shot out through the muzzle, and the firepower of Shura Dao alone suppressed those Gringotts guards who kept coming, so that they didn't dare to risk their heads.

The six rapid-fire machine guns fired intermittently, and with the amount of mana consumed by a single stun spell, Shura Road could maintain such firepower for a full five minutes.

This is just relying on the magic power possessed by the Asura Dao itself, the other five Dao, Black and White Jue, and Kyle, can continuously transmit the magic power to the Asura Dao through the ring worn on the hand.

Although some magic power will be lost in the process of long-distance transmission, but with Kyle's majestic magic power, he doesn't care about the consumption of this distance at all.

With their support, let alone five minutes, an hour of continuous bombardment is not a problem.

Therefore, Asura Road can completely transform into a fixed fort and fire unscrupulously.

Tian Dao stood silently beside Shura Dao, acting as a guard.

As for the remaining four, they left the hall of Gringotts, and they had other things to do.

At the same time, the saints outside Gringotts saw the movement created by Penn Six Paths and started their actions.

Invisible anti-Apparition prohibitions rose up in Diagon Alley, enveloping the surrounding area for several blocks.

Except for the Shura Road and the Heavenly Road, the other four roads are scattered in the four corners of Diagon Alley.

If someone observed their positions from above at this time, they would find that the four of them were vaguely standing in a square.

The four paths formed a ninjutsu mudra in unison.

"Ninja! Four Purple Flame Formation!"

Four purple beams of light rose into the sky, and then expanded rapidly, forming a square enchantment burning with purple flames, which firmly blocked Diagonal Alley.

Along the periphery of the Four Purple Flame Formation, the twenty-two saints built a strong enough defensive line.

As a result, even if the Ministry of Magic arrived, it would take at least ten minutes to break through their defenses.

These more than ten minutes were enough for the worried fathers to pry open the seemingly unbreakable doors of the Gringotts vault and evacuated the vaults they had chosen as their targets.

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