Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 549 Draco is in action

Hogwarts Shippuden Chapter 549 Draco in action

The disappearance of thirteen students did not cause any commotion at Hogwarts.

No one noticed them at all.

In fact, even if someone noticed it, they wouldn't mind their own business.

After all, this group of people is so hard-headed that they dare to fight against the Xiao organization established by the little devil. Even if someone finds the corpse in the black lake one day, it is a normal thing.

However, even though there were already thirteen victims in front, it could not stop the enthusiasm of the students to join the picket team.

These students are all poor people who were rejected by G.T.A. They failed to pass the G.T.A's political trial. Simply translated, their families are working for the reactionary Voldemort.

That includes Draco Malfoy.

As a Slytherin from a pure Death Eater family, it is absolutely impossible for Draco to meet G.T.A's political review conditions.

But Draco was actually very envious of those members who could join G.T.A.


Draco, who showed signs of being bent by Harry, was mainly envious of those people being able to accept the training and teaching of Xiao's organization with Harry Potter, the famous savior classmate.

Training is not the most important thing.

After all, the Malfoys were an old-fashioned pure-blood family, and Draco was not like other Muggle or half-blood students who lacked the knowledge and training in this area.

Harry Potter was Draco's target.

But Draco could only think about it, because it was impossible for him to join G.T.A.

If the little devil was here, the leader of the Xiao organization nodded in agreement, and the people in charge of G.T.A might be able to recruit Draco by exception.

However, Kyle was not in Hogwarts, and it wasn't that the members of the Xiao organization couldn't contact him, but they were just too embarrassed to disturb him.

No one knows what Kyle is busy with now, what if it is a very important matter?

So Draco could only stare at the student Harry he was thinking of and sigh. He could only be accompanied by melancholy every day, and his platinum blonde hair had lost its luster.

However, misfortunes do not come singly.

This morning, a large number of owls poured into the castle auditorium to bring the students today's newspapers and magazines, letters from home and the goods they ordered through letters.

A whizzing owl threw a letter into the porridge bowl in front of Draco with a slap, and the splashed pumpkin porridge directly washed the face of Pansy Parkinson across from Draco.

Pansy frantically took out her wand and cleaned herself up.

Ignoring Pansy who was cursing next to him, Draco curiously stretched out his hand and picked up the letter with their Malfoy family crest on the envelope.

With a click, the envelope's seal was torn open by Draco, and a folded piece of parchment slipped out of the envelope.

Just one glance, and Draco's expression froze on his face.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and there was a deep panic in his eyes.

The parchment slipped from his hands, and Crabbe, who was beside him, bent over kindly to help Draco pick it up, but Draco suddenly gave him a snarl.

"Don't touch it! I'll do it myself!"

The sound was so loud that even Goyle and Pansy next to him were taken aback.

The students around him cast the same gaze in his direction.

Draco bent down quickly, almost at the speed of grabbing, picked up the parchment on the ground and put it in his pocket.

That sneaky look, as if he was afraid that he had some great secrets that Crabbe would discover.

Next to the Gryffindor table, Hermione had a panoramic view of Draco's movements, and she silently took Draco's unusual behavior into her heart.

After putting away the parchment, Draco hurriedly turned and left, ignoring the full bowl in front of him.

Haven't even had a mouthful of pumpkin porridge.

"Draco, where are you going?"

Pansy Parkinson followed behind him and shouted at him.

Draco ignored her at all, left the auditorium just like that, turned around and walked into the small door leading to the Slytherin common room next to the grand staircase.

"Gene Era"

It was not until he returned to his bedroom and locked the door that Draco stretched out a trembling hand and took the parchment out of his pocket again.

His doubtful gaze returned to what was written on the parchment.

After reading the letter back and forth three times, Draco put down the parchment with trembling hands.

Throwing the parchment full of writing on the bed, Draco covered his face and cried silently.

Tears leaked from the gaps between his fingers covering his face, and went all the way down his arms, converging into large droplets at the elbows, and falling onto the pavement in the room. There was a dull sound on the carpet.

After suppressing it for a long time, a very low, very low sobbing sound came from behind Draco's palm.

After the curfew at night, in the dead of night, Draco appeared on the eighth floor of the castle.

After walking three times in front of the huge tapestry of silly Barnabas trying to teach a troll to dance ballet, a very smooth door appeared on the wall.

Draco reached for the brass handle and opened the door.

His figure disappeared behind the door.

By the time he came out of the Room of Requirement again, it was half an hour later.

No one except Voldemort and Draco's father Lucius knew what Draco was doing in the Room of Requirement.


The next morning, Draco joined the pink-robed pickets formed by the old pink witch.

Of course, this new batch of picket team members are quite low-key. They no longer hold a small pink shawl to show off their power, but quietly tuck their tails.

They didn't forget that only thirteen students disappeared from Hogwarts Castle yesterday.

Although they disappeared very strangely and suddenly, the other students could still roughly guess why they disappeared and who took them away.

At this time, they are probably still hanging in Slytherin's secret room under the castle, and they don't know if they starved to death.

There is magic power to protect their bodies, it is estimated that it should be no problem to hold on for another three or four days.

Moreover, there is groundwater underground in the castle, and the humidity is heavy. When they lick the walls at night, they can still add a little water to the body.

Therefore, they should be able to support longer.

It is estimated that hanging there for another week, they will not die there.

If they are lucky enough, some small animals such as geckos and centipedes may crawl through their mouths sometimes, and they can also replenish their energy.

Although their mouths were blocked by the throat lock tongue, there was still no big problem in eating.

The premise is that they can have the appetite and appetite of Lord Bei.

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