Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 484: The Profound Truth of the Strongest Body Technique

All of a sudden, the earth trembled, and the mountain collapsed.

In this tremor, the layers of snow blocks on the towering hillside began to fall.

With a thunderous roar, the snow layer swept over everything in the path with great speed and great force, pouring down like a waterfall.

The violent avalanche rolled up a huge powdery snow cloud. From a distance, it looked like a white snow dragon roaring down the mountain.

In the vast white snow, a fiery demon god with a whole body burning a faint blue burst out of the snow, flapping its huge wings and rushing into the sky.

It also holds a huge wooden ghost face in its hand.

To be precise, it should be a huge coffin with a ghost face carved.

Accompanied by the sound of clicking, the grimace coffin board formed by the ranking technique cracked open from the middle, like layers of double-door doors opened from the middle.

The coffin was fully opened three floors, and the figures of Kyle and Hagrid were revealed.

At this time, both of them looked a little embarrassed.

Hagrid looked a little better, after all, he was a thick-skinned half-blood giant.

But Kyle does not have the high defense power of the hybrid giant.

He was abruptly slammed back in the process of casting the Hell Thorn. Even with the double protection of Xu Zuo Nenghu Jia Lei Dun armor, Kyle was covered with blue-black bruises of different sizes.

However, compared with Voldemort, this injury on Kyle's body is nothing.

Voldemort looked even more embarrassed than he was.

The White Shock Technique had already caused a lot of damage to his body, not to mention that he forcibly mobilized the magic in his body to break through this confinement, and abruptly bounced back the attacks of Kyle and Hagrid. .

At this moment, he was vomiting out the thick black-red blood, and his expression was slightly painful.

Originally, the poison in his body had been temporarily suppressed by Snape with the potion.

But after the battle just now, the toxin that had been suppressed with great difficulty reappeared.

Kyle and Hagrid clearly knew the truth about taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

Regardless of the injury on his body, Hagrid jumped out of the ghost face formed by the technique of ranking.

Kyle immediately understood, manipulated Suzuo Nenghu, scooped up Hagrid in the air, and threw it out like a baseball.

Like a cannonball roaring away, Hagrid put his hands together, posing as a day tiger.

Seeing this, Voldemort cursed angrily, "Two lunatics!"

The magic power condensed into substantial flames on Hagrid's fingers, and he pushed out his hands, "Day Tiger!"

Almost subconsciously, Voldemort's body shattered into a cloud of black mist, and in a split second he Apparated away from its original position.

However, the tiger-shaped white gas bomb did not appear, and instead was a grotesque three-pronged dagger.

After Apparating away from his original position, how could Voldemort not know that he was obviously being tricked.

He swung a spell at random to knock Fei Lei Shen Kuai to the ground, and Voldemort angrily swung his wand towards Kyle in the distance.

A blood-colored thunder flew out from the tip of his staff and bombarded the prismatic spar on Xu Zuo Nenghu's forehead.

Card wipe, card wipe.

Cobweb-like cracks immediately appeared on the spar.

The next moment, a sharp sound of breaking the air came from one side, Voldemort swung his wand again while twisting his body, and a terrifying green Avadasa Life Charm shot out.

Facing the incoming Killing Curse, Hagrid naturally did not dare to blast it away with brute force as before.

With a heavy stomping, the air pushed out under Hagrid's feet formed a focal point similar to a stepping stone, allowing him to change his direction.

Voldemort's wrist turned, and the arc connected to the front of the wand turned with his wrist, slashing towards Hagrid like a soft whip.

An arc appeared on the corner of Voldemort's mouth, which still had dark red blood.

This time,

One of his confidants had finally been eliminated.

Seeing that Hagrid was about to die under this killing curse, a raging gust of wind came from the side and devoured Hagrid's entire body.

Driven by the gust of wind, Hagrid's body shifted several meters, and Voldemort's Killing Curse arc almost wiped Hagrid's cheek.

After narrowly avoiding the Killing Curse with Kyle's help, Hagrid stomped his feet, and a gust of gust of wind blew up out of thin air on the ground.

A silver-white shield appeared in front of Voldemort.


A huge symphony of gold and iron exploded on the flat ground, and the huge shock force that exploded made Hagrid uncontrollably and retreated a few steps back.

But the next moment, he rushed forward with another stride, and after bypassing the shield formed by the armor and shielding charm, he punched Voldemort's body.

At the same time, behind Voldemort, the 40-meter-high Xu Zuo Nenghu suddenly let out a half-moon-shaped blue sword energy.

In the face of this violent attack, Voldemort did not panic.

He slammed the wand in his hand into the ground under his feet, and the cracked ground shot out dazzling golden light, forming an indestructible barrier around Voldemort's body.

Hagrid's punch hit the barrier, and a terrifying wave erupted.

One after another cracks appeared on the barrier formed by the golden light, but after all, it did not break apart.

Li Huo Jian Qi followed, tearing up the protective magic of Voldemort almost in the blink of an eye.

But I never thought that at the moment when the golden light barrier was completely shattered, it exploded with a bang, and Hagrid, who was near Chi Chi, was blasted backwards and flew out by the sudden explosion.

There was a smug, cold smile on the corner of Voldemort's mouth, and the wand in his hand was raised again.

The sound of thunder roared, and a **** thunder crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and slammed into Hagrid, who flew out backwards.

But the next second, the smile on Voldemort's mouth froze.

In his perception, a powerful being burst into the distance of two meters behind him at some point.

And at this moment, he still maintains the blood-colored thunderbolt in his hand, and there is no time to react.

A dazzling thunder light wrapped around the flying thunder god Kunai in Kyle's hand.

"The Profound Truth of Hogwarts Body Art!"

In Voldemort's terrified eyes, Kyle shoved the kunai in his hand fiercely.

"Millennium Kill!"

At the same time as Kunai stabbed forward, all the magic power that Kyle could accumulate in this short period of time also erupted.

A stream of blue light, like a long spear capable of tearing apart everything in the world, shot out from the Flying Thunder God Kushang in Kyle's hand.

If it weren't for the moment when Voldemort's kunai in Kyle's hands was about to stab him, he forcibly stopped the magic and launched an Apparition to leave his original position.

Then, he Voldemort, the second-generation Meguro Demon Lord, may be about to become the most aggrieved wizard recorded in the history of magic.

The history of magic will be recorded as follows:

Lord Voldemort (1926-1995)

Identity: Second-generation Meguro Demon King.

Cause of Death: Killed by Millennium?

Voldemort still had seasons in his mind after Apparating away from his original position.

Even though he evaded the Millennium Kill by Apparating, he still inevitably took some damage.

Now, he only felt a burning pain in the back, and when the cold wind blew, there was a particularly cool and contradictory feeling.

The most powerful physical technique of Hogwarts, Profound Truth, Millennium Kill, was cast by Kyle, although it did not directly hit him.

But the stream of light shot out by Fei Lei Shen Kuwu Shang came into close contact with the two mountains behind him when he Apparated.

The rag sack on his body was opened with a big hole almost at the moment it came into contact with the hot stream of light.


Now Voldemort, his what is directly exposed to the cold wind.

"Kyle Dumbledore! Damn you!"

This time, Voldemort was completely plunged into a frenzy.

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