Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 47 Professor McGonagall of Fishing Law Enforcement

"What are you doing!" The blond little loli exclaimed bitterly.

Kyle ignored her, but bowed to the cat on the podium, "Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall."

Hannah's rosy face turned pale in a flash.

Tabby cat jumped off the podium and changed back to a serious-looking Professor McGonagall in the air, "Good afternoon, Kyle."

Professor McGonagall glared at Hannah, who was pale, "Miss Abbott, go back to your seat."

Kyle sat down in the first row of the classroom, Hannah pulled Rachel's clothes weakly, trying to slip to the back of the classroom.

But in the end, the temptation to sit at the same table with Kyle overcame the fear of Professor McGonagall.

Hannah sat down beside Kyle obediently, as if the person who had just reached out to Professor McGonagall was not her.

Before the class bell rang, the students arrived one after another, and the classroom was divided into two areas according to the school.

"Transfiguration will be the most complex and also the most dangerous magic you will learn in Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded in the classroom.

She sternly warned the little wizards in the audience, "If anyone is naughty in my class, I will ask him out and never allow him to come in again."

While saying this, Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes kept staring at Hannah next to Kyle, making Hannah shiver with fright.

As Professor McGonagall said, he took out his wand from his arms.

While showing the profound transformation magic to the little wizards, she explained to the little wizards the matters that should be paid attention to when performing the transformation.

"Incomplete Transfiguration, often with dire consequences."

She cites the example of pentacles and banshee sirens, magical creatures that are the product of a wizard's failure to cast his body shape on himself.

However, the group of little wizards in the audience stared at the podium, which had been turned into various animals, in shock. It was not clear whether they had listened to Professor McGonagall's words.

"Remember, Transfiguration cannot conjure food. Wizards can't conjure delicacies out of thin air, and they can't turn other things into food."

"Suppose you turn a piece of wood into a piece of bread and eat it."

"After the Transfiguration Spell loses its magic power, the bread absorbed by your body will turn into pieces of wood and appear all over your body, and you will die in an extremely miserable way."

Glancing at the little wizards under the stage, Professor McGonagall cleared his throat.

"The food you eat in the auditorium is not conjured out of thin air, but the house-elves in the castle make it and magically transport it to the table."

After warning the little wizards about the dangers of shapeshifting magic, Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction. She handed out matches into the hands of each student.

"The first transfiguration class, let's try to turn the matches in our hands into needles."

This task is not difficult for Kyle, who has inherited Dumbledore's talent in Transfiguration, not to mention that she has already learned it more than six months ago.

Even the process of chanting the spell was omitted. Kyle waved his wand at will, and the match instantly turned into a silver needle.

"Beautiful silent deformation, five points for Hufflepuff." Professor McGonagall gave Kyle points with a calm expression.

Hannah pinched the deformed silver needle in surprise, "How did you do it! Silent casting!"

"As long as you have a hand." Kyle replied casually.

Hannah wanted to hit someone.

Seeing Hannah clenching her fists, Kyle instantly put away his mind, and seriously taught Hannah the skills of transformation magic.

"Before using a shapeshifting spell, mentally picture what you want the object to be like. Then say the spell clearly and wave your wand firmly and decisively."

"Don't swing or turn your wand unnecessarily,

Otherwise the deformation will definitely fail. "

On Gryffindor's side, Xueba Little Beaver also pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the transformation essentials explained by Kyle.

After hearing Kyle's story, Hannah picked up her wand, held her breath, and stared at the match with extreme concentration.

Firm and decisive!

Because of the excessive force in the hand holding the wand, blue veins burst out on Hannah's forehead, and the turbulent magic power rose all over her body.

Finally, she finally waved her wand.


"Professor McGonagall, we need a new match here!"

Kyle raised his hand and gestured to Professor McGonagall, then made a puddle of water to wash his and Hannah's black and gray faces.

In the following class time, only Hermione of the other little wizards in the classroom completed the operation of turning the match into a silver needle, earning Gryffindor five points.


The first class of the afternoon is Charms taught by Flitwick.

The first-year spells didn't teach many spells. The entire book "Standard Spells, Beginners" also recorded a dozen low-level spells that were similar in difficulty to fluorescent spells.

Before the little wizards officially start learning the first spell, they must master the gestures of waving the wand, as well as some other spell casting skills, such as reciting the syllables of the spell.

They won't start learning the first spell until about October.

Therefore, the first-year spell learning is not very useful for Kyle, who has played well with silent spellcasting and stickless seal spellcasting.

So while everyone else in the class was practicing spellcasting gestures, Kyle was flipping through other magic books he brought back from France.

Professor Flitwick knew about Kyle's situation and did not say anything about him.

As long as Kyle doesn't skip class or make trouble, Professor Flitwick's requirements for the leader of the Alliance of the Worried are just that.

Regarding Kyle's education, the professors at Hogwarts who know Kyle's background all have a consensus-

Grindelwald's bear child, Dumbledore has to give himself a headache.


The little lions and badgers who came out of the Charms class went straight to the greenhouse outside the castle, where their next class was herbal medicine.

The herbalist teacher at Hogwarts is Pomona Sprout, who is also the Head of Hufflepuff House.

Compared to the eccentric staff in the school—old catgirls, half-goblins, bats, half-giants, the squat Professor Sprout is probably the most amiable-looking professor at Hogwarts. .

Because she was always in the greenhouse fiddling with those magical flowers and plants, she was often covered in dirt, with flowing gray hair and a thick, patched hat.

This down-to-earth dress looks very friendly in the eyes of a traveler from the farming empire.

"Our teaching content this academic year will be launched in the first greenhouse," Professor Sprout said gently, standing at the door of the greenhouse.

"Compared with other greenhouses, the magical plants in the first greenhouse are relatively harmless, but this does not mean that the danger does not exist. I hope everyone can obey my instructions after entering the greenhouse. to avoid accidents.”

The students whispered with interest and followed Professor Sprout into the greenhouse.

Kyle is also very interested in these magical magical plants.

All he had come into contact with before were animals, but those strange magical animals, such as the Mortra rat with sea anemone-like growths on its back, and Grindylo who looked like a water monkey...

Those don't look like they can be eaten, and I'm afraid that Master Bei may not be able to eat.

As for those with high risk levels, such as fire dragons, he would like to taste what fire dragon meat is like.

But with his current strength, the biggest possibility should be to let the fire dragon taste what human flesh is like.

Compared with those messy magical animals, these magical plants in front of you should be the best to start with.

Don't know if these plants are edible? how to eat? Tasty? How does it taste compared to muggle vegetables?

Kyle's eyes gradually became eager.


I'm ready to downplay the emotional drama, I can't write, let's live happily.

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