Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 387 Even The God Of Death Can’T Separate Us

Ian is very nervous now though.

But after hearing Hermione's words, he gradually calmed down.

Ian reached out and pinched Hermione's cheek gently, smiled and said softly:

"You're welcome, do you like it?"

The smile on Hermione's face grew brighter and she nodded slightly.


When Ian and Hermione arrived at the entrance of Xaric Castle.

The long-awaited saints cheered instantly!

"Look! It's Mr. and Miss!"

"My Merlin! The lady is so beautiful!"

"Mr. white clothes look great!"

Behind Hermione, Mr. and Mrs. Granger were mentally prepared.

But they were also struck by the fervor of the saints.

McGonagall beside them smiled and said to the two:

"Ian's followers adore him."

Hermione's left hand tightened nervously on Ian's arm.

But she always reminds herself to stay confident around Ian!

Especially on such an important occasion today, she must not lower her head!

Grindelwald stepped forward, raised his hand and pressed down.

The saints gradually became quiet.

Grindelwald pulled out his spare wand with a short handle and put it against his throat:

"The sound is loud!"

"My most loyal friends!"

"Thank you for being here for Ian and Hermione's engagement ceremony!"

"This ceremony also heralds the return of our saints!"

"Once we lived in darkness, but from now on!"

"We will be back under the sun! Ian will lead us to glory again!"

"Let us witness this moment destined to be recorded in the history of magic!"

Ian looked helplessly at Grindelwald who was speaking.

Although it won't be heard by people from the Ministry of Magic and reporters.

But are you letting yourself go too much?!

Dumbledore looked at Ian's expression and immediately guessed what Ian was thinking.

Dumbledore winked at Ian:

"Gail is very happy today, anti."

"Just let him, maybe this will help little Hermione take over the management of some of the saints?"

Ian nodded, Hermione really needed to improve her influence among the saints.

In the future, he will not be able to do everything himself.

Thinking of this, Ian turned his head and looked at Hermione with a smile:

"Let's go, we're going up too."

Hermione nodded firmly after hearing Ian's words.

The two walked to Grindelwald arm in arm.

Grindelwald looked at Ian seriously and asked:

"Mr. Ian Grindelwald, would you like to marry Miss Hermione Grindelwald?"

"Love her, respect her, and live with her."

"Share victory, joy and happiness together?"

Ian nodded firmly and said seriously:

"I do!"

"Not even death can separate us."

Ian believes that the next time he sees Death, it will not be as simple as just cutting off one of his fingers.

Grindelwald nodded, then looked at Hermione:

"Miss Hermione Granger, are you willing to marry Ian Grindelwald?"

“Bear all the pain and hardship together.”

"Until the end of magic?"

Hermione, who had burst into tears when she heard Ian take the oath, looked seriously into Ian's eyes.

The words in her mouth were full of determination:

"I do!"

Grindelwald laughed loudly:

"I announce! The two of them are married!"

"Everyone here is a witness!"

"Come on! Bless the newlyweds!"

After saying that, Grindelwald waved his magic wand [all the flowers on Xaric Castle bloomed!

Countless petals fall from the flower ball in the sky.

At the same time, the saints raised their wands high, and bouquets of fireworks shot out from the top of their wands.

Their eyes were full of fanatical emotions, and they kept shouting:

"Grindelwald! Grindelwald!".

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