Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 422 The Demon King's money is returned in full, and the remaining 37 is divided into

The latest website: What appeared in front of Hermione and Hannah were many rough stone dwellings, which were stained with algae.

There were faces in those dark windows, and they were nothing like the beautiful mermaids people imagined.

The skin of the mermaid is a strange iron-gray color, and among all the humanoid magical animals, this skin color is really that kind, which is rare.

Their eyes are like green beans, their noses are like garlic, and their teeth are pointed.

The dark green long hair is also disheveled, even more messy than the frying hair of the little beaver when he wakes up every day.

The horse-shaped water monster rushed forward quickly with the two of them, and more and more stone dwellings appeared in front of them, and they became more and more luxurious.

Hermione even saw that some of the houses had gardens, uh...

It should be said that the vegetable garden is more appropriate.

Because the mermaids planted water plants next to the house, water plants are to mermaids what vegetables are to humans.

If it's a garden, then they should plant coral.

What, you said that Black Lake is a freshwater lake, and corals cannot survive in it?

In the face of magic, is there a difference between fresh water and sea water?

Mermaids are an intelligent race with a developed social structure, and they are also magical creatures.

High intelligence means that it is impossible for them to not be able to do magic. It is really not difficult for them to make coral polyps survive in the black lake.

Mermaids emerged from all directions, all looking curiously at the two people sitting on the horse-shaped water monster.

The 4x-level magical animal of the horse-shaped water monster is also quite rare for them. The two people who can tame the horse-shaped water monster look like gods to them.

So no mermaid dared to stop the two of them.

Soon, the two came to a square in the center of a mermaid village.

There were some mermaids gathered in the square, singing in unison, as if calling for the warriors to come over.

Behind them stood a rough statue of a mermaid carved out of boulders.

On the stone base of the mermaid statue was a neat circle of people, all of whom seemed to be sleeping soundly, their heads shrugged weakly on their shoulders, and a string of thin blisters kept coming out of their mouths.

When the horse-shaped water monster charged aggressively, the mermaid singing in front of the statue was frightened and fled in all directions.

Both Hermione and Hannah ignored the escaped mermaid, and rode the water monster around the statue, looking for the target they were trying to save.

At this time, there were only twenty-four people tied next to the statue, and it seemed that they should have arrived in the second batch.

The first person to rescue the hostages, if nothing else, should be Penello.

They soon found the target they were trying to save.

What Hermione wants to save is Kyle, who has been transformed by Bai Jue.

And Hannah wants to save Luna Lovegood, a random Christmas dance partner she found two months ago.

The two had just cut off the seaweed tied to their respective targets and were about to run away with the hostages when they looked up and saw Cedric swimming towards them on the back of the basilisk Xinya.

Although the position of the basilisk is closer to the place where the warriors enter the water than the horse-shaped water monster, the swimming speed is not as fast as the water monster.

So Cedric was rightly slower than the two.

As they passed by, Cedric nodded slightly to them, and then rushed over impatiently to save his future wife, Zhang Qiu.


Kyle drove the coated Wanli Sunshine to swim in the Black Lake.

At this moment, there are seven more unlucky ghosts who were eliminated from the game on his deck, and seven hostages who should have been rescued from the mermaid village by them.

Fleur's sister, Gabriel Delacour, was among them.

She, who was originally blushing from the cold lake, had recovered from Kyle's recovery spell, and was sitting quietly on the deck at this time.

It could be seen from her expression that she was really curious about this big ship.

But it seems that because her sister Furong was not with her, the little girl was a little timid, and even if she was curious, she didn't dare to run around.

Standing at the bow and controlling the rudder, Kyle ignored the little girl sitting quietly on the deck behind.

He glanced at the display and confirmed that most of the Warriors had rescued their targets.

Only two warriors with slower movements remained, who had already rescued people, but had not yet returned to the shore.

Seeing this, Kyle turned the bow unhurriedly and started the return journey.

When the huge Wanli Sunshine emerged from the lake, the last two remaining warriors also returned to the shore without any risk.

The warriors who went ashore first have gone to Madam Pomfrey for inspection.

When Kyle's Thousand Miles of Sunshine approached the shore, Kyle could see Ludo Bagman gleefully waving at him.

Looking at the expression of this old gambling dog, he obviously won a lot of money in the second project.

The water is Penello's home court, and Kyle has already told Ludo about it.

However, Ludo did not bet on other people's markets this time. After all, winning once was a coincidence, and winning twice meant that he knew the inside story of the game.

So Ludo just opened the market by himself this time.

In order to mislead others, he also specifically found Kyle and let Kyle bet heavily on other people except Penello.

After going through the World Cup finals and the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, Kyle, who has earned a lot of money twice, has actually become a wind vane in the hearts of gambling dogs.

Whatever Kyle bets, they bet whatever.

In the end, of course, Kyle's bets were returned in full, and the other gamblers' bets were divided into 37%.

Ludo gets 30% and Kyle gets 70%.

Uh, although the old gambling dog Ludo is a bit better at gambling, he is still quite right.

Looking at the face of 70% Jialong, Kyle plans to cooperate with him on the next project.


Even though the referee Kyle was accompanied by a golden snitch camera, the scene of him saving Gabriel was broadcast on the big screen in front of the referee in real time.

But as the ship slowly docked, Furong couldn't hold back her emotions and wanted to see her sister earlier.

If Madame Maxime hadn't held her back, she might have jumped onto the boat.

When the cockpit was down, Fleur broke free from Madame Maxime's obstruction and hugged her sister.

Although Kyle had dried her clothes when she rescued her, and was afraid that the little girl had a cold, he even gave her a bottle of anti-cold potion.

But Madam Pomfrey, who heard the sound, wrapped Gabriel in a very thick blanket, and the other hostages also enjoyed the same treatment.

At this moment, Ludo Bagman's magic-amplified voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next step is the exciting scoring session!"

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