Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 35 Palm Immortals

"Knoba Gangli Whirlwind!" After the short body evaded the attacking attack, Kyle gave a roundabout kick, and his feet slammed into the wooden alchemy puppet in front of him, making a crisp snapping sound.

"Ouch!" Kyle sat on the ground covering his feet.

The crisp snap just now was not only the sound of the alchemy puppet cracking, but also the bones of Kyle's feet.

Sure enough, the time to practice lightning forging is still a bit short.

Kyle can feel that his physical fitness has improved much faster than before these days.

Before the development of Thunderbolt Forging, considering that excessive exercise during the critical period of physical development will affect his height, his physical exercise is only doing push-ups, sit-ups and squats every day.

Therefore, his previous physical fitness was basically similar to that of a person who scored full marks in the college physical test in his previous life.

After half a month of thunder and lightning forging, Kyle felt that if he went to play some amateur boxing matches now, he should be able to easily hang the opponent.

Of course, this is in terms of the protective effect of the magic in the wizard's body on the wizards.

Because of the effect of magic, the physical fitness of wizards is generally better than that of Muggles.

However, this is still far worse than those in Pirates, Naruto, and Dragon Ball.

Kicking off a tree with one foot is an operation that is too basic for a hang-up, which Kyle can't do under the current state of affairs.

Only with the blessing of strange power can he kick the alchemy puppet apart.

There are also risks in using magic power. Sometimes, for example, the protection of magic power to the body is not perfect, and the current reaction force will break or fracture oneself.

Alfred, who was waiting by the side, frowned in distress, took out his wand and pointed it at Kyle's injured foot.

A few bright green light spots floated out from the tip of the stick and fell on Kyle's bone fracture. Kyle felt the pain on his feet gradually diminish.

Healing magic is really convenient!

Speaking of which, it won't be long before Hogwarts starts school.

It is very easy to get injured by practicing physical art, especially fighting skills.

When he returns to Hogwarts, he can't let the old man Alfred follow him when he is practicing physique like he is now, and treat him anytime and anywhere.

Although Hogwarts also had a school infirmary, and Snape's potion had a good recovery effect, it was impossible for him to trouble Madam Pomfrey or Snape every time he was injured.

So you still have to master the healing magic by yourself.

Kyle was lying on the floor of the training room like a salted fish, looking at the old housekeeper who was squatting beside him to treat him, "Alfred, I want to learn this!"

Alfred smiled dotingly, "Master, in order to learn healing magic, you need to understand the structure of various tissues of the human body before you can carry out targeted treatment."

Kyle sat up, "So we're going to start with human anatomy? Where do we get a human body for anatomy?"

Hearing Kyle's words, Alfred's face twitched imperceptibly.

Whether in the magical world or the non-magical world, becoming a doctor who wants to save lives is not so simple.

Like Muggle medicine, healing magic is a complex magical discipline.

A person wishing to become a healer needs to obtain at least "E", or "good" grades in subjects such as Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts on the N.E.W.Ts.

Even with such achievements, he was only able to become an intern at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries.

If you want to become a real medical practitioner, you also need to go through a long period of study in the future internship.

What Alfred told Kyle,

The original intention was to let Kyle get rid of the idea of ​​learning medical magic, because even the simplest healing magic is not something that Kyle can easily master now.

However, the meaning revealed in Kyle's words seems to want him to get a few corpses for him to learn anatomy...

Although I know that there are many differences between Master Kyle and ordinary little wizards, it is so easy to talk about getting a corpse for an autopsy, even Alfred, who has experienced many killings around Grindelwald, feels that A little frightened.

Alfred shook his head, "Master, we don't need to learn Muggle anatomy."

"So where do we start?" Kyle asked.

Although Alfred is not happy to see that the young master, who is as talented as his father in combat magic, wastes time and energy on medical magic.

But looking at Kyle's appearance, it seems that he is really interested in medical magic, and he can only follow Kyle's meaning.

"If you really want to learn, Master Kyle, please wait for me."

The old butler turned and left the magic training room.

Watching the old man's back disappear into the doorway, Kyle rubbed his chin and guessed that Alfred would not bring him a whole dying fish and let him try to treat the fish, right?

Speaking of which, magic and ninjutsu have something in common.

Kyle originally thought that the power in his body was Chakra, so before he was found by Dumbledore, he developed his magic power in ninjutsu.

I didn't expect that ninjutsu can really be used in the magical world, although many of them are in vain.

And in the same form of expression, magic has side effects that ninjutsu does not have, such as Chidori.

But it also proves that there are indeed some commonalities between the two.

Then the palm immortality in the world of Naruto, that is, the use of Yangdun Chakra to stimulate body cells to promote division and regeneration, can the same effect be achieved with magic?

Thinking of this, Kyle also ran out of the magic training room.


A moment later, Kyle and Alfred sat opposite each other, staring wide-eyed across a half-dead trout in a basin.

Several open magic books were scattered on the table next to him. Kyle casually flipped through the books that Alfred brought, and threw them away when he found that he couldn't understand them.

Indeed, it is still practice.

"Master, are you planning to..." Alfred broke the silence.

Kyle took out a kunai from his pocket and slashed the trout, "Alfred, can you let me see the healing magic again? It's best to slow down the casting process."

"No problem." The old butler took out the wand and performed magic as Kyle asked.

Under the action of the green light full of life, Kyle, who was staring at the wound attentively, clearly saw that the muscles on both sides of the knife edge slowly squirmed and glued together.

As the treatment progressed, the glued muscles healed quickly, and then the superficial fish skin...  

In the end, there was only a shallow scratch on the surface of the fish, which soon disappeared under Alfred's treatment.

The trout, which had just been dying, jumped up and down.

Kyle scratched his hair.


Nothing was learned except seeing the whole process of wound healing!

Regardless, Kyle took the kunai and slashed the poor fish again, thinking about the treatment principle of palm immortality in his mind, and started his first attempt.

Ten seconds later, the incision on the trout did not heal but deepened, and the gills that had just opened and closed had stopped moving.

Kyle shook his head expressionlessly, "There's no help, send it to the kitchen."

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