Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 91: An accident happens when you eat barbecue

The Forbidden Forest was eerie and silent.

A beam of moonlight shone down from the branches, illuminating a silver-blue bloodstain on the fallen leaves.

"See that shiny thing on the ground? Silver? That's unicorn blood," said Hagrid.

It seems that this should be a unicorn in the forbidden forest that was injured by something, and judging from the amount of blood, it was seriously injured.

"For the second time in a week, I found one dead last Wednesday, and we're fighting to find that poor unicorn and help it out of pain."

This escape from pain...is that kind of escape? Hermione was a little puzzled.

At a fork in the road, Hagrid divided the four little wizards into two teams.

Harry, Hermione and Hagrid take the left path.

Draco, Neville and Fang took the road to the right.

"If anyone finds a unicorn, it fires green sparks, and in danger, red sparks, understand?"

Moments later, a red flare was raised in the direction of Draco and Neville.

When Hagrid and the others arrived together with the two half-horse men they met on the road, Ronan and Bane, they found that it was just a false alarm.

Draco played a prank.

He sneaked up behind Neville and hugged him, and Neville was terrified and fired red sparks.

"The two of you are making such a big noise, and now, we'll have to rely on luck to catch that thing," Hagrid said angrily.

The centaurs Ronan and Baine were also very displeased. They thought Hagrid was right and left angrily.

Hagrid asked Draco and Harry to switch teams, and he wanted to take care of Malfoy himself.

The two teams separated again, and Hagrid took two little wizards, Draco and Hermione, and walked towards the center of the Forbidden Forest together.

They walked for nearly half an hour, getting deeper and deeper into the forest, until the trees became so dense that the path was almost impossible to walk.

The blood on the ground was getting denser.

A tree root was spattered with blood, as if the poor animal had wriggled and struggled in pain nearby.

A clearing can be seen ahead through the tangled branches of an old oak tree.

Hermione only felt that the blood on her body was about to clot.

Because she clearly saw a hooded figure, like a beast, gnawing on the unicorn corpse lying on the ground.

She covered her mouth tightly, for fear of making a sound that would startle the figure.

But it didn't work, and the pig teammate Draco let out a terrible scream and ran away.

This directly exposed the existence of the three of them.

damn it! Hagrid cursed inwardly.

"Run!" Hagrid pulled out his little pink umbrella. "Go and find Professor Dumbledore!"

Hermione understood that staying by herself at such a time would not only be of no help to Hagrid, but would even harm Hagrid.

She ran without hesitation.


"What's that flare?"

Hearing Cedric's words, the other three who were eating chicken stopped their movements and looked up at the sky in unison.

Kyle narrowed his eyes and observed the position of the signal bomb. It was not very deep in the Forbidden Forest, but belonged to the periphery of the Forbidden Forest.

If it was Hagrid, it would be impossible to encounter any danger outside the Forbidden Forest.

Could it be Hermione and the others?

Kyle remembered the content of the confinement of the twin brothers last year, which was to follow Hagrid to the Forbidden Forest to patrol the night.

As a result, unfortunately, I ran into a Professor Hirst who wanted to seek revenge on Snape.

Considering Fred's death in the auditorium this morning, Kyle thought it was probably Hermione and the others who had an accident.

"Let's go and have a look." Kyle put down the beggar in his hand.

The road to the Forbidden Forest is difficult to walk, with all kinds of vines and protruding roots stumbling, but what does this have to do with Kyle and the others?

Fred used the blasting clay to create a strangely shaped bird, and flew the four people directly into the sky, and soon came to the position near the red signal flare just now.

Several people descended.

But at this time Hagrid had set off again with the two little wizards, and the four of them could not meet Kyle.

They scattered and searched for various deliberate traces around, and suddenly Fred exclaimed.

"Come here! I found something!"

The other three quickly gathered around, Fred holding his wand, and the fluorescent light from the tip of the wand illuminated a pool of bright silver marks next to the stump.

"Unicorn blood," Kyle recognized at a glance what it was. "The unicorn is a very powerful magical creature. What the hell has broken into the forbidden forest that can hurt the unicorn?"

"Shall we continue our separate search?" George asked.

Kyle shook his head, "No, we have to concentrate on our actions, things that can hurt unicorns are not something we can face alone."

"Kyle is right," Cedric turned to George, "get your alchemy puppet out."

The second-generation alchemy puppet built by George was completed a few days ago. They also tested its power on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and now it comes in handy.

George opened the ninja bag around his waist, like this kind of ninja bag with a traceless stretching spell, they now have one in each hand, and it was given to them by Kyle.

A set of humanoid armor painted in black and gray was taken out by George.

Because magic can do many unscientific things, Kyle can have no scruples when designing the shape himself.

The aesthetics of mechanical engineering are brought to the extreme by Kyle.

The overall lines of the armor are smooth and angular, and the cold black-gray paint is full of aggression.

The helmet is not the bald round head of the original steel battle suit, but is equipped with many arrogant and ferocious protruding decorations.

The rapid-fire machine guns and cannons erected on his shoulders are even more oppressive.

It's just that the height of this armor is not very good, because George is only thirteen years old now, and the size of the armor must match George's body.

Blue magic lines extend from George's fingers and are linked to the joints of the armor.

The sound of clicking sounded one after another, and the armor opened instantly, revealing the space inside.

George stood in, the click sounded again, and the armor slowly closed. When the last mask was closed, the eyes of the armor lit up with a reddish light.

Despite having seen it several times, Kyle's eyes were still full of longing.

When I look back, I must urge George to quickly build his armor to pay off the debt.

Compared with George's small Gundam, Fred's clay giant pales in comparison.

George's voice came from behind the mask, and it seemed a little dull, "We will show you the way ahead."

After he finished speaking, the thrusters on the back of the armor and on both sides of the armor spurted out a hot stream of fire, pushing George's body up into the sky.

The remaining three also set foot on the giant clay bird again and searched the sky above the Forbidden Forest.

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