"Cole, you idiot, don't confront him head-on, you learn from Ilya, drill into his ears!"

"Finn pay attention to defense, play to your advantage, his strongest attack is just tickling you, what are you hiding from, reckless!"

"Rebecca, do you understand what a side assault is? Sneak attack! Won't you shrink your body? Do you have pig manure in your head?

Samael watched the confrontation between the four "little ones" and Branson, and the anger on his face became more and more obvious.

He would never allow the "four little ones" to fail to deal with wizards.

These guys are like the three brothers in Zhen Huan's legend, they have long heads, but not brains.

Sixty meters, except for a few magical creatures such as dragons, phoenixes, and so on, most of the magical animals can be confronted head-on, even giants may not be unable to strangle.

But they rely too much on their own bodies, blindly fight hard, and lack the ability to skillfully play their own role.

As a result, Samael continues to train them to fight against different wizards, stimulating the genes of the top predators in their bloodlines, lurking, sneaking attacks, and doing everything.

Branson is very good, has a strong spell casting ability, relies on weather spells and even walks at the level of a normal adult wizard.

If he stimulates his werewolf advantage, his dodging and recovery abilities will be improved by several levels, making him an excellent sparring partner.

The Big Four cooperated with each other, shuttling through the forest, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes shrinking, dodging Branson's attacks.

They wanted to carry it hard, but the owner did not allow it.

Branson's eyes were red, revealing sharp fangs and claws, and he was so fast that he almost left an afterimage.

He did not dare to stop in the slightest, for fear that an inattentive person would be penetrated into his body by Ilya.

"Rebecca, I hurt you in vain, you really can't bear to bite me?"

While dodging, Branson criticized one of the big black pythons in a sad and angry tone.

Rebecca tilted her head embarrassedly.

Branson saw the right time, a vertical leap jumped on the branch, one after another thick lightning fell from the sky, the silver snake danced wildly, the dust flew, and the four giants wanted to move again, only feeling paralyzed.

Branson gasped and leaned limply against the tree, his strongest blow, but it took too long to charge and could only find an opportunity to cast, and Rebecca gave him a great chance.


Samael looked at Rebecca angrily, not bothering to say anything more to her. He didn't even want to admit that this guy was so stupid.

"Yili Asia-Pacific is ruthless, and actually wants to drill into my body from that place."

Branson stared at Ilya indignantly, pulling up a small tree with a thick wrist to hit.

Unmoved, Ilya shrunk his body shyly and climbed Samael's neck.

Samael just smiled and didn't speak, and he was satisfied with Ilya from the bottom of his heart, and this old sixth's ordinary style was very much in his heart.

He really didn't want to lose them in future battles, and he wanted them to have enough means to deal with wizards.

"It's almost time, let's go directly to Diagon Alley or wait for uncles and aunts."

It was only a few days before the start of school, and they had not yet prepared their things, and Branson was a little anxious.

If he hadn't gone out and wandered, the owls delivering the letter would have been eaten by snakes.

"No need to wait, let's go now."

Samael thought about it and decided not to take them, he now has more and more eyes on his body, and it is imperative to reduce the appearance of his parents.

And Diagon Alley today is not restless, and Papa Daniel will be involved.

"Samael, do you say that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is sick, how come the book list is all novels." "Break with the female ghost" ? Can we really learn from it?

Branson looked at the books on his book list and couldn't help but start complaining.

"Mine is 'Traveling with Ghouls,' and I think this year's professor is probably this Girod Lockhart."

Samael naturally knew that this professor was a parallel trader this year, but he didn't care, these books were used as an after-dinner pastime, and the writing was quite good.

"Hey~ Headmaster Dumbledore is really old..."

Branson sighed and shook his head.

Samael didn't know if Dumbledore really didn't know that Lockhart was a parallel trader, or if he wanted to take this opportunity to educate Harry so that he didn't immerse himself in the great fame of the "savior".

The centenarian's series of operations left him scratching his head.

This year, he doesn't plan to ruin the original plot, and he can even release Buck to help Xiaofu.

Hiding behind the scenes is not a fun thing to be a pawn.

The priority is to cooperate with Snape to solve the problem of the Blood Curse Orcs, everything else is not important.

Just as the two were about to go to the bookstore, a noisy voice came into their ears.

"Fighting? Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley?

Branson used his super hearing to be the first to understand the truth of the matter, pulling Samael to the front row.

"Daddy, kick his ass."

"Dad listens to me, buckle his eyes."

The Weasley twins ignored Mrs. Weasley's warning eyes and kept cheering for their old father.

Arthur obviously heard it, but ignored it, and struck Lucius in the abdomen with a heavy punch, and he took shelter, Lucius bent down in pain, and when Arthur approached, Lucius sneaked up on him.

Mr. Weasley's painful face was deformed, and the two of them punched and I kicked, and the hit was quite hilarious.

"No wonder Draco is so yin, it turns out that he has the wind of a father."

Samael muttered, and Branson beside him agreed, and he felt pain for Mr. Weasley.

The two in the venue tacitly did not use magic, and judging from the information obtained by the melon-eating crowd next to them, this was not the first time that the two had fought, and even the Weasleys and Malfoys' families had no intention of intervening in this fight.

Mrs. Weasley also only dissuaded Arthur on the edge of the "battlefield" and left some dignity in front of her children.

Mrs. Malfoy even gracefully pulled her hair and disappeared directly to the edge of the battlefield.

Everyone admired the fierce battle, and Ron's kid didn't know where to get out, rushed up and gave Draco a punch, directly killing him.

Draco's eyes instantly turned blue, and it was obvious that the other party was extremely heavy.

Draco reacted quickly, Samael's long combat training was obviously not in vain, and the reaction speed of the figure shift was beyond Ron's imagination, one left whip leg, one right right kick, a set of consecutive strokes he fell directly to the ground.

"I'll let you sneak attack, so that you don't talk about martial virtue."

Draco was puzzled and rode on Ron and punched him in a panda eye.

The Weasley twins couldn't stand it, so they pulled the two apart.

They wanted to sneak up on Draco, but seeing that he had the posture of pulling out his wand, they gave up.


The sound of photography sounded, and several people got up in an instant and regained their former decency, as if nothing had happened except for the scars on their faces.

The melon-eating masses began to disperse.


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