Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 367 Why did the Weasleys have such a thing

Huge splashes of water rose on the surface of Black Lake, and the waves crashed against the wet shore.

A large whirlpool emerged in the center of the lake, as if the lid of a sink full of water had been pulled off.

A dark rod-like thing rose slowly from the vortex, followed by the sail rigging...

"Flying Dutchman?" Kyle's strange-colored eyes shone when he saw the ship.

Kyle's previous elementary school and junior high school was the time when One Piece was popular. Which middle school boy did not have a pirate dream at that time?

Kyle swears to God that he just likes the hot-blooded animation of One Piece, and it is definitely not because of beauties such as Nami, Robin, and Han Cook that he likes this animation.

The large ship that looked like a wreck that had just been salvaged, no different from a ghost ship, slowly rose out of the water.

The water stains on the boat gleamed in the moonlight. The porthole gleamed with a dim, misty gleam.

With a rumble of splashing water, the big boat came out completely, tossing and bumping on the choppy water.

Soon, the ship docked.

A plank was placed between the side of the ship and the lakeshore, and a group of students wearing fur cloaks that looked like a big brown bear stepped off the boat under the leadership of their principal, Ingor Karkaroff.

Kyle's eyes narrowed dangerously when he saw the face of the man in the lead.

Gently breaking free from Xiao Nan's hand, Kyle tugged at his father's clothes, "Ingor Karkaroff?"

Dumbledore was silent, but nodded lightly in response.

A dangerous thought flashed across Kyle's mind.

He remembered that Ingor Karkaroff used to be a Death Eater, and he had seen this middle-aged and elderly man with a goatee in the memory picture that Dumbledore showed him.

This guy cried and cried during the trial at the Wizengamore Court, and finally escaped from the Ministry of Magic by betraying his accomplices and was not locked up in Azkaban.

A scum like this should stay in Knockturn Alley.

Has Durmstrang, who is also one of the three most powerful schools in Europe, has been reduced to the point where he needs to hire a former Death Eater as the principal?

"Dumbledore!" Karkaroff called enthusiastically, as he approached, "my dear old man, how are you?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied.

Kyle didn't want to get involved in the feud between the two old men.

He didn't even bother to say hello to Karkaroff, and walked back towards the castle with Hermione and Xiao Nan on his own.

Kyle's reaction left the Hogwarts students a little confused.

When Kyle met Madam Maxime just now, he greeted her quite warmly. Why did his face change when he arrived at Karkaroff?

Did the little devil not want to see Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Ron couldn't help but speak as Kyle bypassed the Hogwarts student procession.

"Kyle, do you hate Durmstrang people?"

Kyle didn't answer him, just glanced at Ron blankly, you have to ask such obvious questions.

"But Krum is from their school," said Ron, keeping his eyes fixed on the tall figure behind Karkaroff, "that's Viktor Krum! The best in the world. Seeker!"

Hearing this name, Kyle's footsteps stopped.

He turned his hand and patted Ron on the shoulder. "My father killed his grandfather."

Leaving a group of stunned students, Kyle turned and walked away without looking back.

Ron stared blankly at Kyle's retreating back, as if he couldn't believe his ears.


Since the old ghost ship that Durmstrang's delegation was on was sailing underwater, even if the magic on the ship could open up an invulnerable space underwater,

They also froze the chill of the icy lake.

So Dumbledore and Karkaroff didn't stay too long outside the castle.

Durmstrang and the Hogwarts students could be said to have stepped into the castle closely behind Kyle.

When Kyle returned to the auditorium, there were only Beauxbatons' pretty girls in the auditorium.

When they saw Kyle, the young and promising recipient of the Merlin's Second Order Medal, their eyes instantly lit up, and a few of them were more daring and wanted to approach him.

Xiao Nan had a kind smile on his face, and a dangerous light radiated from his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Nan like this, they stopped all of a sudden and chose to follow their hearts instead of coming together.

In order to hide their embarrassment, they who were sitting next to the Ravenclaw table pretended that they just wanted to change their positions, and moved their feet tentatively little by little.

When they found that as long as they didn't show a trace of conspiracy against Kyle, Xiaonan would not pay attention to them, they finally became more courageous, and a group of girls ran to the Hufflepuff table and sat down away from the three of Xiaonan. .

Others chose to sit at the table in Gryffindor next door.

They did not choose the location randomly, but came prepared.

Before they set off, they had inquired that the four recipients of the Merlin's Second Order Medal from Hogwarts belonged to the two academies, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

The son of Grindelwald already owns the famous grass, and the person who plucked the grass was their legendary senior sister, which made them dare not even think of digging the walls with their hoes.

But the two on Gryffindor's side, it is said that one of them is still single.

It doesn't matter if they are not single, they don't have to dig around people's corners, most of them actually just come with the mentality of getting acquainted.

The same is true for the little devil, but their sister Catherine kept her boyfriend too closely.

They didn't even dare to get close to the little devil to ask for an autograph, let alone get acquainted.

Looking at Xiao Nan like a naive little squirrel that protects food, Kyle felt a little funny, "Is it necessary?"

But he never thought that his words would have caused public anger.

Both Xiao Nan and Hermione glared at him fiercely, "Don't you still want to sign autographs on the clothes of that group of girls like the dining table over there?"

Looking at the sight of the two, Kyle saw next to Slytherin's dining table, several girls were surrounding Krum, holding up lipstick and wanting him to sign on his gown.

Kyle pouted, "I never saw them ask me for autographs so frantically when I was at Hogwarts."

The little beaver rolled his eyes at him, your fathers are notorious, who would dare to ask you for an autograph.

First, before he entered the school, the gang sent Tom Hiddleston, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, into Azkaban.

Then the remnant of Voldemort fought in the Forbidden Forest in the first grade, and the movement was visible even from the castle several kilometers away.

The second-year Quidditch field beats Slytherin students and then fights rioting Forbidden Forest creatures outside the castle.

The third year again punched the Ministry of Magic's Aurors in front of Minister Fudge and Headmaster Dumbledore in the auditorium.

Do you have any AC counts in your heart?

Ordinary students see the little devil and don't feel frightened and their legs are weak, and they dare to come up to sign?

Hearing Little Beaver kept counting his sinful deeds, Kyle reluctantly spread his hands, "Blame me?"

After all the students had entered the auditorium, the professors came in and sat down on the guest seat.

The heads of the three schools were last, and when Beauxbatons headmaster Olim Maxime appeared, all the pupils of their schools stood up to show respect to Mrs Maxime.

"This is our Beauxbatons tradition," Xiao Nan explained in a low voice in Kyle's ear. "Only when the principal is seated can the students sit down."

As a Celestial Dynasty traveler, Kyle can understand this tradition of Beauxbatons very well. In ancient times, the Celestial Dynasty also had the rule of "elders do not come to the table, and juniors do not sit down".

Clearing his throat, Kyle also stood up, and his voice spread throughout the auditorium under the blessing of magic.

"Everyone has it! Stand up!"

There was a rush of standing in the entire auditorium, and the conditioned reflexes that all Hogwarts students exercised during military training played a great role in this.

"Say hello to the professors!"

What responded to Kyle was the uniform roar of hundreds of students at Hogwarts: "Good evening professors!"

Kyle made such a move just on a temporary basis, but the students who have experienced military training have cooperated quite well.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat with a smile on his face, and judging from his expression, he was clearly satisfied and proud of the performance of the Hogwarts students.

He pressed his hands down to signal the students at Hogwarts to sit down. After the students had all sat back, Dumbledore spoke.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and—especially—VIPs."

He looked at the foreign students with a smile, "It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore's eyes slowly swept across the many young faces under the rostrum, "I hope and believe that you will feel comfortable and happy here in the next few months."

Beside Slytherin's dining table, Viktor Klum looked at someone at Hufflepuff's dining table from a distance, and squeezed out a cold snort from his nose.

"The Triwizard Tournament will officially begin at the end of the banquet."

Dumbledore waved his hand, "Now, please eat and drink to your heart's content!"

As his voice fell, the house-elves who had been waiting for a long time in the kitchen directly below the auditorium immediately delivered the delicious food that had been prepared to the plate in front of everyone.

It has been several years since the software upgrade of the underground kitchen at Hogwarts, that is, when Kyle collected a large number of recipes from the old man who took care of him, and presented them to the house elves.

Hogwarts students have grown accustomed to foreign food on the table.

But guests from foreign countries thought that the German and French dishes that appeared on the table were specially prepared because of their arrival.

Beside Ron, a Beauxbatons girl wearing a scarf took off the scarf on her face, revealing a face that could be called a disaster.

Looking at Furong's appearance, the little virgin Ron's face turned red all of a sudden, and he stared blankly at the mixed-race Veela beside him. He clearly wanted to strike up a conversation with him, but he couldn't say a word for a long time, and he could only utter some meaningless words. strange little voice.

Looking at the stupid appearance of their own stupid Oudoudou, the two unscrupulous old brothers George and Fred burst out laughing.

Even Ginny couldn't take it anymore.

She covered her forehead helplessly, and sighed heavily for her brother's humiliating performance, "Hey..."

Looking up at Harry, the male god he had a crush on, Ginny's alert mind instantly relaxed a little.

Fortunately, Harry is not as humiliating as his most unpromising brother, but Harry's eyes, why is it always...

Following Harry's line of sight, Ginny saw Harry staring stupidly at the shadow at the Ravenclaw table.

Angrily, Ginny bent a fork in an instant.

"Ron, Ron!" Seeing that Ron's open mouth was about to overflow, George quickly patted his little brother on the shoulder, "Wake up!"

It's okay if he didn't shoot. With this slap, Ron's body swayed, and the saliva in his mouth overflowed the flood control dam in Ron's mouth in an instant. took him a robe.

Seeing Ron scrambling to wipe the dripping drool on his robe, Fleur Delacour frowned in disgust.

She hurriedly moved her position to the side, as if she wanted to stay away from Ron, a neurotic who looked no different from a lunatic.

It's over! It's over!

Seeing Fleur Delacour's expression, Ron didn't even bother to wipe off the drool on his robe.

He hurriedly stretched out his saliva-stained hand and opened his mouth as if trying to explain something.

But when Furong saw him stretch out the salty pig's hand, the disgust on her face instantly turned into panic, and she stood up from her seat in a hurry, as if it was not enough to simply stay away from Ron, so she hurriedly fled to Hedge next door. Patch went over there.

Ron's operation made everyone around him stunned.

This...what is it that they have to say?

Some people are still alive, but in fact he is dead.

Seeing that Ron's whole body had turned gray like a stone, Ginny reluctantly supported her forehead.

How did they come up with such a thing at Wes Lai's house?

The whole face of Wes Lai's got you humiliated!

If the time-turner could allow wizards to span more than a decade, Ginny would definitely break into the Ministry of Magic and steal the time-turner that was kept by the Department of Mysteries.

Then go back to when Ron was born with this memory now, show Ron's performance to her parents, and let them strangle Ron to death and give birth to another quickly.

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