Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 51: Panicked Little Girl Braun: It turned out to be Hermione

That's how much happier I feel.

"Cousin, that Dalí is the son of someone who wants to work with his father.

Always pestering me! ”

Pauline said to Braun with some dissatisfaction.

"By the way, Pauline, what's your full name?"

Braun asked coldly.

Pauline was stunned for a moment:

"Pauline Mayne. What's wrong? ”

"Nothing, curious to ask."

Braun said casually.

If he guessed correctly, his uncle should be the Mayne who went to the Desleys house as a guest in the original book.

If Dobby hadn't stepped in and dunked the cake on their heads, the Desleys' rig would have been sold.

He understood that his uncle's surname had changed from Foley to Mayne.

It's not just your own home.

Almost all pure-blood families have Squibs after being sent into the Muggle world.

The last name will be changed.

This is a default rule in pureblood.

It's just that compared to other pure-blood families, at least the Foley family will not kick the Squib people out of the family tree, and the name will still be retained on it.

And the Black family, which claims to be forever pure, has done too much.

They claim to be always pure, but in fact they are kicking the Squib people out of the family tree.

This is no different from covering ears and stealing bells.

Of course, they didn't end very well.

The people in the family are basically dead.

The only one-stricken Sirius is still locked up in Azkabana at the moment.

"Cousin, don't you throw this fist cover?"

Look at the fist sleeve spinning around Braun's finger.

Pauline couldn't help but ask.

Braun said casually:

"I think it's interesting. I'm going to take it back to show my friends. ”

Braun replied.

In fact, he just didn't want to waste brain cells thinking about Christmas presents.

Just give this thing to Ronald.

He hadn't seen this thing anyway.

Just tell him it's a favorite gift for Muggle boys.

He must have accepted it happily.

And taking Dalí's fist holster away himself can be regarded as saving Harry Potter's life.

Otherwise, he would have to use his little face to open the fist.

"Oh... I always seemed out of place because I was too kind. ”

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I mean, is there any food here?

I ate a little less at noon and I was a little hungry. ”

Pauline raised her head:

"I remember crossing this road and turning left and there was a dessert shop, how about we go to pudding?"

"When... Hey! Be careful! ”

Before he could finish speaking, Braun rushed up and grabbed the hand of a little girl who was about to cross the street before waiting for the green light.

The girl seemed a little frightened.

Somehow, as soon as Braun grabbed her hand, he felt a force bounce him off.


Braun slammed into the street lamp.

Fortunately, the impact of this force is not large.

Just grinning at Braun didn't hurt anything else.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't know what's going on. ”

The girl said a little confused.

"Cousin, are you all right?"

Pauline first looked around with some concern.

After finding that Braun was no big deal, he stood up and pinched his waist:

"What's going on with you!

My cousin was kind enough to help you, otherwise you would have been hit by a car long ago.

Why are you still beating people! ”

As he spoke, his voice lowered again:

"Moreover, with so much effort."

It seemed that he was afraid of being beaten, and he carefully retreated.

Just now she saw Braun fall and was a little anxious.

But after reacting at the moment, he couldn't help but get scared, and he only saw Braun pull the girl over and be thrown out.

I didn't see it clearly because of the perspective.

I thought Braun had been beaten.

He shouted in a hurry.

But then he thought that even Braun was not an opponent, and his small body would definitely not be able to hold up, so his voice lowered again.

"Yes, I'm sorry! I really don't know what's going on. ”

The girl was at a loss.

She didn't know what was going on, she only felt a tension in her heart, and then Braun was ejected.

At this moment, Braun has slowly stood up holding the street lamp.

The thick clothes he was wearing and the heavy snow on the ground did not hurt him.

"Pauline, it's none of her business... She shouldn't have known what was going on. ”

"Cousin, how are you?"

Pauline hugged Braun with some concern.

"Nothing, just a fall. She should have been a magic riot. I didn't control it for a while. ”

Pauline nodded understandingly, although she didn't quite understand what a magic riot was, but she probably knew that it might be a sign of a wizard.

That is to say, this girl in front of you also has a chance to become a wizard?

Can't help but feel some good feelings for her.

Braun just wanted to go back.

But he was stopped by the girl.

"You, hello.

What is Magic Riot?

And are you really all right?

My dad is at the mall not far away, and I can get him to take you to the hospital. ”

Just finished speaking.

Then I saw a slightly chubby blonde man hurrying over.

Still holding a bunch of things in his hand.

It seems a little anxious.

But he was visibly relieved to see the girl.

“ Hermione! How many times have I said it.

Can't run around on your own. ”

"Sorry dad, I won't next time."

Seeing her daughter confess.

The man didn't say anything more:

"Is this your classmate?

Did this kid fall as a problem? Need my help?

Hey? You are...... Pauline? Mr. Mason's daughter? ”

Pauline's attention was on Braun just now.

At this moment, I heard someone shouting his name.

As soon as he looked up, he couldn't help but be surprised:

"You're Uncle Granger?"

Mr. Granger expressed concern:

"That's right, it's me.

What happened to your little companion? ”

"Dad, it's..."

Before Hermione could finish speaking, Braun interrupted.

"Hello sir, I accidentally fell just now thanks to Miss Granger for helping me, thank you very much."

Mr. Granger first looked approvingly at his somewhat stunned daughter.

Then humbly said:

"Is it? It's really nothing. Are you okay. Where is your home and do you want me to give you a ride?" ”*

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