Samael sat alone in the assembly room, observing the growth trend of blood orchids.

Looking at the densely packed blood lan Samael like a wall of flames, he was overjoyed, and after praising a runi snake, he took out two complete deer corpses from his pocket and gave him a week's long vacation by the way.

The whole holiday is nestled in a small secret room, just drinking nutritional medicine, and it is time to give it a small vacation.

So he was put back into the Forbidden Forest through the mirror.

Looking at the fleeing figure, Samael felt that he was a very qualified capitalist.

It's just that the small secret room has to be expanded a little later, otherwise you won't be able to put down the Runi snake that has grown in size.

After everyone arrived, the meeting officially began.

Without the Runny snake, the conference room is particularly empty.

Looking at the people lying on their sides, lying on their stomachs, and secretly picking flowers, I felt very tired.

Samael focused on the kid Derek.

After class, this guy mysteriously told him to surprise him.

"I'll be surprised and look at it later, let you see my results first."

Derek was a little unnatural by Samael's gaze and took out a suitcase from behind him.

I saw several huge spider legs sticking out of the box, Samael felt tight, and Branson, who was dozing on the side, instantly got goosebumps.

"Eight-eyed giant spider? Is it ripe?

Looking at the several large spiders occupying the entire conference room, Draco and the others tightened their wands in their hands.

Not to mention the ability, this thing looks really bad, so Derek treats them as treasures.

"Dangdangdang, pretty."

Derek happily showed off to everyone.

"You have mastered their soul talismans?"

Samael asked in surprise.

The soul rune is similar to the soul enslavement of fantasy novels, extracting a part of the soul and controlling it in the hand, reaching 100% control of magical creatures.

Otherwise, even an eight-eyed giant spider in captivity would not be able to be indifferent after seeing the little wizard.

Know that the favorite food of this race is wizards.

"This is the result of my research on a vacation, but it involves the soul aspect, please help me keep it secret."

Derek introduced to everyone without heart or lungs.

"So what was the surprise you said?"

The success of the soul talisman was already beyond his expectations, and he was curious about what the real surprise was.


The familiar tone sounded again, but this time everyone was no longer as simple as goosebumps, one by one, holding wands, even Samael made a defensive posture.

The temperature plummeted, and the entire lounge suddenly fell into a state of ice.

A layer of frost was visible to the naked eye on the blood orchid.


Cedric roared, which made the obsessed Derek come to his senses and stuff the thing back into the box.

"You actually play Dementors? You actually brought this thing to school? Percy

was quite shocked! Is this still a normal second-grader?

"Tell me about your plans!"

Samael was also relieved, it was really scary just now, the Patronus curse he would not, and even he couldn't withstand being attacked by this thing in a hurry.

"Uh~ sorry, except for the spell, I can only say that the other courses are decent, there is no too outstanding place, I want to become the royal beast master who waves ten thousand beasts in your mouth, and this is my choice."

Derek expressed it quite clearly.

Looking at the rapidly improving companions, it is fake without blushing, and he wants to magnify his achievements in Fantastic Beasts infinitely.

Dementors and eight-eyed giant spiders were his initial choices, with high damage, simple breeding, and fast reproduction speed, which were the most suitable for him.

Moreover, his father is developing a special spiritual potion for him as a ration for the Dementors, whether it is daily diet or reproduction, he does not have to worry about it.

"Since you have decided, I will definitely support you, if you have any needs, please pay attention to your own safety."

Samael could already imagine Derek waving his hand, and the Dementors and the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider overwhelmed the sky.

"Wouldn't that be too dangerous..." Cedric hesitated, and the others nodded in agreement.

They all knew about Samael's connivance with Derek, but they didn't expect to condone it, but at this point, it was a dementor, and it would die if he was not careful.

"I believe this is a decision that Derek was confident enough to make, and as friends we should support him."

Samael's voice is firm, and it represents his attitude.

Everyone hesitated, but it was difficult to say anything more.

The meeting that followed was fairly simple, and both Draco and Theodore had their own direction of improvement, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Branson is also improving in an orderly manner.

When it was Cedric's turn, his tone was full of confidence.

"My thesis has been completed and is now available to Professor Sprout for review."

Cedric was probably the most promising of them to receive the second Merlin Medal, originally researching the reproduction of ancient natural magic through growth spells.

As a result, Mori no Hitomi completely allowed him to obtain the inheritance of natural magic, which is equivalent to giving him a reference answer (the kind with steps) in advance, which is also a replica, the original version is available.

When he arrived at Percy, he was very confused, and Percy smiled bitterly: "The award of the Merlin Medal has taken me a big step towards success, and I don't even know what I should do now."

"Don't pin your accomplishments to a certain position."

"You should continue to build your network, and academic education is the fastest shortcut."

Samael said mysteriously.

"What should I do?"

Percy acted rather urgently.

"Merlin has only opened a door for you, and your advantage is that you are still a Hogwarts student.

No parent can refuse the temptation for their child to be the next you.

Imagine if you put together your study notes, put together this year's exam papers, and marked the key points and correct answers, trust me, it would definitely be the best-selling supplementary textbook of the year. Looking

at Samael, Percy's eyes had a little more light, he was not stupid, and quickly thought of Samael's intentions.

The receipt of the Merlin Order may not allow him to break the "Weasley dilemma" on his career. This method can not only accumulate a large number of public voices for him, but also make him a lot of money.

Samael didn't say anything more, they were all smart people, there was no need to emphasize it repeatedly.

Cedric's eyes on the side also lit up, although he did not follow the path of business, this method was also conducive to his achievements in herbal medicine. I couldn't help but sigh: "Samael, it's a pity that you are not a politician."

Samael shook his head with a smile, how easy it is to be a person in power.


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