Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 337: Camp Turmoil

In Love With You, Hogwarts Shippuden

When the bathroom door was opened, the expressions of Kyle and Xiao Nan were like this:

When they heard the sound of the bathroom door lock, the expressions of the two were like this:


Kyle, who was refueling the car, was so frightened that he instantly pulled the fuel gun out of the fuel tank.

When Hermione first saw the scene in the bathroom door, her expression was like this:


Then, it became this:


"You...you two!!!" Hermione screamed in disbelief.

She wanted to angrily rebuke these two brazen people, but before she could speak, she let Kyle cover his mouth.

Seeing this, Xiao Nan's heart suddenly became hesitant, and he dragged Hermione into the bathtub without doing anything.

It was originally a confrontation between two armies, but now it has become a confrontation between the three kingdoms.

The sound of running water in the bathroom was louder than before.


After more than an hour, Kyle was lying on the bed in confusion.

Hermione and Xiao Nan were like two lazy kittens, curled up in his arms and fell asleep.

But Kyle didn't sleep at all.

Both arms are tightly pressed, even if you exercise all year round, the arms are a little overwhelmed under this kind of heavy pressure.

The feeling of soreness and numbness continued to spread to the brain along the arm, and as time passed, the soreness and numbness gradually spread from the place where the arm was pressed to the entire arm, and then spread to the torso and even the whole body.

In such a situation that he was almost paralyzed, if he could fall asleep, he would be a ghost.

Not to mention that Little Beaver's messy hair still occupies most of the space on the right side of the pillow, and the fine hair ends rubbing against his face,

It gave him a burst of itching.

This made it even more difficult for Kyle to fall asleep.

Both his arms are now tightly pressed as human flesh pillows, let alone scratching, he can't even move half an inch.

With his eyes open, Kelson stared at the ceiling reluctantly, expecting the sky outside to light up early.

At this time, Kyle could still hear the singing and strange crashing sounds from the other side of the camp, echoing in the night sky for a long time.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Kyle is almost completely numb.

I don't know if the arm is abolished or adapted, the soreness and numbness gradually disappeared, and the itching on her face caused by Hermione's tousled hair was gradually overcome by Kyle.

The eyelids got heavier and heavier, and Kyle finally closed his eyes.

But at this time, the voice in the camp suddenly changed.

As the singing outside stopped, Kyle heard screams and people running in a panic, and the noise gradually became louder as time passed.

It's definitely not a fan fight, it's something else going on.

"Silent." Kyle's lips moved slightly, and a barrier was placed in the room to isolate the sound.

The magic power that was almost condensed into substance replaced Kyle's arm and gently supported the heads of the two girls.

After pulling his arms out of the claws of the two with the smallest movement, Kyle gently placed the heads of the two on the pillow, moving gently for fear of waking them up.

With the rage of being woken up when he was about to fall asleep, Kyle put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

When he came outside, the two old fathers of his family and the old man, the housekeeper, also appeared in pajamas at the door of another tent next door.

Yes, another tent.

When Xiao Nan quietly left the bonfire dinner and followed Kyle and Hermione, Alfred guessed what might happen this evening.

So, he turned around and let the house-elves set up a new tent next to the original tent, so that they wouldn't have to go back to the original tent, and they wouldn't have to worry about disturbing Kyle and the others.

Look at Kyle's angry face now...

Alfred's heart skipped a beat.

Is this half-finished and disturbed by the riots outside? ? ?

Standing on the top of the gentle slope, Kyle looked to the other side of the camp, where the first riots happened.

The people on the other side of the camp rushed towards the direction they were now, watching them panic, as if they were escaping from something moving towards them on the camp?

With the blessing of Eagle Eye, Kyle could easily see what was happening on the other side of the camp.

A large group of black-robed wizards wearing hoods and masks are unscrupulously wreaking havoc in the camp.

Lights representing spells danced in the air, and flames spread as they advanced.

Wherever this group of people has passed, it can almost be described as barren.

Due to the suddenness of the attack, many wizards who were still celebrating were killed in such an inexplicable way.

Kyle could clearly see at the feet of the group of people, several dead bodies were left behind.

In addition, above their heads, there are four struggling figures floating in the air, their bodies twisted into various weird shapes under the influence of magic.

That was the keeper of the camp, and the only four Muggles in the camp, the Roberts family.

With the Quidditch World Cup over at this point, the Ministry of Magic has also let down its guard.

Coupled with the fact that it was late at night, most of the Aurors had withdrawn, which also led to the fact that when this group of dark wizards launched an attack, there was no decent force that could be organized to resist them.

Dumbledore watched the commotion in the distance, his blue eyes burning with rage behind the half-moon lenses.

What this group of people did was just too frustrating.

Just when he was about to make a move, Kyle reached out and stopped in front of him.

"Dad, keep your home safe," Kyle said calmly, but Dumbledore could hear the cold killing intent in his words, "I'll deal with this group of things that don't know how to live or die."

Without waiting for Dumbledore to respond, Kyle quickly ran against the flow of people, and disappeared in a few vertical leaps among the panicked crowd.

Glancing at the silent tent next door, Dumbledore suddenly seemed to understand why his son was so angry.

He couldn't help but inwardly observed three seconds of silence for the poor group of attackers.

Immediately, Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald, who had been silent since the beginning, "Gail..."

Before he could finish speaking, Grindelwald understood what his old lover meant.

Humble A Deng, ask for help online.

"Alfred, send someone to rescue those wizards."

After thinking about it, Grindelwald added, "Send someone to follow Kyle and watch him."

Although he knew very well about Kyle's strength, it is estimated that the number of that group of rotten fish and rotten shrimp would not be enough for Kyle to cut it by himself.

But Grindelwald, as an old father, still has to send someone to watch his son to feel relieved.

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