Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Tom of the Leaky Cauldron

With the tapping of the goblins.

The gate gradually became transparent.

Finally, it slowly disappeared.

Reveal what's in the vault.

The inside of the vault is golden.

There is not a single silver siko.

The numerous galleons even raised the floor of the vault by one floor.

In the corner of the wall are boxes of open jewelry.

Ruby emeralds and more.

But any jewelry that can make countless women crazy is randomly discarded in the box.

As if they were not precious gems, but stones that no one wanted.

The most striking are the well-preserved plant and animal materials.

There are dried yellow grass and black pieces of flesh.

There is even a fragment of a stone that has been carefully preserved.

The stone is dull in color.

Even if it is thrown on the ground, no one will pick it up.

But it is such a stone that is protected here.

There are more important positions than various galleons.

Braun was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he didn't know what to say.

The scene in front of him was simply shocking to him.

It was the first time in two lifetimes that he had seen so much gold and precious stones.

I can't help but think of a sentence I learned in my previous life:

"Ding Ding jade, gold nuggets and gravel, abandon the throw, and do not hesitate..."

Now he can finally understand what this means.

Braun couldn't help but be curious when he saw the carefully preserved materials.

Want to ask questions.

But after seeing the goblin next to him, he didn't say anything.

If there is anything you want to ask, let's go home and ask again.

Mr. Foley casually poured out some of the gold gallons from his wallet.

It feels almost after.

Close the wallet.

"Let's go. Let's go back. ”

The goblin who looked at Jin Garon who was obsessed with it also came back to his senses at this moment.


Wait until Foley and Braun come out.

The goblin chanted the spell again.

The gate that had disappeared reappeared.

The three got into the minecart again.

The speed of going back is much slower than when I came down.

Braun also had time to admire the gloomy cave while listening to the goblin's introduction.

Arrived at the reception room.

Mr. Foley handed the keys to Borg first.

Then after a few more pleasantries.

That's when I left.

Out of the gates of Gringotts.


Mrs. Foley asked seemingly casually.

Representative Foley pats the purse:

"It's a lot less than last time.

But when Braun's talent is revealed, the goal may recover again. ”

"These guys are really snobs!"

Mrs. Foley said with some dissatisfaction.

Compared with his wife's dissatisfaction, Mr. Foley is much calmer:

"No way, the wizarding world is like this.

Strength is fundamental. ”

"Give, Braun.

Buy something you want. ”

Mr. Foley generously pulled out a large handful of gold gallons and stuffed them into Braun's pocket.

Braun wasn't as excited as the other kids.

After taking out Jin Garon and observing it.

He stuffed it back into his pocket.

He usually has basically the home he wants.

He couldn't think of what else he needed.

But he didn't say he wanted to get the money back.

It is still useful to leave some money on you.

Instead of waiting until you need it, ask your family.

It's not that you save your own money.

He is not a child either, and he does not spend it casually.

The family went to Old Tom's shop first.

This is arguably the most famous place in Diagon Alley.

The Leaky Cauldron Bar was founded in the 16th century.

Founded by Daisy Doddridge, its address is 1 Diagon Alley.

After the introduction of the Wizarding Secrecy Act.

The Leaky Cauldron became a passageway between Diagon Alley and the Muggle world.

It was also the first place many Muggle-born wizards came into contact with the wizarding world for the first time.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Leaky Cauldron went through a difficult period.

At that time, the Muggle government was planning to build the Charin Crossing. According to the original plan, the bar would be razed to the ground.

Faris Spaven, then Minister of Magic, believed that this was the ultimate fate of the Leaky Cauldron and that there was no way to save it.

However, just after his seven-hour speech on the matter, Spaven received a note from his secretary and learned that all the wizards were united.

The plan of the entire road was modified through a large number of oblivion curses, so that the Leaky Cauldron had a place in the new road plan.

Muggle designers were puzzled as to why there was an empty space in the design that could not be found with the naked eye.


How popular the Leaky Cauldron Bar really is among wizarding groups.

Albert Foley greeted the owner Tom Sr. cordially:

"Tom! Good business! Bring me a glass of sherry.

Braun, you that? ”

"I want to drink pumpkin juice."

"Albert, this is your son! I didn't expect it to be so big! ”

Old Tom expertly found the wine from the counter behind him.

While chatting with Mr. Foley.

Braun looked closely at Old Tom in front of him.

The hair is lost and the teeth are basically gone.

The ditch in their faces seems to tell their story.

The back also hunched down.

But it's such an old man.

But you can snap your fingers and make the furnace that is about to go out.

Light the flame again.

Fire Burning Charm, a very simple little magic.

It's so simple that it basically doesn't require a spell to cast.

However, even such a small spell can be easily released without magic spells is not so simple. *

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