Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 277 This Will Make You Addicted

It's just that Sprout changed from his usual gentle smile to annoyed expression.

Lockhart, on the other hand, kept his trademark sexual grin.

Sprout felt unlucky today, and met Lockhart as soon as he stepped out of the lounge.

On the way to breakfast in the auditorium, Lockhart brags about his "adventures."

And kept asking if Sprout had his poster hanging over his bed.

Hermione glanced up at Lockhart before continuing to chat with Ariana.

And Ronald looked at the ugly Sprout and whispered to Harry:

"Harry, I bet Lockhart has definitely offended Professor Sprout."

"I've never seen Professor Sprout look so ugly."

Harry nodded in deep agreement and said:

"I think so too, Ronald."

"Wait, Lockhart looks like I'm looking my One Two Seven!"

Lockhart's eyes lit up when he saw Harry, and he said to Sprout:

"Sorry, Professor Sprout, I don't think I can go on with my story."

"Now I have some things to attend to."

Sprout was delighted to hear Lockhart's words!

Her complexion improved a little, and she said:

"Then you go to work first, Professor Lockhart."

After speaking, Sprout didn't give Lockhart another chance to speak, and walked quickly towards the teacher.

While Lockhart's attention was now on Harry, he also walked directly towards Harry.

In Harry and Ronald's bad premonition, Lockhart came in front of Harry.

Mr. Lockhart showed his white teeth and said to Ronald:

"Sir, I would like to borrow Harry for two minutes first."

"You shouldn't mind?"

Harry looked at Ronald for help after hearing what Lockhart said.

He didn't want to be alone with Lockhart.

Ronald also wants to say that he minds very much!

But due to the identity of Professor Lockhart, Ronald was stunned for a while.


Before Ronald could speak, Lockhart said with a smile:

"That's great!"

Then Lockhart put his hands on Harry's shoulders without any explanation and walked out of the auditorium door.

This scene was naturally seen by Ian, Dumbledore and others on the professor's seat.

Snape frowned, looking at Ian and Bullido.

Snape asked with his eyes if they needed to intervene?

Dumbledore saw what Snape was thinking, he shook his head with a smile and said:

"It's all right, Severus."

"He wouldn't dare mess around at Hogwarts."

Ian took a bite of the pie and said:

"If Lockhart wants to shoot Harry.

"Then those armored ghosts won't let him."

"Just don't worry, Harry will be fine.

Snape only relaxed after hearing what Ian and Dumbledore had said.

He believed half of Dumbledore's words, but he believed all of Ian's words.

Outside the gate of the auditorium, the young wizards passing by looked at Lockhart draping Harry's shoulders, and couldn't help discussing:

"Look, Harry and Professor Lockhart seem to have a good relationship!"

"They were on the Daily Prophet together towards the start of school.

"But I feel like they're a good match."

The little wizard who said this found that she was being watched with strange eyes by everyone around her as soon as she finished speaking.

Harry could hear sporadically what the little wizards were talking about.

All he wanted now was to end his time with Lockhart quickly and to clear things up about him and Lockhart.

"Professor Lockhart... what can you do?"

At this point Lockhart enjoyed the gaze and attention of the young wizards.

Hearing Harry's words, he said kindly to Harry:

"Harry, Harry, I've always wanted to talk to you."

Harry looked at Lockhart with some doubts, they only met once at Lihen Bookstore before school started.

What can we talk about?

Harry just listened to Lockhart continue:

"Harry, how does it feel to be famous?"

"Look, they're all talking about our headlines."

Harry looked around when he heard what Lockhart said, and indeed the little wizards were all looking at the two of them.

Feeling very uncomfortable, Harry said:

"Oh! Professor! No, I think I..."

Before Harry could finish speaking, Lockhart directly interrupted Harry, and said with a smile:

"I understand Harry!"

"This kind of thing is like a billywig tail needle..."

"After the first time, I want to do the second time!"

Having said that, Lockhart whispered in Harry's ear:

"I have a way for us to quickly increase our reputation and honor."

And when Lockhart was close to Harry, Harry felt that Lockhart's feeling became more obvious to him.

Harry moved his steps backwards, suppressing his uncomfortable emotions and said:

"Thank you Professor Lockhart."


Lockhart interrupted Harry again, and he said kindly to Harry:

"Haha, blame me, blame me."

"Gives you the first time no time to get used to the attention that fame brings."

"Harry, we'll get more attention together!"

"Trust me, this will get you hooked!"

Harry got goosebumps from what Lockhart said.

He couldn't imagine how much trouble it would bring him if he was being watched all the time!

At this time Draco came to the door of the auditorium, he looked at Harry and Lockhart with their shoulders crossed in puzzlement:

"Er...Professor Lockhart? Harry, what are you doing?"

Lockhart heard Draco's question, hugged Harry tightly and said loudly:

"Harry is asking me for the secret to success!"

"Of course! As a professor! I would like to tell everyone about my experience!"

Harry and Draco were dumbfounded by what Lockhart said.

Draco was about to ask something, but Harry winked at 0.6 Draco.

Draco understood what Harry meant: We'll talk about any problems later.

Then Harry quickly pulled Lockhart's hand away and said:

"Professor! I still have something to do! I'm leaving first!"

After speaking, Harry dragged Draco away without looking back.

Lockhart smiled as he watched Harry and Draco leave.

Harry Potter was nothing more than a stepping stone to his fame.

"I hope you can bring me some attention, Harry Potter!"

A little wizard fan of Lockhart walked up to Lockhart and asked a little embarrassedly:

"Professor, can you give me an autograph?"

Lockhart looked back at Harry, smiled and said to the little wizard:

"Sure! Anyone else need an autograph?".

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