Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 71 Gryffindor Has No Cowards! (Seek Full Order)

After Nico said goodbye to Ian and Dumbledore, Ian went back to his lounge.

Grindelwald and Hermione were already waiting for him in the waiting room.

The two watched Ian come back, and Grindelwald asked Ian directly:

"Ian, what did that old Nicole tell you?"

Ian took off his wizard robe, flung it casually on the sofa, looked at Grindelwald and said:

"Nico plans to come to Hogwarts to teach alchemy after studying alchemy in my world.

Hermione on the side exclaimed:

"Alchemy! Is Mr. Nicole Mailer coming to Hogwarts as a professor?"

Ian nodded, looked at the unhappy Grindelwald and said:

"Old man, don't you still think about those old times?"

Grindelwald snorted coldly and said:

"Me? I don't!"

Ian spread his hands and looked at Grindelwald: "Five fifty"

"It's written all over your face."

Hearing what Ian said, Grindelwald became even more upset, so he got up and planned to talk to Dumbledore.

Watching Grindelwald leave angrily.

Hermione smiled softly, looked at Ian, and said with some embarrassment:

"Ian, my parents asked me to tell you that I have time to come to our house as a guest.

Ian looked at Hermione with a smile and said:

"Okay, I'll go when I have time."

Just as Ian's side just finished, the Gryffindor lounge ushered in a breaking news!

It was the Weasley twins who discovered it first!

They entered the restricted area on the fourth floor today, and saw a huge three-headed dog inside!

Fred was announcing aloud what they had seen:

"I'm telling the truth! And there's a three-headed dog!"

Then George continued:

"That's right! We almost never came back!"

The two then said in unison:

"That big dog is guarding something!"

"And there's a trap door at its feet!"

When Harry and Ronald heard their words, they thought of what Hagrid had taken that day!

That little brown paper bag!

Harry whispered to Ronald:

"Ronald, I feel that what George said about the three-headed dog guarding is definitely related to that thing!"

Ronald heard Harry's words, and said with a sad face:

"Harry, that's a three-headed dog! It's dangerous!"

"And we still don't know who Nico Mailer is!

Ronald's words made Harry worry too.

At this moment, George and Fred quietly came in front of them.

"What are you thinking?"

Harry and Ronald were taken aback by the duo!

Ronald said with a guilty conscience:

"I didn't think anything!"

George and Fred knew it right away!

Their little brother must have heard what they just said, and Harry and Ronald seem to know something!

As exceptionally curious Gryffindors, Fred and George won't miss this opportunity!

One of them hugged Ronald, the other hugged Harry, and whispered:

"Stop pretending! We know it!"

Fred and George took Harry and Ronald into a corner, looked at them and said:

"Do you want to go on an adventure with us!"

"But you have to tell us!"

"Things you know!"

Harry and Ronald were heartbroken when they heard this!

At night, the lights in Gryffindor's lounge were turned off.

Four furtive figures pushed aside the portrait of the Fat Lady and sneaked out of the Gryffindor common room.

Ronald whispered in Harry's ear:

"Harry, are we really going?"

Harry nodded, and said seriously:

"Yes, I want to stop Professor Grindelwald's conspiracy!"

"Hagrid and Dumbledore both caring about something means that something is important!"

Then George interjected:

"Harry, I don't think it's Ian's conspiracy!"

"I already told you that during the day!"

Fred went on to say:

"Yes! Ian is very nice!"

"It's just scary!"

After hearing what the two said, Ronald retorted:

"George, Fred! He's a dark wizard!"

George and Fred looked at each other and said:

"so what?"

Seeing that Ronald wanted to continue speaking, Harry quickly grabbed him and said:

"Ronald, they won't believe it without proof!"

Ronald heard Harry's words and swallowed what he wanted to say.

George and Fred shook their heads and said:


The four continued to move towards the restricted area on the fourth floor.

Dodging Peeves and Filch along the way, they finally came to the gate of the restricted area...

This is where Harry and Ronald were caught by Filch!

Just as Harry and Ronald were reminiscing about the bad encounter, George had already drawn his wand.

George pointed his wand at the door lock:

"Alahoo hole is open."

Harry and Ronald saw that the gate of the restricted area was opened in one fell swoop!

The two couldn't help regretting, why didn't they think of this spell at the time!

Obviously taught in the first class!

Then George and Fred looked back at the two of them and said:

"The big dog is behind the door!"

"Be sure to pay attention to safety!"

"You must obey our command!"

When Harry and Ronald heard what George and Fred said, the remorse just now was replaced by joy in an instant!

Fortunately, the door was not opened, but there is a three-headed dog inside!

Harry and Ronald nodded hastily.

Seeing that the two agreed to come down, George slowly opened the gate of the restricted area.

The four of them only heard a snoring sound, and then they saw the huge three-buy-hate!

At this time, its three heads are resting on its paws, sleeping.

Ronald almost screamed in fright, but fortunately Harry reacted in time and covered Ronald's mouth!


George and Fred looked at Ronald with a headache. Does this Ronald look like their family?

Then George and Fred made a silent gesture to Harry and Ronald.

Creeping into the restricted room, they saw one of the three-headed dog's paws resting squarely on the trapdoor.

Fred 1.4 Red waved to Harry and Ronald, signaling them to come quickly!

Harry and Ronald's faces were pale now, but seeing the two waving, they still mustered up the courage to walk up.

Gryffindor has no cowards!

Seeing the two people approaching, George whispered:

"Harry, Ronald, let's work together to lift this paw for him!"

Ronald's legs are going weak now!

But they still listened to George, and lifted the paw of the three-headed dog together with Harry.

Seeing the two of them, Fred commanded in a low voice:

"Come on, let's work together! Gently!"

"We moved its paw to the left!


The four worked together to move the paws of the three-headed dog to the left little by little.

But they didn't notice that the nose of the three-headed dog moved slightly.

And the snoring is gone!.

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